
506. Young Warriors

"I am Monty the second ranked young warrior. It is my pleasure to meet two heroes." His hand reached out to shake Walker's and Su's. He looked apologetic still for his earlier actions but Walker did not let it bother them. 

"Sirius, no lone predator sulking. You need to be more outgoing." Scylla scolded Sirius who instantly followed her order to speak to the two. 

"I am Surius the first ranked warrior in my kingdom. I hope we can train well together." His greeting made it seem that he was only interested in getting stronger. It wasn't a bad mentality to have but Walker knew it meant that it would be harder to get him to enjoy the sights of the forest elf city. 

"I had a great idea, do you remember the monster that you told me about? The one I thought to be extinct but you proved was here all along?" Scylla was heavily hinting to Walker and Su.