
Master of The Great Dao

Dao is the beginning and end of everything. The great Dao binds all living and non-living things in the universe. It is the absolute concept that underpins the universe, incorporating the Yin and Yang principles as well as the Five Elements. Follow our protagonist Liu Feng as he travels through the mysterious world of cultivation with his unique system and unveils the mysteries of the great Dao.

Sarcastic_Ape · Fantasi Timur
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64 Chs

The Golden Invitations (3)

A satisfied grin spread across Liu Feng's face. This was more than he could have hoped for. "Thank you, Your Majesty," he bowed deeply.

"Now, Minister Yu," the King declared, his voice tinged with amusement, "prepare a feast befitting a hero! We have much to celebrate!"


Excitement crackled in the air as evening approached. The Grand Hall pulsed with vibrant energy as preparations for the Royal Feast reached their climax. Chandeliers decorated with glowing crystals cast an ethereal glow over the room, where thirty odd figures, the empire's political elite, gathered.

Clad in luxurious silks, a gift from the palace, Liu Feng fidgeted with his unfamiliar clothes. Scanning the sea of unfamiliar faces, he met Minister Yu. The Minister pointed out some key figures like Lord Cao, the pompous head of the most influential noble house in the kingdom, and Lady Wang, the formidable leader of the Misty Medicine Pavilion.

Liu Feng was yet to meet Manager Qing from the Misty Medicine Pavilion, but his encounter with Lady Wang promised to be a valuable asset in future interactions. He already held an invitation from Manager Qing of the Gale City branch, but he decided to keep that in mind for later.

From Li He, he had learned about the Misty Medicine Pavilion's immense prestige. Not only were they the number one establishment for medicines, pills, alchemy, and rare treasures, but they also held significant power across the entire Qin Empire. His Golden Token already gave him some sort of VIP status in that branch.

Liu Feng's mind raced with possibilities. He realized establishing good connections with Misty Medicine Pavilion could prove invaluable in the long run.

Soon, the royal family entered the hall, with a grand entrance. All eyes turned to the center as the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess took their places.

Liu Feng, still a bit nervous, was introduced to the royal family and the assembled crowd.

As the feast commenced, a wave of enticing aromas filled the air. Platters with exotic fruits, succulent roasted meats glazed with honey, and delicate foods adorned with edible flowers were presented. Liu Feng, despite his initial doubts, found himself captivated by the vibrant atmosphere and the symphony of flavors dancing on his tongue. The exquisite dishes were a testament to the royal chefs' skills. 


The next morning, the grand Royal Library stood before Liu Feng, a colossal establishment crafted from white marble and precious wood. An air of ancient wisdom hung heavy in the air. The already grand entrance, decorated by imposing statues of legendary figures, made it more majestic.

Liu Feng stepped through the threshold, anticipation thrumming through him. Inside the library, the sheer volume of knowledge was overwhelming. Row upon row of leather-bound books and scrolls lined the towering shelves. The scent of old paper and parchment made the air mysterious.

The first floor, he discovered, held a vast collection of general knowledge. Geography, history, and philosophy – the very foundation of the empire's rich history lay neatly categorized on these shelves. In the dedicated section of "Imperial Records," thousands of years of the Qin Empire's history were recorded.

After two days spent immersing himself in this wealth of information, Liu Feng ascended the grand staircase, eager to explore the even more specialized knowledge on the second floor.

The second floor offered a treasure trove of cultivation knowledge, albeit more general but Liu Feng already understood the importance of knowledge. While the specifics of cultivation techniques remained hidden, he found a wealth of detailed information regarding the various cultivations.

Liu Feng's mind was filled the various information. Cultivation wasn't just practicing some fancy martial arts technique. It was a way of life dedicated to pushing your body and mind beyond their mortal limits.

The details about Body Cultivation were fascinating – the idea of systematically strengthening every aspect of your physical being, from your blood to your very marrow, to achieve an immortal state. 

A great amount of detail on Body Cultivation was available in the library. It was a path meticulously divided into six stages. The initial stage, Blood Refinement, aimed to enrich the cultivator's blood, allowing them to break free from the constraints of a mortal body and achieve enhanced healing.

