
matched by longdistance

couldnt find it on fanfiction . net anymore so I'm uploading a copy i have for those that still want to read it

SpectreOfKaos · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


Draco descended the stairs faster than usual that morning, his hands working quickly to pull his tie to his neck. Hermione was already in the kitchen trying to down a piece of toast with her coffee as she stepped into her shoes.

A piece of toast popped up suddenly and she held it to him over her shoulder. Draco took it and quickly bit into it as he poured a cup of black coffee for himself.

They were clearly running late and it was all his fault. He'd woke her up before their alarm had gone off and skillfully convinced her that one round of lovemaking before work would do both of them good. Unfortunately, the second round in the shower had pushed them into running late. Granted, it wasn't late by Ministry standards but it was late for both of them.

Hermione downed the rest of her coffee and shrugged her robes on over her work attire. "Do you want me to wait?"

Draco swallowed on a large bite of toast and shook his head. "No, you go ahead. I'll only be a minute."

She nodded and leaned up to kiss him quickly. She frowned when she pulled back. She reached up with her thumb and wiped his lower lip.

"I'm going to have to change my lipstick. That's the second time this new one has come off on you."

He swallowed his last bite and drained his cup quickly. "You just want them all to know I'm taken," he smirked.

"Yes, Draco," she rolled her eyes. "That's exactly it."

He reached for his robes and briefcase and followed her to their fireplace. The Ministry was just beginning to buzz with activity when they stepped out together. He kissed her cheek and they parted in opposite directions, oblivious to the usual gossipers.

"Bloody hell," a young man muttered to his friend, "I think she's in love with him."

"Ugh, then there's really no chance of being rematched with her then."

"Like you'd have a chance. What the hell do you have in common with her?"

"He's so sweet to her. I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself. He's such a surly ass most of the time," a woman whispered to another as they passed him towards the lifts.

"I knew they'd work out. I could tell. I've got an eye for these things, you know."

"Yeah, right, Ellen. You bet Meg they'd crash and burn and Hermione would have to find a reason to have him written up even though he's not even in her department."

"Do you think she's pregnant?"

"Oh, I bet so. Their children are going to be so beautiful."

Draco swept into the aurors' office as if he were floating on air. Despite the late start to the morning, it had all been worth it. He sniggered to himself when he saw Harry's open doorway and could clearly hear multiple voices within his office.

He set his briefcase down before creeping over quietly. Just as he'd suspected, he found Ron, Seamus, and Cormac all loitering around Harry's desk.

Harry looked up when he heard light footsteps and heaved a sigh of relief. Someone else was finally here to listen to them.

"Nice of you to join us, Malfoy," Harry gave him a pointed look. AKA, get in here and divert this from me.

Draco nodded in understanding and moved into the office. He leaned back against the bookcase adjacent to Harry's desk and crossed his arms over his chest. "Nice weekend, Weasley," he smirked.

Ron rolled his head to look at him and he nearly laughed out loud at the look on the red head's face. He looked exhausted but not entirely upset about it.

"I think she shagged his bleeding brains out," Seamus laughed.

"I've been married a nearly a month and Daphne still won't even let me touch her," Cormac muttered irritably.

"Perhaps if you ask nicely," Draco suggested haughtily. "They been gabbing your ear off, Potter?"

"Malfoy, I think you're enjoying this a little too much."

Draco merely shrugged and reached for a candy from the bowl on his desk. Supplied by Ginny no doubt.

Ron waved a lazy hand through the air between Harry and Draco. "You both bloody knew, didn't you? Your bloody wives knew, too!"

"Not until it was too late, mate," Harry frowned. "I figured it would be best not to say anything. You would have freaked out."

Ron shook his head dazedly. "She said it was bad luck not to consummate the marriage on the wedding night. Something about nargles and Zagsniffs causing trouble."

"Couldn't have been all bad, Weasley."

"No," he shook his head slowly, "not bad at all. Just…surprising really. I guess I'm just trying to wrap my head around it. She was bloody insatiable." He glanced at Harry. "I didn't even get to eat breakfast. I love breakfast!"

