

An orphan girl that has a power that not everybody in the world has. From this day on, she is different. She will need time to control her power. In the time of sorrow and sadness, she decided to kill her self but a werewolf man save her life. In that day, she met her one and only "Mate". What is her mysterious power that suddenly awakened? How will she accept her Handsome werewolf mate?

Midnyt_Zun · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
309 Chs

Chapter 74

Ever since bonding, I at least gather satisfaction from the fact that she will feel some measure of regret if she casts me away. It hurts that it is turning out like this, but a sadistic part of me is happy that she now fully belongs to me.

The Council can't separate our bond. All I need to do is somehow convince Berenice that she needs me, and perhaps she can somehow convince the Council to let me stay with her.

That plan may be harder than I thought to achieve, considering that I am stuck down in the dungeon. It isn't that bad of a place, our cell having four beds and a decent bathroom.

The floor and walls seems to be made of solid rock and the room is decorated sparsely. It reminds me of the hotel we stayed at, except the doors have bars.

"George, what have you been doing?" James asks George while he surveys a small hole in the wall.

"Have you been trying to drill through the walls?"