This was followed by the refinement of the five internal organs: Heart, Spleen, Lungs, Kidneys, and Liver – each aligned with the traditional five elements. then came Bone Refinement, the subsequent stage, focused on strengthening the body's structure, with further levels of refinement mentioned but left largely unexplored. After refining one's bones came Muscle Refinement, Flesh Refinement, and finally, Marrow Refinement – only upon completion of these stages can one cast off their mortal shell and attain an immortal body.

There was no doubt, this was a crucial piece of information for Liu Feng. Having meticulously gone through the mysteries of Body Cultivation, Liu Feng eagerly turned his attention to Qi Cultivation.

This path, as outlined in the books, began with Qi Condensation, the process of gathering and refining the mysterious energy flowing all around the world. This energy, known as Qi, formed the foundation upon which further cultivation rested. With a solid foundation established, the cultivator progressed to Core Formation, a stage where Qi turned into a powerful core within the body. However, the pinnacle cultivation, the Golden Core, remained shrouded in mystery. Ancient records suggested that only the most exceptional cultivators reached this legendary state.

The texts further revealed that most sect leaders in this world, were in the Core Formation realm, while elders typically found themselves in the middle or late stages of Foundation Establishment.

Liu Feng was curious about realms beyond these. His weeb nature told him there must be higher levels of cultivation. However, the answers to his questions remained out of reach for now. Nevertheless, the detailed explanations of each stage's principles and philosophies provided a wealth of knowledge. From these texts, Liu Feng understood his path forward.

Delving deeper into the texts, Liu Feng stumbled upon a fascinating world of professions that dominated the cultivation world.

Alchemists, as expected, held the most coveted position, their ability to concoct life-saving pills made them invaluable. But the variety of professions extended far beyond that of an Alchemist.

There were Formation Masters, capable of controlling different phenomena by inscribing intricate patterns that channeled energy for devastating attacks or impenetrable defenses, and Talisman Masters imbuing paper talismans with potent spells. Blacksmiths forged weapons and artifacts imbued with magical properties, while Beast Tamers formed bonds with fantastical creatures, wielding their strength in battle. Physicians, aided by their knowledge of herbs and acupuncture, served as the healers in this extraordinary world.

The list didn't end there. Liu Feng discovered less popular professions of puppeteers who wielded complex dolls imbued with magical power, herbalists who planted spiritual herbs, and even spirit chefs who crafted delicacies that enhanced and aided in cultivation. Each profession held its unique advantages, offering a distinct path to power and influence.

Due to obvious reasons, Liu Feng delved deeper into the world of alchemy. He devoured information about the various herbs and exotic ingredients that formed the foundation of alchemy pills and elixirs. The practicality of being an alchemist resonated with him. It not only gave him the option to secure his livelihood but also potentially create concoctions that could aid him on his cultivation journey.

As the week drew to a close, a newfound purpose and vision bloomed within Liu Feng. His time at the royal capital had come to an end, but the knowledge he gained from the Royal Library illuminated a path forward.

Although the future was uncertain, Liu Feng, armed with newfound knowledge and a burning ambition, was eager to take his next steps into this extraordinary world.


Soon the week passed and it was time for Liu Feng to return. Although a bit suspicious of this excessive display of kindness, he was grateful for the King's generosity. 

The previous day, Liu Feng had already met with Minister Yu to express his gratitude. He was truly thankful from the bottom of his heart.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Feng left the bustling city gate behind, setting his sights on the horizon. The journey back to Gale City was rather boring. A week of quiet exploration, and cultivation helped him pass his time. He even picked up some souvenirs, a lather arm guard for Zhang Yan, a pair of jade pendants for Zhang Ling and Mei Lin, and an exquisite calligraphy set for the City Lord.

A mischievous grin flickered across Liu Feng's lips as he remembered the elaborate story he had made up for the City Lord. The city lord had been remarkably easy to fool but proved to be a reliable ally. Even though Liu Feng questioned the necessity of a gift, he felt maintaining a good relationship with the city lord was undeniably beneficial, especially for his future activities in Gale City.

As the sun dipped below the horizon on the seventh day, a familiar city emerged in the distance. The unmistakable silhouette of Gale City filled him with a strange sense of homecoming.


//Yay! We reached Chapter 50.

// Hopefully several more to come!!

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