
Master Of Sorcery

Harry was only a normal student with a pretty plain life. However, a bizarre occurrence befalls on him after he got backstabbed by a robber, resulting in him transmigrated into another world. Instead of finding his familiar appearance, Harry's sight was welcomed by a complete unrecognizable skinny-boy. From then onward, he came to know that he was actually possessing a boy's body named Exia Glide. As he explores the world further, he realizes the world he currently stayed wasn't as simple as it looks. It was a world filled with magic and monsters. Like every protagonist of the story he reads, he also bestowed by a magical thing. In his case, he was given a singular scarlet orb that kept revolving around his body. Determined to find the reason for him being transmigrated, Exia gradually makes his way from the lowest into the highest. From a boy that could do nothing, into a Master Of Sorcery. I don't own the cover, and would immediately change it if the artist wants me to do so.

Billy_Castellanos · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs


"Is this really okay, Sir Bernard? I mean...He looks kinda upset earlier." Exia whispered in an uncomfortable tone. If there's one thing that might disturb him, it's being compared to someone else. That's why Exia could in some way relate to Ruri's sentiment.

"Ruri? That's fine. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, which makes him unable to take into account other people's feelings and always express himself bluntly. His character worsens when he grows up and becomes my pupil. Having no rival in Lite City, I'm confident he'll be arrogant in no time. Hence, seeing him having that react to your existence brought much happiness to mine. That way, he'll realize that he's just a frog in the well." Bernard stated logically, earning an "Oh" sound from Exia.

While talking, they didn't stop their steps and eventually arrived on the second floor a few seconds later.

Instead of finding dozens of more bookshelves than the first floor, Exia's sight welcomed by only a few regular bookshelves with nothing different than the first floor offered.

"This..." Exia was speechless and couldn't find the proper words to describe the current situation.

'1 silver just for this? Isn't this some sort of fraud?' Exia's corner of mouth couldn't help but twitched.

"Like the saying, don't judge a book by its cover. Sometimes your eyes may deceive you if you weren't careful." Bernard's voice enters Exia's ears.

Understand Bernard's point, Exia asked while pointing at the bookshelves with enthusiasm, "So, all those books I've thought ordinary turns out to be special?"

"The answer to your question is, Yesn't. Yes, because it literally might be. No, because the books here are ordinary." Bernard answered plainly before he burst out laughing, leaving Exia completely dumbfounded.

Glancing at Exia who hasn't moved from his place, Bernard frowned, "What are you doing there? Let's go."

Snapped out of his thought, Exia hurriedly chases Bernard, "Then why would the fee cost a buck if there's nothing special here?"

"Who said there's nothing special here?" Bernard smirked.

Without awaiting Exia's reply, Bernard took him to the corridor's end where a door was placed. Turning the doorknob, Bernard pushed it lightly, making the room's insides gradually revealed into view.

Behind the door, is a vast room designed in Victorian style, giving a slightly warm feeling to Exia's heart. Stepping inside, Exia realized the fireplace is currently lit, and a man is sitting on the sofa on the opposite of the fireplace for who knows how long.

As if sensing someone's presence, the man's lashes slowly trembled before a pair of green-eyes came into view. Instantly, Exia hears Bernard speak from beside him, "How's the meditation?"

"Another failure," The man replied with a disappointed sigh.

"Don't be so disheartened. I was also like you before. It took me a year just to able to meditate properly. As we grew older, the chances of us becoming sorcerers were slimmer, so without enough determination, you may fail halfway." Bernard elaborated.

Hearing Bernard's statement, the man replied with another sigh, "Yeah, still, I got a lot of things on my plate already. It's hard for me to focus on becoming a sorcerer. For this impossible dream of mine, I'll probably hand it to Ruri."

As he speaks, the man's gaze suddenly landed at Exia, with a doubtful expression, he asked, "Bernard, Who's this kid?"

"Let me introduce someone to you. This is Exia Glide. A brilliant I found from the mud." Bernard introduced Exia with a proud smile.

Hearing the way Bernard discloses his identity, Exia almost rolled his eyes in cringe, 'Such exaggerating words.'

Nevertheless, Exia didn't dare say his thought aloud and politely greeted the man, "Hello Mister, my name is Exia Glide."

Without acknowledging the Exia's greeting, the man turned to Bernard and inquired, "What do you mean?"

"He's a rare sorcerer who can establish a Mana Core on his first meditation." Bernard proudly declared while draping his arm over the Exia's shoulder.

"Really? My name is Tybur Hyena, nice to meet you." The man immediately forwarded his hand as the gesture of a handshake.

Seeing how his attitude changes 180° upon learning he was a genius sorcerer, Exia couldn't help but laugh inwardly.

Accepting his hand, Exia shook the other party's hand and smiled, "Likewise."

Smiling at each other, Tybur quickly invites him, "Come, take a seat."

Sitting down on one of the available chairs, Exia get attacked with a Tybur question straight away, "How did you establish in your Mana Core? Did you have a secret method for it?"

"Ahahah no, Mister Tybur. I am simply following Sir Bernard's instructions." Exia lied casually.

"Really?" Tybur inquired sceptically.

Before Exia could respond, Bernard berated from the side, "You're making him uncomfortable, Tybur."

"Did I? I'm sorry if I offend you in any way, Exia. I just feel frustrated about this whole meditation thing." Tybur quickly apologizes while covering his face, displaying his depressed state.

"It's okay, Mister Tybur." Exia put on a reassuring smile.

Hauling his eyes to Exia, Bernard said with a serious expression, "Truthfully, I planned to feed you much more knowledge regarding the sorcery during the period where you supposed to try to meditate. Unfortunately, special circumstances did happen, and now you are a Half-Sorcerer. Because of that, I'll fasten our arrangement and teach you how to utilize the mana within your body today."

'Finally' Exia cheered inwardly.