
Master Of My Universe: The Author Who Became the Hero's System

You can have a chat with me on discord. https://discord.gg/fTZRHuY4mX Mark Eisner is the greatest example of a failure. Unable to get his dream job, he resorts to writing a story, a story close to his heart, a story in which he expressed himself to the fullest. It was the delusional universe he created for himself. Unable to grasp the attention of readers, his book was deemed a failure as well. Heartbroken after suffering his crushing fate, Mark commits suicide, uttering his last words; proclaiming the end of his story. But was this the end of his story? Hell Nah! He is far from being dead. He finds himself, astonishingly, still possessing his consciousness, even though his existence is formless. What he then sees is unbelievable. The hero he created, the hero "he only" loved, the hero that reflected himself... His own protagonist. Reincarnated as the system of the hero of his own novel, Mark undergoes an epic journey with his unanticipated creation, helping him throughout, knowing all about his predicaments. There are a few rules to him - 1. RELAY ONLY REQUIRED MESSAGE TO THE PLAYER 2. DROP DESIGNATED REWARDS 3. EXPEL THE PLAYER IF PLAUSIBILITY REACHES LIMITS But.... Is that all? Does he really thinks events will take place just as he layed them? . . . Is he really that Omniscient ? Is he the only one.... . . .

Adwit_ojha · Fantasi
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87 Chs

Trivial but Serious

Remirg Kryptos could do nothing but gloat over the fact which was slapped right into his face by the Simulator. He had already given in to the Simulator's untimely antics. Nothing could be done except to follow the instructions he has been provided with.

And what he was now facing was as much as expected as it was not expected. 




Though the message seemed straightforward, something was quite different this time. This task didn't provide him with any rewards and did not pose any penalty over him as well.

Remirg could not get any surprised or shocked. It now had become a regular routine in his life. A week worth of supernatural events were enough to mold him into the mystical world as well. And as real-life hunters hunt, he had to hunt monsters as well. It was a basic principle of survival. The survival of the fittest.

In an unknown corner of his mind, Mark was trying to suppress a long-lost thought. A memory of his previous life. What Remirg had become, up until now, was reflecting the exact opposite nature of himself.

"Maybe, I really was a hopeless case. All I did was weep and repent. The times I felt bold were nothing compared to what he is facing. But even in such conditions, he maintains his cool. That's how I should have been.... and not being that... was my greatest mistake...."

Meanwhile, Remirg made himself comfortable in the highly polished chair, resting his chin on the base of his palm, formulating a plan. 

The clear indication that no prize was being provided for this task hinted that the "culling of nightly creatures" was a mandatory exercise. Without it, he would not be allowed entry into the room again.

The absence of any penalty stated that in this situation, he was all alone. The conditions were clearly uncontrolled, and no provisions being provided for his rescue. this meant that a skirmish with these so-called "nightly creatures" was something which he had to participate in and win any way possible.

The thought of this reminded him vaguely of the Preparator, the final boss of the first quest. Just like that scenario, this situation was random as well. 

All he could do was to just wait and let the events unfold themselves.

Standing up from the chair, he started pacing around the perimeter of the large room, taking irregular steps, a speck of anxiety hitting him.

Chewing the tips of his nails, Remirg tried to gather all the arsenal he possessed. 

Though his magic was still novice, he had to make use of it as much as possible. No situation was as better as leveling his magic up, because that was the ultimate motive.

The scythe, on the other hand, could only prove to be an asset depending upon the nature of the creature or creatures he was going to fight. Clearly, there was no point of using such a large artifact if your enemy is as tiny as an ant and is large in numbers.

Manipulation was best against such targets. Rather, the bigger the creature is, the more likely it is to have to possess more magical potency. A well-established resonating bond was required in order to use the scythe in its full potential.

Even though Remirg was clearly the new owner of the scythe, he was yet to be its master. No matter how hard he would try, the prana density of the scythe would never match exactly as his. The most rate of compatibility he was able to achieve was of about 90%. And that, was clearly not good enough.

Being a Z-class mage, he could not fuse enough prana into it to cause a resonance large enough to tune its prana exactly to his. And for that, he had to level up.

After a few minutes of thinking, Remirg was reminded of something he should have paid attention to a while ago. It was so dumb of him that he cursed himself.

"**** me! I should have considered this before entering the goddamn room! All this grandeur is making my mind go to shit!"

Quickly opening his stats, his eyes lingered over the "BALANCE" icon. 

Clicking feverishly over it, he scowled at the figure it showed. The ten prana coins he had received on beating up the thieving homies in the town. Quite a prize for the sake of bullying.

Sheepishly opening the Items shop, which projected itself on the far wall of the room, Remirg started evaluating his choices. And he had to do it quickly. He had not much time to spare. All he had was an hour and a half.

Immediately putting his mind into action, Remirg thought hard. As hard as he could.

What he now required was a versatile weapon which could be used in as many scenarios as possible. As prana rejuvenating potion were still out of his reach, he could do nothing but rely on weapons. 

And the weapons which he could buy, not even one of them matched his need. 

Desperate times really need for desperate calls. The only item in the shop which could serve about the tenth of the purpose Remirg wanted to achieve costed 9 prana coins. Quite a price to pay.

Nevertheless, it was his only choice he had, if he had to create the tiniest of chances t surely win the culling game that was going to unfold in a couple of hours.

With a heavy heart, Remirg pushed the "BUY" button.

A sigh of dissatisfaction escaped his dry lips as the expected notification popped right in front of him.

The item would not slash the opponent, wouldn't decapitate it, immobilize it, freeze it, burn it or rather help in stopping it in any way. It was something performed a task which only a skilled warrior could perform. And that, was his only resort for a battle against unknown enemies.