
Master of The Great Dao

Dao is the beginning and end of everything. The great Dao binds all living and non-living things in the universe. It is the absolute concept that underpins the universe, incorporating the Yin and Yang principles as well as the Five Elements. Follow our protagonist Liu Feng as he travels through the mysterious world of cultivation with his unique system and unveils the mysteries of the great Dao.

Sarcastic_Ape · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs

The Battle Commences

//Last Updated on June 22, 2024

//Please comment, and let me know your thoughts about this chapter.


Amidst the bustling activities, the sound of chatter filled the air, "Buzz... Buzz..."

"Buzz... Buzz..."

Meanwhile, Elder Shen was running through every corner of the northern part of the city, his keen eyes scanning for anything out of the ordinary.

"It's truly strange," the elder mused to himself, his hand stroking his beard as he pondered his current situation.

"Did the Chen family dare to do these things really? And if so, who is behind them? something is strange…very strange…"

He continued his stroll towards the outskirts of the town, his steps casual and relaxed. Just as he was nearing the edge of the city, an unexpected event occurred that caught his attention.

A sudden, radiant crimson glow illuminated the sky above him. The previously serene atmosphere was instantly disrupted by the ethereal luminosity, drawing the gaze of everyone nearby.

As Elder Shen's eyes narrowed, his curiosity was piqued by the unexpected spectacle. He felt a surge of energy in the air, and his instincts told him that this phenomenon was far from ordinary.

He hastened his steps, heading toward the source of the mysterious glow.


Meanwhile, Zhang Yan and Mei Lin were stealthily sneaking around his ancestral house.

"Sister Lin, over here," Zhang Yan whispered, guiding Mei Lin to a concealed space.

"This is it... we used to have a secret passage here that led to the cold dungeon."

As they were about to get inside the passage, a sudden crimson glow appeared in the sky illuminating the surroundings.

"What is this?" Mei Lin questioned, soon concluding, "Is this the formation Liu Feng talked about? Did they start already?"

Zhang Yan's gaze remained fixed on the descending crimson veil.

"I'm not sure, Sister Lin," he replied, his voice filled with worry, "It could be, but worry not. The boss is handling it."

"Let's go quickly, and rescue your sister.", Mei Lin quickly broke their trance and urged Zhang Yan.


Amidst the lively chatter of the crowd, a sudden silence fell over as the unusual glow in the sky caught someone's attention. Excited whispers rippled through the crowd as people began to notice the mesmerizing display.

"Hey, look over there! Those are some strange fireworks. I've never seen anything like this before."


"Up there, brother!"

"What kind of fireworks are these?"

"Mother, see this! It's so pretty."

As eyes turned skyward, a sense of wonder and curiosity filled the air. The vibrant color cast an otherworldly aura across a large portion of the city, captivating everyone's attention.

However, the excitement was abruptly replaced by a collective gasp as the crimson veil began to descend from the sky.

The crowd felt something out of the ordinary as individuals began to experience an unusual sensation in their bodies.

They started feeling weak and nauseous and a couple of individuals collapsed.

"I... I suddenly feel so weak..."

"Did anyone else feel that?"

Thud, thud - sounds of people collapsing echoed through the gathering.

Meanwhile, Li He, caught in the midst of the commotion, appeared both concerned and puzzled by the unfolding events.

"What's happening Senior Liu? Why are people collapsing?" Li He called out feeling a sense of urgency, rushing to offer assistance to those in need.

Liu Feng's face switched to a serious tone. "It must be the formation, they must have activated the formation," he muttered to himself, his mind racing to find the solution to the problem.

"Li He, help them. I'll be back," Liu Feng instructed as he rushed to the end of the veil.


All of a sudden, a thunderous voice pierced through the tense atmosphere, instantly capturing the attention of everyone present.

"Rejoice, you vermins! Sacrifice your lives to resurrect our lord!" the Chen family head proclaimed as it echoed through the air, his malevolent grin displaying a sinister intent behind his words.

In his hands, he took out a radiant red orb, pulsating with an eerie energy.

"With this, I announce the return of the Blood Sovereign!" His voice carried a disturbing confidence that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it.

