
Master Mages Marriage

Rewarded for his contributions in the war, Nikolai Morales moved his small family to the border lands the Emperor granted him. As the youngest War Mage in the Imperial Army, Nikolai is caught in the middle of a power struggle as princes vie for succession. The war may be over, but the Empire has been shaken and to many he is but a pawn for the powerful, his abilities and reputation the key to solidifying their power base. His parent’s worry and in a bid to secure his future they look for an alliance with one of the great ancient Houses of the Empire, but not just anyone can match someone of his stature and the young woman dispatched to become his fiancée is a knight of the highest order. Will politics get in the way of love? Or will two people find a spark to protect themselves and maybe a nation in the process? It’s time for the Master Mages Marriage.

lewstherin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
92 Chs

Ranks in the Black Hand

Please note that these are glossary chapters, I try to avoid spoilers but some of this information is introduced organically for the sake of the story development.






In this case this section should be read after Volume 1 - Chapter 43. I've left lots of lines blank.

You've been warned.








The Savant is the nominal Leader of the Black Hand, a mysterious figure unknown even among the organisation. All the members owe allegiance to it.

Members are divided among three branches, Agents/Administrators/Soldiers. Members may receive ranks from each of the branches but this is extremely rare, most choosing to focus on advancement in one area.

Rankings do not necessarily reflect combat strength, as intelligence, completed missions, loyalty etc. play a role in determining the ranks.

The Savant is the final arbiter of ranks and must be approved by it.

In order from top to bottom the ranks within the Black Hand are:

•The Savant (Leader)

Agents Ranking:-

•Black Raven

•Azure Raven

•Crimson Raven

•White Raven

•Fledgling Raven

•Azure Crow

•Crimson Crow

•White Crow

•Fledgling Crow

Administrators Ranking:-

•Black Peacock

•Azure Peacock

•Crimson Peacock

•White Peacock

•Fledgling Peacock

•Azure Dove

•Crimson Dove

•White Dove

•Fledgling Dove

Soldiers Ranking:-

•Black Bear

•Azure Bear

•Crimson Bear

•White Bear

•Fledgling Bear

•Azure Wolf

•Crimson Wolf

•White Wolf

•Fledgling Wolf