Draco gave his co-worker a I told you so look as he smirked.

"I'd trade places in a heartbeat," Cormac grumbled.

Draco turned a glare on the shorter man. "Have a bit of respect, McLaggen. Try romancing her a bit first."

Cormac doubled over with laughter at that comment. "Romance? Malfoy, don't tell me you're now that whipped? Even if it is Granger."

Harry and Ron, even Seamus, exchanged uncertain expressions and physically put a bit of space between themselves and the other two. Ron and Draco weren't friends exactly but he'd developed a great respect for how much Draco cared for Hermione. He wouldn't have been stupid enough to question him on it.

Seamus had just taken the blonde's advice over the weekend and while he hadn't gotten into bed with his wife, he had gotten a surprising snog. He wasn't about to cross him either.

Draco's hands curled into fists and he pushed away from the bookcase he'd been leaning against as he loomed closer to Cormac.

"Look, McLaggen, you're obviously an insufferable prat and I can't blame Daphne for not enjoying your company. The ministry is fucking with a lot of people right now but you should have a shred of dignity in you somewhere. Just because she had to marry you doesn't mean she has to fuck you."

Harry coughed uncomfortably and Ron turned a deep shade of pink as they glanced at each other warily. It seemed Draco wasn't done yet.

"And you're damn right I try to romance my wife a bit and it doesn't make you less of a man. I might be a surly git at times but never to her. I love that woman and obviously have far more respect for her than you do—someone who still keeps hitting on her left and right. You slimy shit!"

"Oi! Don't act like you know me, Malfoy! Just because you've made some half-assed turn around and don't call her names anymore doesn't mean I believe for a second—"

They were only about two feet apart when someone cleared their throat from the doorway. Angelina stood there sporting an amused expression. She shot a quick smile at Draco and stepped into the already crowded office.

"Sorry to interrupt but you've got a letter, Malfoy."

Some of the tension in him faded and he nodded. "Thanks. Needed an excuse to leave this sorry lot anyway."

Draco broke the seal on the letter as he walked to the door and flipped it open. He paused in the doorway suddenly and went stock still.

Harry peered at him as he rounded his desk to stand next to Ron who was busy glaring at Cormac.

"That really was a rubbish thing to say, mate," Ron scolded him quietly.

"Oh shut it," Cormac grumbled sulkily.

"Malfoy, you alright there," Harry called to him.

Draco turned around and swallowed. He'd gone a bit pale but he nodded as he feigned a bit of confidence. "Yeah, just fine. I need to take the afternoon off if that's alright."

Harry eyed him worriedly but nodded. There was something in his expression that didn't sit well with him.

Draco disappeared into his own office without a word and dropped the letter on his desk. He took a shuddering breath as he began pacing next to his desk. He didn't bother looking up when his door opened and closed quietly.

"Want to tell me what that was all about?"

He paused and shot Harry a worried glance before he resumed his pacing. "Bloody asshole is causing a disturbance in Azkaban again. I think he's likely gotten a letter from my mother about my marriage."

Harry slipped his glasses off and wiped them on his shirt before placing them back on his nose. "He can't do anything to either of you, Draco. You know that."

Draco stopped suddenly and faced him. "I know that but it's the vile shit that comes out of his mouth. I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back if he says anything about her. It was always one thing when they didn't know how I felt about her. It's completely different now that they know. He'll use it to get at me."

Harry shook his head sadly and crossed his arms. He could still remember the day he and Draco had blown up at each other when they first started working together. As odd as it was, they'd bonded over their mutually bad childhoods. They didn't discuss it but they each knew what had stopped the animosity between them.

"You can't let him see that it bothers you, mate. That will only fuel his hatred. He'll know that he's getting to you and he'll enjoy it even more."

He took a big gulp of air and nodded as he exhaled. "You're right. I hate it but you're right. Don't tell Hermione when you see her at lunch where I'm actually going. Just tell her I'm on assignment or something."

