
Mass Effect:Inception

In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time. They called it the greatest discovery in human history. The civilizations of the galaxy call it... MASS EFFECT. A Teen seemingly around the age of 19-20 woke in a room that was unknown to him. Suddenly Memories washed into his mind. Knowledge that wasn't his own Unbeknownst, A small camera in the corner of the darkroom was silently looking down at him. as if it was silently observing his every movement "Finally....A working test subject...." (I Clearly do not own Mass Effect.If this pic is yours and want it down then don't hesitate to ask)

Overload_man32 · Derivasi dari game
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10 Chs


Out in the vastness among the stars and nearby planets, a UT-47 Kodiak Drop Shuttle, a personnel carrier capable of planetary flight and limited FTL travel, was traveling around in deep space heading toward its destination.

If you looked through the glass, you would see a woman with a white tight skinsuit in the pilot seat. She had been traveling for a while now. But she would soon reach her end's journey as out in the distance she saw a massive space station right next to a planet called LV426. A desert planet used for personnel training and as a local outpost.


seeing that she had made it, she typed into the Kodiak computer land and tried contacting the station's operator. Getting clearance to dock inside.

"Station Control this is Miranda Lawson. Requesting permission to land over."


"Station Control I repeat, this is Miranda Lawson. Requesting permission to land over."


Once again radio silence. She sighed in frustration while waiting for somebody to respond and grant her permission to dock.

So she waited. waited, waited, and waited until any source of communication came back from the station. she sat there only to realize that she had been waiting for a solid 10 minutes

"What the hell is exactly going on over here!? They should have gotten back in contact within a few minutes ago!"

She leaned forward and talked back into the comms one final time "This is Miranda Lawson. I have been trying to get in contact for the last ten minutes. can anybody respond?"




"God fucking damn it..." That was the only thing she could say at the moment as she drove the Kodiak into one of the closed hanger bays. fortunately for her, she had authoritative access due to her high-ranking position within the organization so she would have no issue being able to land inside the facility. It would have been more convenient if she had gone through the standard process.

But throughout this entire time of waiting, a singular thought started to form in her mind.

What exactly was going on inside the facility? This was entirely out of their behavior and irregular for them to keep somebody waiting for so long. Surely subject 1183 couldn't cause such widespread internal conflict in such a short amount of time. It's only been a few hours and even if he was able to survive for this long, there was no way he would be able to reach the communication towers which are at the top of the facility. Not with all the resistance that is pilling down on the test subject.

No something else had to be amiss.

And soon she would get her answers.



Inside one of the many hanger bays of the facility, one of the gates opened leading to the immensity of space opened up as the Kodiak proceeded to land inside of the facility, the gate closing right behind it.

seeing that she made it safely inside, she let the Kodiak's system do its job as she got from her seat and got ready to depart. Quickly grabbing an M-4 Shuriken that she brought along with her and a few thermal clips. She didn't bring much firepower since she believed it didn't require a lot of effort to bring down. And if he proved wrong, she could just access the facility armory. But that's if the rouge clone hadn't been dealt with already.

Now that she was fully ready and equipped, she opened the Kodiak's door and jumped off before proceeding to make her way toward the top of the facility. Where the director held his personal office where he was able to oversee everything that happens within the station. Or how he would prefer to call it...

His little "barn". where it contained all of his "animals" with which he could do whatever his heart desired.

she continued to walk as she made her way towards the hangar bay door that revealed the long massive hallways that lead to the other sides of the facility. The first thing she would have least expected to see was multiple Cerberus sciences making their way around or patrol units making their usual routes.

But nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to witness as the moment the automated door opened, her mouth opened in surprise and her eyes widened in shock as she bared witness to all the dead bodies all across the facilities hallways. Their bodies were mutilated beyond recognition as the orange emergency lights illuminated their bodies. There was one so bad that their lower body half was completely missing, revealing their intestines and only half of the head remained with their brain poking out.

Miranda couldn't help herself and put her hand on her mouth. Trying not the vomit as she continued to look at the bodies surrounding her. Throughout her lifetime she had been accustomed to the sight of seeing dead bodies. It came with the territory that was a Cerberus operative. But this.... One had to be extremely sick in the head to cause such a sickening sight.

"What the hell happened here!?" Was the only thing sentence running through her head as she quickly regained her composure. She realized that she needed to get in contact with the director or at least somebody who was able to give her the rundown on what exactly the hell was going on. She extended her left hand and began typing into her Omni-tool. trying to contact anybody within the facility comms.


"What was that?"

That's when she noticed a sound coming all down the right side of the hallway. It was faint but she could barely make out the sound of someone or something.....eating?

Miranda reached behind her and quickly grabbed her M-4 Shuriken and made her way toward the sound. Clinging her gun tightly towards her chest and making silent steps as she got close to the sound. Which at this point, was getting extremely louder and louder than before. All the while she ignored the dead bodies around her and the smell of blood in the air.

She soon made close contact with whatever was making the sound as she put her back against the bloody wall and peaked her head around the corner.

What she saw was a behemoth of a Krogan standing in front of her on its knees. It was bigger than any krogan that she had seen before. It made her seem like a toddler in comparison. It didn't notice her presence and continued to much on whatever it was in its hands. Deciding that she needed to get a closer look at what the beast was eating, she walked out behind the corner and got into a crouching position. Slowly walking towards the right side of the krogan so she could get a good look at what it was eating.

As soon as she got close to the beast to see what it was eating, She quickly regretted her decision as what she saw made her want to throw up all over again.

What the Korgan had in its hand was a male severed guard's head. He was eating it like it was a delicious piece of chicken. Turing it around and biting off the flesh it hadn't eaten yet. Miranda could even see the man's eye dangling off on the side of the Krogan's mouth before sucking into its mouth and started chewing on it.

