
Master's Little Pet

After losing her mother, Lydia's father takes a big step just to pay off his debt which endangers Lydia's life. But tables turn as she's taken in as a maid to a rich powerful master who is feared by everyone. Watch and see how her life turns out. Many twists and turns

Sayrah_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs


Lydia took a hesitant step forward, her eyes locked on Luther's. His gaze seemed to bore into her soul, making her skin prickle.

"Closer, Lydia," Luther repeated, his voice low and even.

Lydia's heart racing, she edged nearer, her senses on high alert. Luther's eyes never left hers, his expression a mask of calm intensity.

As she drew closer, Lydia noticed the faint scent of leather and smoke emanating from Luther's direction. The aroma was both familiar and yet, unsettling.

Luther's fingers drummed a slow rhythm on the desk, his eyes never wavering. "I've been watching you, Lydia. You have a certain... potential."

Lydia's skin crawled, unsure what to make of Luther's words. "Potential, Master?"

Luther's gaze flicked to her lips, then back to her eyes. "Yes, Lydia. Potential. I believe you can be of great use to me."

"Explain, Master?" Lydia asked, her curiosity piqued despite the trepidation.

Luther's gaze seemed to bore into her soul, his eyes glinting with an otherworldly intensity. "I believe you possess a certain... adaptability, Lydia. A quality that could prove invaluable to me."

Lydia's mind raced, unsure what Luther implied. "Adaptability, Master?"

Luther leaned forward, his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. "I have certain... projects in mind, Lydia. Projects that require a unique blend of skill and discretion. I believe you might be the perfect candidate to assist me."

"Ah, Lydia," Luther said with a hint of amusement, "your ability to handle delicate tasks with care is quite impressive. I must admit, I've been having a bit of a... strain in my shoulders, and I require someone with your finesse to assist me."

Lydia's eyes widened in surprise, then relief washed over her face. "Oh, Master, I thought it was something much worse!"

Luther chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound. "I apologize for the dramatics, Lydia. I seem to have caused you undue worry."

Lydia couldn't help but laugh, feeling a bit silly for overreacting. "Yes, Master, you did. I thought I was in trouble!"

Luther's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled. "Trouble? Ah, no, Lydia. You're quite... refreshing, actually."

As they shared a laugh, the tension in the room dissipated, and Lydia felt a strange sense of ease in Luther's presence.

"Now, Lydia, I have a rare manuscript that requires delicate handling," Luther said, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "The binding is fragile, and I need someone with your skill to repair it."

Lydia's curiosity was piqued. "A manuscript, Master? What's its significance?"

Luther's smile grew wider. "Ah, it's a rare text on ancient history. The words of a forgotten civilization, penned on parchment so delicate it's a wonder it's survived this long."

As Luther led her to a nearby table, Lydia's eyes widened at the sight of the manuscript. The parchment was indeed fragile, with cracks and creases that threatened to tear at the slightest touch.

"Your task, Lydia, is to repair the binding and preserve this piece of history," Luther explained, his voice filled with reverence. "Can I trust you to do it justice?"

Lydia nodded, her heart swelling with determination. "Yes, Master. I won't disappoint you."

As Lydia carefully began to repair the manuscript, Luther watched her with an intensity that made her skin prickle. His gaze lingered on her hands, tracing the curves of her fingers as they delicately touched the parchment.

Lydia felt a flutter in her chest, unsure why Luther's attention made her feel so... exposed. She focused on the task at hand, trying to shake off the sensation.

Luther's silence was unnerving, but Lydia refused to make eye contact, fearing she'd see something there that would unsettle her further. Instead, she concentrated on the manuscript, her fingers moving with precision.

Suddenly, Luther's deep voice broke the silence. "You have a gentle touch, Lydia. Most people would have torn the parchment by now."

Lydia's heart skipped a beat as Luther's breath whispered against her ear. She felt a shiver run down her spine, her senses on high alert.

Lydia's heart fluttered as Luther's words sent a thrill through her. She couldn't help but wonder if he was intentionally flirting with her, his warm breath on her ear sending shivers down her spine.

As she worked, Lydia's mind wandered, imagining Luther's words in a different context. She pictured him whispering sweet nothings in her ear, his lips brushing against her skin.

Karen's words echoed in her mind: "Be careful around Master Luther, baby." Lydia realized she was treading a delicate line, her feelings for Luther growing more complicated by the minute.

Luther's gaze lingered on her, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "You're quite talented, Lydia. I think you'll make an excellent addition to my staff."

Lydia's cheeks flushed, unsure if Luther's words were a compliment or a veiled suggestion. She forced herself to focus on the manuscript, her fingers moving with renewed precision.