"You sure you want me to do that? Hermione hates lying. If she finds out, she'll be pissed at me but she'll likely hex you into next year."

"There's a difference between lying to hurt someone and lying to protect them, Potter. Just do it. I'll take all the blame if she finds out."

Harry nodded even though he didn't feel right about it.

Draco spent the morning trying not to stare at the clock as he scratched out report after report with his quill. Once everyone in the office left for lunch, he snuck out quietly to the main entrance.

Given the special wards surrounding Azkaban, he'd have to apparate to just outside the grounds and walk the rest of the way in which would take nearly an hour by itself. The usual guard met him near the entrance and did the standard security procedures on him.

"Sorry to have to see you again, Peters." He thankfully hadn't visited in over a year.

"Likewise, Malfoy," the older man smirked. "Word is your father's causing quite the stir lately."

Draco sighed as he handed over his wand and stood still while Peters checked him for any dark spells or artifacts. He left his robes and suit jacket with Peters, leaving him in his dress shirt and waistcoat. He didn't want anyone thinking he could possibly be hiding anything.

"Alright, mate. You check out. Follow Gordon there. He'll take you to the secure meeting room. Just remember to stay on your side of the table."

He nodded and followed the rotund man as he led him through the gates. The first time he'd been summoned to visit his father, he'd spent nearly two days locked inside his home afterwards just trying to recover. The place was horrible and it reminded him to be ever thankful that he'd been able to avoid it. Azkaban embodied all of his worst nightmares.

The screams of twisting and writhing pain brought the image of Hermione on the manor floor straight to his mind's eye. The skeletal figures huddled against stone walls, nervous bodies rocking back and forth reminded him of the horror he'd witnessed at the hands of that evil lunatic.

"Right through here, Mr. Malfoy. We'll bring your father in just a moment."

Draco hated the look of sympathy the man gave him. He hated his father even more though.

The room was stark white with a single rectangular, black table and two matching chairs. No magic worked in there and it made a wizard's body feel zapped over something intangible he couldn't quite explain.

He took his seat on one side of the table and clasped his hands in his lap tightly, tapping the toe of his shoe nervously. As soon as he caught himself, he stilled his shoe and sat up straighter. A nervous gesture that would have only fueled his father's fire.

He looked up when the doorknob began to turn. Gordon stood scowling as Lucius Malfoy stepped into the room.

Draco's face remained blank and impassive as he watched his father's approach. His long white-blonde hair hung limply around his face which appeared gaunter than the last time he'd seen him. His black and white striped robes hung on him but his expression was just as proud as ever. His chin jutted into the air, he took the seat across from his son and stared for a moment.

"Draco, you're looking well," he drawled.

"Father," Draco responded coldly. He didn't feel the need to add anything else.

"So glad you could spare the time to see your father while you prance about the Ministry under Potter's direction."

And there it was. Apparently he wasn't going to start easy this time.

Draco rolled his eyes up to the ceiling as he tried to appear unaffected. Inside he was a roiling mess. He'd always had the ability to make him feel less than worthy—of anything really.

"Let's get right to it. Is there a point to this clandestine meeting, father? I don't regularly make time for the kind of people I'm busy trying to lock up."

His father's mouth twisted into an evil smirk. "Ah yes, I forget that you're so far above us now." He leaned close over the table, his rank breath fanning across the space. "Don't forget that you still wear his mark, son."

Draco could hold back no longer and sneered. He reached for the cuff of his left sleeve and quickly undid it before jerking his sleeve up to show his faded mark.

"Much less than you though, father." He smiled in satisfaction at the brief look of confusion that flitted across the older Malfoy's face. It was gone nearly as quickly as it had come.

The mark had faded more over the last week and he felt that by Christmas in a few weeks it would only be the faint outline that Hermione had predicted.

"So you've found some way to rid yourself of your past then, Draco. I suspect your new wife didn't enjoy looking at a reminder of what should have been for her."