Not wanting to draw its attention to her. She quickly began walking backward toward the corner that lead back to the hallway. Unfortunately, she didn't see the puddle of blood right behind her due to a half-eaten corpse.

"Ah!?" she couldn't help but yelp as she found herself slipping and falling down to the floor head first.


As Miranda began getting back up, she felt the floor beneath her suddenly shake. That's when she finally realized the mistake that she just committed as she turned her head to see the behemoth krogan stand straight up slowly turning around to see a woman right behind him. Its face was covered up with the blood of all its meals he had consumed and its red eyes used to contain signs of sanity now only contained signs of madness.

When the Korgan turned around, the only thing he could that his mind focused on was the Cerberus logo on Miranda's skin-tight suit. His bloody face contorted in anger as he stomped on the ground multiple times shaking the environment.




"aw crap"

Seeing that she was found out, she quickly reached for her M-4 Shuriken from the ground and pointed her gun at the creature. The Korgan who towered over her yelled in anger before rushing at her. intending to ram into her with enough force to turn anybody into mush.

"Thud, thud,t hud, thud"

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Seeing the massive Krogan rushing at her, she began opening fire at the creature as she fire multiple three-round bursts at the creature directly at the face. Yet the creature shrugged off the pain as it didn't ever care and continued rushing at Miranda. Closing the gap between them.

But before he could ram into her, she dodges at the last second as she barrel rolled out of the way last second as the Krogan missed her and continued rushing. Only stopping as he crashed into the wall, leaving a massive dent.

The Krogan immediately turned and just continued on the warpath as it continued to try to get its hands on the Cerberus girl. Seeing the beast rushing her once more, she fired at the krogan once more. This time with one hand as her other hand began glowing in purple. Channeling it until it became unstable like a grenade.

Soon the monster closed the distance once more. But this time Miranda didn't make any effort to dodge out of the way as she waited and waited until the creature was mere inches away from her face. And as he was about to finally catch its prey and feast upon her corpse, she jumped into action and retaliated as she shoved her left hand right into the Krogans face.

The Biotic grenade in her hand became volatile as went by and when it made contact with the Krogan's face it finally exploded. The Korgan's face was covered in the purplish light as it sent tumbling back a few steps before falling to the ground.

Seeing that the krogan was dealt with, Miranda stood right back and began walking toward the Krogan. Believing that the direct biotic explosion to the face was enough to bring it down.

Walking over to the grounded Krogan, She took a good look at the creature. Its one bloody face had burn marks sizzling all over its face and she could see some bone under all of the burnt facial tissue.

Believing that her opponent was dead she began walking toward the inner parts of the facility. But before she could take even a single step, she suddenly felt a hand tightly grasping around her neck as she looked back down to see the half-dead Krogan staring right into her eyes.

The Korgan lifted her up from the ground. He began chocking the life of the girl all the while Miranda tried everything in her to resit but nothing worked under the strength of the behemoth.

Soon everything in her Peripheral vision started to look dark and she felt her body start to turn weak. she felt everything was over until she felt her final surge of life rush into her body.

She lifted up her right arm high up as an orange light covered her arm as she summoned her Omni-tool which turned into an Omni-blade. And in one swift motion, she stabbed and shoved the Omni-blade right into the Krogan's neck.

The Krogan yelled out in pain as he felt his own blood pouring out from his neck. He let go of Miranda as she dropped down to the floor and without giving the Krogan a single moment, she rushed and jumped on top of the Krogan. Sending the creature crashing down back to the ground

She didn't relent at all for her adversary as she proceed to continuously stabbed the Krogan's neck. With each stab reaching deeper inside and spilling more blood. Proceeding to bring down the creature to an inch of its life.

Deciding to finally bring down the creature for good, she reached out to her right and grabbed her M-4 Shuriken from the ground, and placed the barrel of the gun right between its half-dead eyes.

"Go back to hell you bastard!"


And in a single moment, she pulled the trigger. Instantly blowing the krogan brains as it spilled everywhere on the floor. Finally killing the creature once and for all

Seeing that she was victorious and successfully killed the Korgan, she stood back up and just took a big breath as she slammed her back to the wall and slid down. She just took this short moment to reprieve.

That's when she felt and heard the sounds of footsteps coming from down the hallway. She quickly sprung into action and aim her gun toward the entrance of the hallway. Preparing herself for whatever creature that was coming her way.

But what she expected was another hostile that would try to take her life was in fact a platoon of heavily armed Cerberus units. All equipped with a multitude of weapons such as assault rifles, shotguns with riot shields, and grenade launchers.

"Where is he!? Where's the convict!?"

"Sir! look over there!"

One of the units yelled out and everybody turned and look only to see that the Krogan who had massacred everybody within the hanger bay was now dead with his face having burn marks all over and its brains being scattered all over the floor

That's when he noticed the person responsible for ending that nightmare was right there pointing a gun at them. Realizing that it was friend rather than foe, she quickly took a sigh of relief as she placed her gun down.

Seeing that the krogan, the captain of the squad immediately took charge of the situation and turned around towards his troops "Ok everybody! spread out and secure the hanger bay! Make sure to completely lock down the area and don't let anybody in without permission from the head of command! You all got it!?"

"YES SIR!" They all yell out in unison before they completely dispersed and secured the rest of the hangar bay area. Leaving Their captain and Miranda alone together. He turned around and offered his hand "Are you alright ma'am? I know you must have a lot of questions about what's going on."

She just stared at the hand for a second before causally waving it away and getting up by herself. Only saying a single sentence

"Take me to the director"