
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

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147 Chs

Chapter 38: Outing (Bonus)

Yahiko's head dipped in a hesitant nod. Byakuya's understanding of him had grown considerably of late. He knew inciting wars from the shadows wasn't an option Yahiko would entertain. So, the strategist had proposed an alternative – acquiring industries to address Akatsuki's looming financial crisis.

However, some doubts danced in Yahiko's eyes as he caught Byakuya's playfully glinting gaze. The suggestion felt...off somehow. After careful deliberation, Yahiko concluded that Byakuya's words were ultimately empty.

Profitable industries naturally generated income. Existing, established ones wouldn't require forceful acquisition by another organization. That would fall back into the very cycle they aimed to break.

Byakuya, with a shrewd grin, seemed to anticipate Yahiko's line of thinking.

"Don't worry, boss. Forceful acquisition isn't on the table. I have a few well-considered methods in mind."

Byakuya wasn't merely placating Yahiko; he genuinely possessed a repertoire of unconventional money-making strategies. One such plan involved civilianizing existing ninja technology – a prospect brimming with lucrative possibilities.

The disparity between military and civilian technology in the ninja world was vast. While Konohagakure's labs toiled away on Wood Release kekkei genkai cloning, rural farmers were reduced to cultivating land through sheer muscle power. Even during crucial planting and harvest seasons, the reliance on ninjas remained a stopgap measure.

Perhaps this was a way for lower-level ninja to secure missions and income. Or, more likely, it was a deliberate strategy by nobles to restrict the ninja's influence. Confining ninjas to the mercenary sector, barring them entry into other industries, indirectly maintained the dominance of the daimyos and nobility.

But Byakuya? He saw no need to play by those established rules.

Yahiko leaned back in his chair, a flicker of trust crossing his features.

"I'll leave this matter in your capable hands, Byakuya."

While the intricacies of Byakuya's plan remained shrouded in mystery, Yahiko had an unshakeable faith in the strategist's resourcefulness.

After all, Byakuya had masterfully navigated Akatsuki through a financial crisis before, and Yahiko held no doubts about his ability to repeat the feat.

Suddenly, a sharp glint entered Byakuya's eyes as he fixed Yahiko with a piercing gaze.

"Before we delve further, Yahiko, I have a question that demands your honest response. Imagine our ventures flourish, attracting the covetous eyes of other ninjas and nobles. How would you react? Would you endure in silence, relinquishing your hard-earned success, or would you stand your ground and retaliate?"

Yahiko's brow furrowed in contemplation. Byakuya's question transcended mere industries; it resonated with the very core of Akatsuki's existence. He understood the veiled threat – Akatsuki itself would eventually become a target for those seeking power and wealth.

After a thoughtful pause, Yahiko spoke with unwavering resolve. "Retaliate," he declared firmly. "Should we be forced into such a corner, we won't hesitate to defend ourselves. Standing idly by is not an option."

Byakuya offered a curt nod, a hint of satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. "Indeed. It seems we share a certain commonality on this matter." Though he acknowledged the point of agreement, Byakuya quickly dismissed the notion of genuine camaraderie. Observing Yahiko's relentless pursuit of his ideals, Byakuya had witnessed a gradual erosion of the leader's naivety.

The truth was far more sinister. Akatsuki's growth was on a collision course with Amegakure. Conflicts of interest were inevitable, and an explosive confrontation loomed on the horizon. Byakuya's plan, however, harbored a far grander ambition: Akatsuki's ultimate ascendancy as the dominant power in the Land of Rain, replacing Amegakure's rule entirely. For now, they were in the phase of accumulating strength, biding their time. When the moment arrived, Byakuya would orchestrate the takeover, regardless of Amegakure's stance. By that point, Yahiko's idealistic vision would be rendered irrelevant.

Yahiko remained blissfully unaware of the churning thoughts within Byakuya.

He felt a little insecured. Here he was, the leader of Akatsuki, yet he felt utterly incompetent in Byakuya's presence.

Confined to the office, Yahiko spent his days buried under a mountain of paperwork, unable to tackle the organization's larger issues.

Byakuya, however, held a different perspective. While Yahiko's unwavering idealism bordered on naivety, he possessed undeniable strengths. His compassionate nature and patient demeanor fostered a sense of camaraderie within Akatsuki's ranks.

Unlike Byakuya himself, Yahiko possessed the time and temperament to handle the tedious minutiae, assigning tasks and offering solace to the villagers they sought to protect.

Byakuya harbored no illusions about delegating leadership. Konan perhaps, but her potential wouldn't blossom for a few years yet. Nagato, with his meek personality, was entirely out of the question. The rest lacked the necessary skills and experience. After all, most ninjas were glorified mercenaries, devoid of formal education.

While Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan weren't ideal choices, their tutelage under the legendary Jiraiya set them apart from the others. More importantly, placing them at the helm made them convenient targets – a liability in Byakuya's scheme of covert wealth accumulation.

After a half-hour conversation, Byakuya rose to leave Akatsuki's headquarters. As he departed, Yahiko surprised him with a new task – a joint mission with Konan the following day. They were to sell explosive tags and scout for potential investment opportunities.

Byakuya, to his amusement, didn't decline. It had been a while since he'd ventured out, and the thought of remaining perpetually confined to the base was unappealing. He wouldn't become another Kaguya Otsutsuki – a being with formidable power on paper, but lacking the practical experience to translate it into victory.

The next morning.

After warming up, Byakuya arrived at Konan's doorstep. After a few impatient rings, the door creaked open, revealing a bleary-eyed Konan.

"Byakuya?" She mumbled, her voice thick with sleep. "What brings you by so early?"

Byakuya's eyes narrowed as he noticed the dark circles marring Konan's youthful face.

"Late nights again, Konan-senpai? Didn't we discuss the law of supply and demand? Your health isn't something to gamble with."

"Not exactly late nights. I pulled an all-nighter, that's all."

Konan mumbled a protest. Blinking rapidly, she added.

"I've also cut back on explosive tag production recently. We have a surplus now, so I've implemented a system where everyone can exchange tags at the warehouse. It'll ensure everyone has enough for missions and stays safe."

Byakuya sighed. Overtime was practically ingrained in Akatsuki's culture. Back then, they hadn't even received salaries, relying solely on unwavering dedication. Konan's distribution system essentially meant everyone was working for free, albeit indirectly promoting the organization's growth.

But at what cost? He couldn't shake off the worry that Konan might push herself to the breaking point.

Just then, Konan seemed to remember the reason for his visit.

 "Byakuya, did Yahiko assign us another mission together? Is that why you're here?"

"Similar to last time. Except this time, we have an additional task – scouting investment opportunities. Would you mind showing me the map of the Land of Rain's towns?"

Konan retrieved the map from her room and handed it to him. As Byakuya unfolded it, his gaze fell upon a marked location – the black market. A frown creased his brow.

"Is this map outdated? Wasn't the black market destroyed? Why's there another one in the same spot?"

Konan shrugged with helplessness in her eyes.

"It seems they've rebuilt the black market in the same location."

Byakuya felt a surge of frustration. He knew the black market's existence likely stemmed from corrupt local nobles. But for it to rise from the ashes just two months later, in the exact same location – that was concerning.

However, considering the Land of Rain's size, suitable alternatives were probably scarce.

Having marked everything on the map, Byakuya returned it to Konan. Together, they stepped out of the Akatsuki base, ready for their joint mission.



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