Draco fought the urge to launch himself across the table and strangle him with his bare hands. He breathed deeply and chanted her name in his mind five times to calm himself.

"We have very different views of what should and shouldn't have been, father."

"Clearly, Draco. I confess that I received a most interesting letter from your mother recently. It seems you've developed quite an…affection for your mudblood wife."

He crossed his arms over his chest as calmly as he could manage. His blood was boiling and vibrating in his veins just as he suspected it would. Harry's advice from earlier came rushing back to him. Best to spar with just words.

"My wife," he gritted his teeth, "is none of your concern."

Lucius narrowed his eyes at his son but didn't flinch. "Let me be clear and to the point, Draco. I don't care what the Ministry wants. Fuck her if you want to but don't have children with her. Her magic isn't pure. Her blood is soiled. She's not worthy of your bloodline."

Draco ground his teeth as he thought through his response. He placed his hands on the table, trying with all his might not to shake as he leaned forward. "Then let me be clear as well. I don't answer to you. You vile piece of shit. You're not even worthy to lick the bottom of her shoes. It's me who isn't worthy of her. And it's all because of you and the sick filth you filled me with growing up."

It made him even angrier that he didn't seem at all affected by his anger. He just sat there staring as if he hadn't heard him at all. "They've poisoned your mind, Draco."

He stood up straight, preparing to leave. "You poisoned my mind! She's my wife and I love her. One day she'll have my children and I can only hope I won't be the kind of shitty father you were."

Lucius didn't even bother to turn around as Draco strode to the door. "Draco," he called.

"Rot in hell," he fired back, not bothering to spare him another look.

Filled with emotion, he'd gone back to work but straight to the Experimental Charms department to work on a spell he'd been trying to stabilize lately. He had no desire to recount his conversation with his father to anyone, especially not Harry.

He stayed for an hour before his concentration wavered. He still didn't feel like he could go straight home and instead apparated to Diagon Alley. He stood frozen in front of Flourish and Blotts for a moment as a realization struck him.

Every time he was forced to visit his father in Azkaban, he fought the same feeling. This time he knew for sure—he wasn't his father. He would never become him either. He had his freedom and a second chance.

As he breathed in the cold December air and took in the decorations already adorning the alley, he smiled to himself. He would break the Malfoy mold and his children would one day shatter it.

After purchasing some Christmas gifts, feeling thankful he had someone new to shop for, he miniaturized them and hid them in his robes before disapparating home.

It was past seven when he appeared in front of his home. He rarely looked at the front of the home he'd lived in for nearly the past six years. A home he now shared with the woman he'd never thought would accept him.

Lights were on in various rooms so he knew she was home and likely waiting for him. He found Bitsy downstairs pulling a baked chicken from the oven.

"Mistress Hermione is upstairs, sir. Just got in a few minutes ago."

"Thank you, Bitsy." He gave her his robes when she gestured to take them. "I've got some presents hidden in there. Would you mind much hiding them in your house? I don't want Hermione to stumble across them."

His house elf gave him a proud grin and saluted. "Of course, sir. Bitsy would be most glad to help."

She disappeared with a loud pop.

Draco trudged up the stairs at a snaillike pace. He couldn't avoid her forever. Suddenly the weight of his afternoon came rushing back, crushing his shoulders under the weight of it. He felt filthy just having been in the same room as his father.

How ironic that he'd spent so many years calling Hermione filthy when in reality it was him all along. Filthy ideas, Filthy magic. Just plain filthy.

He pushed their bedroom door open and nearly laughed at the sight before him. Her cat mewed softly from the window ledge before scurrying past his legs and out the door. Hermione lay on her back on the bed, her legs hanging off the end as she panted. He noted the running shoes on her feet and the track jacket she'd shed on the floor.

She glanced up when she heard him and propped herself on her elbows.

"I'm going to kill Ginny," she groaned before she fell back again.

Draco shed his suit jacket and waistcoat as he approached her. He stood at the edge of the bed and looked down at her. Still dressed in a pair of running tights and a sports bra, she had a light sheen of sweat all over her.