Luther's eyes glinted with mischief as he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against Lydia's ear. "You're wondering if I'm flirting with you, aren't you, Lydia?" he whispered, his breath sending shivers down her spine.

Lydia's eyes widened in shock, her face flushing as she realized Luther could hear her thoughts. She felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her, but Luther's words only made her heart race faster.

"I must say, I'm intrigued by your imagination, Lydia," Luther continued, his lips tracing the curve of her ear. "Though, I must correct you - my intentions are far more... complicated."

Lydia's breath caught as Luther's words danced across her skin, sending sparks flying through her veins. She tried to step back, but Luther's hand on her shoulder held her in place.

"Don't be afraid, Lydia," Luther whispered, his voice husky. "I won't bite... hard.

Lydia's flush deepened as she struggled to maintain her composure, unsure how to react to Luther's teasing. She felt like a fluttering bird in his grasp, her heart racing with a mix of fear and excitement.

Luther's eyes sparkled with amusement, his lips curving into a knowing smile. "Don't worry, Lydia," he whispered, his breath caressing her skin. "I'll behave... for now."

With a gentle tug, Luther released her, allowing Lydia to step back and regain her balance. Her eyes met his, and for a moment, they simply stared at each other, the air thick with unspoken tension.

Lydia's cheeks still burned, but she forced herself to speak, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I should finish the manuscript, Master."

Luther's smile softened, his expression almost gentle. "Yes, Lydia. Please do. I'm eager to see the results."

Lydia's fingers moved deftly over the parchment, but her mind wandered back to Luther's whispered words. She imagined him relaxing in a warm bath, his muscles easing into the water...

Suddenly, Luther's chuckle broke the silence. "A bath, Lydia? Really? You're imagining me in a bath?"

Lydia's face flushed as she realized Luther had heard her thoughts again. She felt like she'd been caught in a compromising position, her heart racing with embarrassment.

Luther's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I must say, I'm intrigued by your creativity. Though, I think you might be disappointed – my baths are far more... mundane."

Lydia's gaze dropped, her cheeks burning. "I-I was just... concentrating on the manuscript, Master."

Luther's laughter was low and husky. "Save it, Lydia. I know exactly what you were thinking. And I must admit... it's flattering."

Lydia's embarrassment turned to annoyance, but she decided to play along. "Well, Master, I suppose you're disappointed my thoughts weren't more... scandalous."

Luther's eyes crinkled at the corners. "Oh, I think 'scandalous' might be an understatement, Lydia. But I'll let it slide... for now."

Lydia's lips twitched, and she found herself grinning. "I'm glad I could disappoint you, Master."

Luther chuckled, his voice low and husky. "You're a quick wit, Lydia. I like that."

The tension between them dissipated, replaced by a playful banter that left Lydia feeling breathless.

As they continued to exchange witty remarks, Lydia realized she was having a strange, twisted fun. She was flirting with danger, dancing around the edges of propriety with a master who could hear her thoughts.

Lydia's hands trembled slightly as she finished the final repair. She stepped back, awaiting Luther's inspection. He strode behind her, his hot breath caressing her skin, making her cheeks flush once again.

"Ah, excellent work, Lydia," Luther whispered, his voice low and husky. "Your skills are truly exceptional."

As Luther's gaze scanned the manuscript, his chest brushed against Lydia's shoulder, sending shivers down her spine. She wondered what was going on in the master's mind – why he was being so intentionally provocative.

Was he testing her? Teasing her? Or did he truly find her attractive?

Lydia's mind raced with questions, but Luther's thoughts remained a mystery. She could only sense his amusement, his pleasure in her discomfort.

Luther's hand settled on her shoulder, his fingers tracing the curve of her neck. "You have a talent for the delicate, Lydia. I think I'll have to find more... projects for you."

Lydia's heart skipped a beat as Luther's words dripped with suggestion. She felt like a pawn in his game, unsure of the rules or the stakes.

Lydia's mind wandered to Luther's age, wondering how many years had honed his mysterious gaze. Was he thirty, forty, or even older?

Luther's whisper in her ear made her heart skip a beat. "Twenty, Lydia. Just twenty."

Lydia's cheeks flushed as she turned to face him, her eyes wide with surprise. "M-Master?"

Luther's smile was a whispered promise. "Yes, Lydia. Just twenty. And you, little one? Sixteen, I believe?"

The gap between their ages wasn't vast, but Lydia felt like an abyss separated them. Master and servant, master and student, or something more?

Luther's eyes sparkled with amusement, as if he savored her confusion. "Not so different, Lydia. You and I. Both still learning, still growing."

His words wrapped around her like a gentle caress, making Lydia's pulse flutter.