Emerging from the shadows, a group of dark figures followed his lead, mercilessly attacking innocent bystanders. It seemed as if red blood and essence from the people were seeping into the orb in his hand. Chaos erupted as people started running around the city to save their lives.

The City lord accompanied by his daughter, with his guards and several others was trying to save people.

Liu Feng dashed forward aiming to reach the end of the veil. Amidst the chaos, a group of guards were seen protecting a young girl, led by a muscular middle-aged man.

"So, they finally showed themselves," Liu Feng murmured, as a smile appeared on his lips.

'So another help arrived, Sigh~', He recognized the girl they were trying to protect.

It was the same mysterious young girl he had seen at the black market.

In his last encounter with the city lord, he learned that someone of significant background related to the imperial city was visiting here. But he insisted on keeping this information hidden.

'Well, we have the protagonist Zhang Yan, the Chen Family as the villain, so I guess this makes her the heroine.'

'Am I really in some sort of novel that I never read? Sigh~', he thought as he kept running.

As Liu Feng continued his sprint, he started to feel some difficulty, as if his energy was seeping away. He started to feel weak and he was unable to use his cultivation.

After some time Liu Feng reached the end as he saw the red barrier blocking his path. An old man with a mad expression on his face was laughing from outside.

"Hahaha…hahaha….struggle all you want… soon you will also collapse as will become nourishment to our lord….be proud brat!... your essence will help us in reviving our Lord".

Soon a silence descended upon them as a strand of cold air blew past, but Liu Feng did not collapse.

"You are still standing…good…good....good….you must be strong…too bad…you will be consumed by our lord."

"Is that so….", Liu Feng approached the man with a new piece of claw on his hand.

"hahaha..hahaha…you can try all you want but you cannot even touch me…hahaha…"

Liu Feng decided to punch the barrier, but as he had expected it remained sturdy as ripples appeared on it.

"hahaha…didn't I tell you that you cannot do anything…", as the old man continued his laughing, a strange scene appeared before his eyes.

'System collect Dao Fragments.'

[Ding! Several Dao Fragments Detected…Collecting….]

As the barrier started disintegrating, the old man gasped his mouth wide open unable to process what he had just seen.

Liu Feng did not even waste a second and quickly launched a powerful claw attack…slicing and poisoning the elder at the same time.

He quickly plunged his claws into the elder's heart to make sure he stayed dead.

Before the battle, Liu Feng had steeled his resolve, as he knew he had to take his enemy's lives to ensure his safety.

The elder tried to defend himself at the very last moment, but alas, it was in vain. As he breathed his last, he heard the young man in front of him saying something strange….

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of Formations…"

(A/N: I don't like to use movie quotes, but this seemed fun)


Meanwhile, in a distant corner of the Great Song Empire, a scene unfolded within the confines of a lavish room. The air was soothing, and the gentle moonlight pierced through the grand windows, illuminating the chambers.

Beneath the soft glow of the silvery moonlight, the empress lay in her bed, partially covered by the luxurious silk bedsheet that clung to her curves. Her bare skin was glistening with sweat, and a joyful smile graced her face as she breathed heavily. Her pupils were dilated, like pools filled with profound darkness, hinting at the ecstasy that surged through her entire being.

Behind her, a bare-chested man abruptly stopped his activity, his eyes flashing with a hint of amusement as if something had unexpectedly captured his attention.

'Kekeke... that fool finally did it…kekeke,' he mumbled as a sinister grin appeared at the corners of his lips. 'It was so easy to manipulate him…kekeke….and revival of Blood Sovereign…how foolish you can be.'

His sinister gaze glowed with a dark intensity as he imagined the unfolding of the events in the faraway land of the Great Qin.

'Soon the flames of chaos will consume the Great Qin, and it shall be mine to conquer,'

Amidst his sinister laugh, a whisper escaped the empress's alluring lips, "huff..huff…did you say something, Lord Mo?"

The man hid his sinister grin behind a facade of a tender smile. "Nothing," he replied soothingly, his fingers caressing through her dark disheveled hair, "Nothing at all my love. Let's continue."


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If you have any suggestions for any weapon techniques like sword, spear, etc. comment them and let me know, I'll try to use them in the story if possible. I am mostly looking for techniques that will mostly be used by others.

Fist Technique

Palm Technique

Sword Technique

Cultivation Techniques


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