The sight made him crack a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes but lightened his chest a bit. "Merlin's Beard, what's happened to you?"

"She made me run," she moaned miserably. "Said she missed her morning run before practice and begged me to come with her so she wouldn't have to run alone in the dark. Since you hadn't made it home and Harry said you were on assignment, I caved." She grunted pitifully. "I don't run, Draco!"

Draco bit his lip as he shook his head. He lay on his side next to her and placed a hand on her bare stomach, fingers trailing along her abdominals to her navel.

Hermione shivered under his touch but even without seeing his eyes she knew something was wrong. She wrapped her hand around his wrist to stop him.

"Draco? Did something happen on your assignment today?"

After a long moment, his grey eyes finally met hers and she knew for sure something wasn't right.

"You weren't on assignment today, were you? What happened? Was it your mother again?"

He shook his head and moved to lean over her. He just needed to feel her for a moment. Make sure this was real and he wasn't imagining it or that she wouldn't run away from his touch.

Hermione allowed him to lay soft kisses against her neck. She reached up and held a hand to the back of his head as his lips trailed her skin.

"I'm sweaty," she breathed as he reached the tops of her breasts.

His only response was to lick the space between her breasts. She shivered and watched as he descended her body, his mouth now at her stomach where he stalled. She allowed him to kiss and nip at her navel before she finally had enough and wrenched his head away from her gently.

"Talk to me," she urged softly when his wary eyes met hers. "You're worrying me."

She felt his body heave as he sighed deeply. He settled himself on top of her, his legs dangling awkwardly between hers over the end of the bed, and rested his head against her chest.

Draco just couldn't meet those beautiful, brown eyes for this. "I'm not too heavy, am I," he mumbled when her fingers stroked through his hair.

"Not at all," she lied. He was much bigger than her after all. "But are you going to talk about what's bothering you? I know you're aware I don't like dishonesty. There had better be a good reason why Harry lied to me about where you'd gone today."

"I was summoned to see my father."

Her fingers stalled their gentle ministrations but only for a moment before he felt her nails scratching soothingly across his scalp.

"That's a good reason then. Want to tell me what happened?"

"Nothing you can't imagine. Same as my mother only he curses where she doesn't. Warned me not to have children with you."

Draco felt the laughter in her chest.

"Well too bad for him because it's going to happen one day whether he likes it or not. That's the whole point of this whole marriage after all—falling in love with you being a rather nice side effect."

He relieved her of some of his weight as he propped himself on his elbows. Her smile calmed his riotous soul.

He searched her eyes for a moment before the corners of his mouth tipped up slightly. Her lips met his when he lowered his head and she accepted his tongue almost immediately.

They stripped each other bare, literally and figuratively. Draco felt a dense weight lift from his shoulders with every kiss. And when she moaned his name near the end, he felt empty. Blissfully, beautifully empty.

Somehow they managed to make their way downstairs later and reheated the dinner that Bitsy had left for them. However, they ended up right back where they started afterwards.

Hermione lay draped across his chest in their dark room, lit only by the moon spilling through the open curtains. Draco held her protectively with one arm wrapped around her back, the other hand twirled her curls around his finger repeatedly.

A loud boom shook the house before the patter of a hard rain as it began to fall against the windows.

Draco glanced down at her and found she hadn't even flinched.

"Are you alright?"

Hermione shifted to look up at him and nodded. "I'm fine. It hadn't even crossed my mind honestly."

"Good," he kissed her forehead and relaxed when she settled against him again.

"It can't have been like this for everyone," she spoke offhandedly.

He pulled her up a little closer, tucking her head under his chin. "If the idiots I work with are to be believed, then I think not."

He felt her laughter and the kiss she pressed to his shoulder. "What do you mean?"

"Weasley doesn't know how to handle his wife wanting sex and McLaggen is upset that his wife doesn't. I may or may not have gotten into a disagreement with the latter over the importance of romancing your spouse and not just expecting her to jump into bed with you."

