
Mated To The Demon King

Ilyas a blood thirsty monster whose terror was known in the kingdom. He calls himself god because he possess the ability to read people’s thoughts and see the secrets hidden in their mind. However, his world turned around when he met Marissa the only person whose thoughts and mind he couldn’t read yet she could read his. Marissa loathes the demon king and never ceased to hide this fact. Her lifelong dream is to kill him but little did she know that there’s a thin line between love and hate. Especially when the goddess has some other plan. Will Marissa fulfill her lifelong dream and kill Ilyas?

Donald_Chuks · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
46 Chs

Chapter One


"Wake up!"

  I heard a loud yell, and before I could open my eyes to face the owner of the voice, I heard the loud splashing sound of water and my face was attacked by a large amount of it.

My body shivered in reaction to the freezing water.

As soon as I opened my eyes, they met Madam Yolanda's. She was glaring at me with a heavy frown on her face.

I jumped out of bed and stood up. 

"Good morning, Madam Yolanda," I greeted with a slight bow.

"Oh, shut up!" She yelled. "What is good about this morning, huh?" She hissed and came closer to me. "There is definitely nothing good about the morning!" She grabbed me and made me kneel. 

"I actually thought today would go well, but a lazy slave like yourself is trying to ruin it!" She yelled. 

Her glaring eyes almost sent spikes into my skin, which had produced visible goosebumps.

"Weren't you informed last night?" Yolanda asked demandingly.

  I swallowed hard as I studied the whole room.

The room was where I and eleven other slave girls stayed. My eyes widened in shock when I noticed none of them were in. I wondered why I was the only one in the room, sleeping soundly.

  Was I left out, again?

Oh no. 

These girls can be annoying. They pretend like my presence would  spread some kind of plague around. Hence, they avoid and even exclude me in the group chores. Then they leave me to do the most difficult of the chores. 

At first, I thought that it was probably because I was the newest and youngest among the slaves, but It appeared that I was wrong. 

They just hate me and I still don't know why.

Since the first day I stepped into this room, these girls have done nothing but spite me, but I ignored their actions, thinking it was something insignificant, but now I know that they don't just hate me, they loathe me.

"Didn't the girls inform you last night!" Madam Yolanda's voice came again, louder and angrier than before, and with that, I was jolted out of my deep thoughts.

I gulped audibly and slowly shook my head. "I wasn't…" I replied truthfully.

  I saw her eyes widen. 

She seemed to be getting even more furious.

"What?" She muttered before waving her hand in dismissal. "Anyway, wash up and get dressed. There's a lot to do. We have a big event coming up today," She stated sternly before proceeding to leave.

"Madam Yolanda," I called softly. 

She turned to me with a look that made me tremble. 

"What?!" She yelled.

"The event....." I stuttered. Her look was killing. "What is it about?" I asked, my voice was lower than intended.

She eyed me disdainfully and just when I thought that she wouldn't tell me, she replied with the words that made my heart race nervously. "The King...."

The world seemed to have stopped for a second at that moment. I couldn't utter a single word, It seemed like there was a heavy lump stuck in my throat.

"The ki…king?" I spluttered, helplessly.

"Yes," She affirmed, making me feel dizzy. "The King arrives today, and we need to hold a celebration for that. The other slaves are working on the decoration and I want you to get your lazy self there right away. I want  every hand on the job!" She uttered before walking out of the room.

My eyes turned red in fury and my hands clenched tightly as my thoughts went to the so-called King, whom I actually loathed with my soul and spirit.

I could spit out a thousand times after hearing his name, and I wished he was never alive to begin with.

Every time his name is mentioned , the first thing that comes to my mind are the words of my mother. Even on her dying bed, her last words were, "Stay away from the King." 

I wonder why she wants me to stay away from that Monster. But on second thoughts, who wouldn't want that? 

The king is a monster that feeds on human blood. Rumour has it that his favourite snack is foetus in pregnant women. However, instead of wanting to stay away, I wish I could get close enough to kill him. 

As much as I would love to obey my mother and stay away from the King, I couldn't. After my mother's death, I was taken by the king's men and sent to work as a slave. 

It's been two months since I arrived here but now I am being sent to the palace to work in preparation for the King's birthday. 

I let out a heavy sigh before moving to the bathroom so that I would wash up.

A few minutes later, I left my room, neatly dressed in my maid uniform.

  As I walked through the gates of the palace, I noticed the men smiling and staring at me. Most of them murmured whilst pointing at me. 

I was directed to a hall when I arrived at the Palace and my eyes met with the scornful gazes of the other girls. 

"Why is she here?" One of them muttered.

"I wonder," The other replied, hissing afterwards.

I looked down and sighed softly. I shook the feelings aside and decided to get hyperactive. Possibly, the girls would just let me be. Even if it's just for today, I want them to let me be so that I can work diligently. 

I wouldn't want to get into any more trouble with Madam Yolanda. 

"Hello, I was asked to come here to work. What can I do?" I asked, scanning the almost beautiful environment.

"Why not lick our sandals," The one who leads the other girls spoke first and the others burst into a loud laughter. 

"Or you could just sit your ass down and do nothing. Nobody needs you!" The tallest girl, Sophia, barked.

"And who says nobody needs her?" A familiar voice sounded from behind and everyone gasped.

"Madam Yolanda…" Sophia whispered, her soft voice drifting off.

Yolanda sneered and walked up to Sophia. Before she could blink an eye, Yolanda crashed her palm against Sophia's face, which induced a resounding slap. 

Everyone gasped loudly. 

"How dare you ignore my orders!" Yolanda barked. She was pissed. 

  "I clearly asked you to inform everyone of today's activity, so why didn't you inform Marissa?" Yolanda growled furiously with her arms folded and against her chest.

"I'm… I'm sorry," Sophia stuttered, almost tearing up.

Yolanda hissed and faced me. When my eyes met with hers, I instantly looked down and kept my hands together.

"Get to work!" She simply said and finally left.

When she was out of sight, I noticed everyone glaring at me. Sophia eventually looked at me and I saw her sad but angry gaze.

"Come. Let me show you where to work." She muttered.

  I nodded before following her quietly.

I was given a spot to arrange and decorate. 

  I started the work immediately and made sure to do it nicely to avoid getting slapped too. 

After a few hours, we were done and the whole place was looking grand and magnificent. I couldn't help but be stunned by the beautiful surroundings, but when I remembered it was all for the evil King, I scowled my face, clenched my fists, and gnashed my teeth.

  I wished there were thorns in place of the roses which spread out on the floor. 

"Hurry! Get moving!" We heard a guard bark and we turned. Everyone rushed out, and immediately stood at ease.

I wondered what was happening and looked around. Most of the girls started murmuring.

"I heard the king is coming…" I heard someone say from afar, and by the looks of things, everyone seemed to be excited and elated.

Why would they feel so happy to see the King who feeds on human blood?

  The thought agitated me.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "What is so great about him, anyway?" I mumbled, looking at the happy faces of those who talked about him.

"Hey… Stop saying that," Someone whispered beside me and I turned to see a young lady with dirty brown hair smile at me, but fear was visible on her pretty face.

"Why?" I asked unbothered.

The lady sighed deeply and shook her head. "What if someone heard you?"

"So?" I shrugged without care. 

"Oh dear, you should mind your words and thoughts when the King is around," she said, making me wonder if she was scolding or advising me.

"Why?" I questioned.

The lady brought her face closer to mine and whispered in my ear. "Because, the King hears our thoughts and reads our minds."