
Chapter 12

I stare into the face of my savior, and grimace. Somehow, I know even before I look that the mysterious man is Caleb.

"Why would you do something stupid like fall out of the bathroom window?" he asks confusedly, his tone a little accusing.

Setting me down, away from the thorns, he steps out as well. Streaks of red blood pulsate from his knee down, thorns sticking into his leg.

He seems not to notice the demolition of his beautiful calves, continuing on with his.

"Why are you so stupid?"

"I had to run from the front of the school," he complains, "to you in three seconds flat, and avoid a group of annoying girls along the way! Why were you in the window? I thought you were in the bathroom! And don't they usually keep those windows shut? How could you fall out of a closed window-"

"I was trying to escape, wolfboy. Get it right," I say, without energy or menace.

A near-death experience takes a lot out of you.

Caleb looks at me, his eyes wide and begins to laugh hysterically. I realize now that the fact that I was trying to escape makes me look even stupider than if I had just fallen out of the window.

"Berenice," he speaks, his voice like melted butter as it slips through his lips, "You can't escape from me."

Anger pumps through my veins, sparks flying. Who is he to tell me I can't escape? Even though he's probably right.

"Oh and Berenice" he says suddenly, "take this."

He offers me a small ring, with an emerald on top. It sparkles in the light, as beautiful as Caleb's eyes. I slip it on my finger, though dubious.

"Is this an engagement ring?" I ask suspiciously.

He shakes his head.

"If it was, I would propose," he says obviously, making me feel stupid again.

Anger courses through me as I think of the endless amount of days I was going to have to endure this werewolf; one that thinks he is all that.

However, all doom and gloom evaporates as I survey the blood running towards his foot. It is worse now, the thorns growing irritated in the skin.

"Caleb," I tell him, squatting down to examine the injury better, "We have to get you a bandage!"

I have to admit, it was very nice and heroic of Caleb to save me, and I owe him at least this much concern.

Caleb shrugs, "I'll get it fixed at the mansion. It can wait."

His careless attitude is completely opposite from what it should be, reminding me once again that he is not normal.

"No," I say fiercely, "It can't."

Opening my backpack, I take a small supply of napkins out of a pocket. Brushing it across the blood, I wipe most of it off so I can get a better view.

The thorns protrude from his skin, big ones that would have me in tears. Using my fingers, I carefully pull each one out, trying to ignore the desire pulsing through me.

The vulnerability I am displaying to the over-affectionate werewolf.

Caleb shoots me a smile as I take out the last thorn, offering me a hand to help me stand.

"Thanks, Berenice," he says softly, as if my tiny action means a lot to him.

Knowing Caleb, it probably does.

"What about the blood?" I question, looking at his red stained ankles.

He shakes his head.

"Don't worry about it. It will heal soon," he assures me, his voice confident.

I roll my eyes, and then look to the window. It is dark inside, so I can't see the face, but I am sure the figure is still in there, watching us both. It seemed to be a girl, but I am not sure.

All I know is that the person, whatever the gender, wants me dead. The chills are unceasing, biting at me with terrible force.

Caleb turns to the forest behind us, right beyond the meadow.

"It's this way," he declares, his tone certain.

He whirls back to face me, his arms spread out wide.

"Come here," he demands.

His eyes are fierce, ordering obedience. Not knowing quite why, I oblige him. He sweeps me into his arms once more, strangely comforting me with his warmth.

There is a silence as Caleb grits his teeth, and then he begins to run. Blindingly fast, his legs zoom into the vast underbrush, destination unknown to me.

However, at this moment, I don't care. Caleb is the least of my troubles.

The voice still echoes in my head, stirring up fear in my heart. "He is mine."

I watch the scene around me, a blur of green, blue, and brown, with awe. It is so strange, the way everything changes so quickly.

It is a collage of the senses, everything mashed together, unable to observe. The only thing that's constant is Caleb, and his huge arms around my form.

Feeling like a baby in a cradle, I rock in his arms, marveling at the way I seem to fit in his embrace. For once, I am thankful for my small size.

His hands offer constant heat as they radiate to my skin, warmth and desire blended together. It is an ordeal to him, I can tell, to just hold me like this, for the temptation is huge. For us both.

I look to Caleb's masculine features, at the way his azure hair sparkles in the breeze. When the sun hits it just right, it resembles the rainbow, all the colors shining in each strand. It is the most magnificent hair I have ever seen in my life.

His eyes, too, are incredible. They are also the only things about him that are truly abnormal. They are so amazingly bright, it is just hard to believe that they belong to a human. And, of course, they don't.

He casts a look at my face, rough and ragged, covered by thick glasses and bangs. I feel discomfort in his measuring gaze, though it is full of unbelievable affection.

I don't understand why he loves me so much, but I can't help but admire his enthusiasm.

The violent air slapping at us both stops as Caleb comes to a gentle halt. Everything around me becomes clearer, focus regaining.

"What is this place?!" I say with absolute awe, practically jumping out of his arms.

It is amazing, a feat of nature standing before me.