Hermione lifted her head to meet his gaze and smiled. "I see now why you were second only to me in school. Smart man."

Draco rolled his eyes but didn't argue. It was true. What was the point denying it? He'd always been second to her, even in Potions despite that Snape seemed to dislike her so thoroughly.

"Cormac is a vile git and always has been." She rested against him again. "Ron just never knows how to move forward in a relationship."

"Is that what happened between the two of you?"

"No, not exactly. It just kind of fizzled out on its own. We were both having a difficult time after the war. I wasn't the easiest to deal with then either after I couldn't reverse my obliviate spell on my parents. I don't think it would have worked regardless of all of those factors though. I love him dearly but we're too different. He's more like a brother now."

She rarely spoke of her parents, if at all. The reminder that she, too, was essentially alone without him made him angry for her. He wrapped her tighter in his arms though.

"His loss is my gain then."

They remained quiet for a while and were very nearly asleep when she nudged him gently.



"What do you do for Christmas? It will be here before we know it."

"I usually would show my face at the Potter's holiday party. I always did my best to avoid you and leave once you showed up. Mrs. Weasley always invited me to the Burrow but I knew you'd be there so I never showed. I sent presents via owl. Other than that, I usually stayed home. I give Bitsy the holiday off. She and many other elves gather for dinner and presents."

"You'll come to the Burrow with me this year then. You have no reason not to do all of those things now."

"I honestly hadn't even thought about it but I guess you're right."

Hermione lifted her head one last time and kissed him gently on the lips before she nestled in for sleep. "No more darkness in your life, Draco. I won't allow it."

Draco glanced at the green lights on her muggle clock, noting the time and the day. No, certainly no more darkness with her in his arms now. However, he really had to get a move on if he was going to be ready for the holiday in time.


Draco filled the last section of his report and set his quill down. He sent the report off with a wave of his wand and stood to gather his belongings. As much as he wanted to call it a day, the clock was ticking on his other project with the Experimental Charms department and he needed to finish before the holidays.

He was about to leave his office when a knock on the doorframe caught his attention. He looked up from straightening his files to find Hermione standing there waiting, her coat already on and her bag in one hand.

"Thought I'd floo home with you since you're still here." She was smiling but there was something hesitant in her expression.

He cringed as he understood the look on her face while he threw his own coat over his arm and grabbed his briefcase. He watched the way her smile diminished slowly and the brightness in her eyes faded when he didn't put his coat on.

"You have to work late again, don't you?"

One corner of his mouth lifted in a crooked smile. "I really need to finish that project before the holidays. The Ministry won't let it slide."

Hermione frowned at that. He'd been late getting home the last few nights since visiting his father, claiming he had a project to work on in the office that he couldn't do at home. She'd been torn on whether to say anything to Harry about it but ultimately decided maybe he just needed some time.

She knew it wasn't her that he was avoiding. He woke her each night, despite that he obviously tried not to do so, when he got into bed after a shower and curled his body around her snugly. There was something in the way he inhaled the scent of her hair as he relaxed against her that bothered her. It was as if he was completely stressed out but hiding it throughout the day.

They may have gone to bed at different times but he woke with her as usual each morning and she'd not been able to deny him when he nudged her onto her back to make love to her before work.

Ultimately, she nodded and turned on heel without another word. Something just didn't feel right. He was hiding something and he'd not done that from the very start. That was one thing she'd always been able to count on, even at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy had always told her the truth—even when that truth had been somewhat hurtful.

To have him withholding something stung a bit.

Draco groaned and felt his shoulders slump at the sight of her retreating form. He would be in deep shit if he didn't get this all sorted out and soon.

His gut told him to go after her but he also knew that he was so close to putting his project into action that he couldn't afford to skip another few hours working on it.

With a heavy sigh, he trudged off out of the aurors' offices to head upstairs. It was going to be a long night and his gut told him he might not be getting any early morning sex tomorrow.