
Mass effect: Administrative Ai Matrix

Being an AI is different to being a human or alien. But being a human then turned AI in mass effect is strange. But earth and the current scans of shepherd doesn't match with humans my database. Disclaimer I dont own any of the rights to Mass Effect or other things I pull from any other Sci-fi game.

Nutcruncher_442 · Derivasi dari game
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11 Chs


*Pov changes*

[Digital messages/hand written messages]

{News radio}

<Digital communication between Ai's>

Sorry for late upload.


*pov Normandy crew*

Everyone agrees and gets the signal to return to their posts. To complete the promise that was made when he became captain of the ship.

With Shepherd remaining in place as certain crew didn't leave.

Liara "Shepherd I have to try to save my mother please allow it to try." The hint of sadness and loneliness coming from her.

"I understand but we cant be to careful with an ai especially if the reapers are similar to it." Shepherd states with no emotion.

"This is your pilot speaking thank you for flying with joker airlines we shall be departing soon." Joker states over the intercom. With the ship humming to life.

"Shepherd I can not allow joker to take whatever that thing will give him. Its unethical and an untested it could kill him." Dr chakwas iterates.

"Dr I don't think we can stop joker maybe you could work with it to get medical tech advancements. To could be really helpful to us and the galaxy." Shepherd says hopefully.

Dr chakwas looks at him before walking of and grumbling something unintelligible as she passes by tali. Looking at tali he approaches her to see what is wrong.

"Tali are you okay." Shepherd asks because he couldn't see any emotions.

"I can't allow it on the ship it's just waiting to kill us all." She half shouts angry and hate lacing her voice. "Must find a way to disable or kill it." She mutters.

"Look leave it alone for now we dont know what it can do that's why its coming to Noveria so it can be evaluated in combat." Looking at the rest to see their reactions.

Most nodded but some looked unsure. Not sure on weather to try and kill it because it's similar to the geth.

"But it can be dealt with after the saren and the reapers." Shepherd says more to clear the air they will stop it.

*pov OMAC*

Looking at the diagnostic results for the ringworld. Shows something is wrong with me I'm not the same as when I entered here I feel free but now I'm thinking about it there are invisible shackles guiding my actions.

Let's see one is anchoring my to this place. One leads of into nowhere will have to send a ship in that direction when I'm free from from here. But I can only see the outline to two of them.

No focus this ringworld only has 1% of the 75% that should be dedicated to processing power which means I should repair the broken connections first. Very lucky that the MS was able to upgrade to to T2.

Now the droids here will focus on that time to watch Noveria.

*Pov Shepherd*

"Joker how long till you can get us to earth?"

"Not long commander I've got come restored and can contact the admiral Hackett if you want." Joker says over intercom.

"Please get him in contact I'll take the it in the cic." He responds walking there from his quarters.

As he enters he sees Admiral Hackett. Saluting " Sir I'm here to report but it would be better to report this to you in person less chance of this leaking that way." As Hackett stares at Shepherd he just nods.

"I'll be awaiting you at Acturus station." Finishing all he needs to say he salutes before disappearing.

"Joker course change to Acturus station and inform everyone they have a day of shore leave when we arrive."


*Pov OMAC*

Looking at the more clearer the place has become since I've started restored the processing power to 5% shows I've been tampered with who and why unknown.

Listening to the Normandy crew getting shore leave on Acturus station is good allows the stealth destroyer above earth to access the old net and extranet. For now focus on old net.

Change in plans for myself and the Terran Ascendancy. I'll have to kidnap (possibly) the Alpha Centuri colonists from the place and move them to a world I'll turn into a resort.

Before I move them I'd inform them of the state of humanity and the galaxy and about an oncoming threat I have detected and show them evidence. Aka the reapers and how I would like them to come to a resort world were they can stay or they can go back to earth.

So I have a day before they head to Noveria good more time to repair this place.

*POV Shepherd - Timeskip 12 hours*

Arriving back in Sol I immediately begin to contact Admiral Hackett.

"Ah Shepherd good to see your still alive. Are you ready for debrief?" Admiral Hackett asks.

"It would be better to do it in person there are some things it would be best explained in person." Shepherd says looking around.

"Have joker bring you to the 5th fleet I'll board the Normandy then you can take a day of shore leave at Acturus." He says in a commanding tone.

"Understood sir." Saluting the Admiral

"Joker take us to the 5th fleet and dock with Admiral Hackett's drednought."

"Aye aye captain."

*timeskip 2 hours*

As the admiral walks in all alliance personal salutes the admiral does the same back sending everyone back to work while Shepherd just stands still not leading the Admiral away.

*timeskip Shepherd explaining the event that happened at the anomaly*

"This cannot be leaked to anyone." As Hackett thinks before continuing. "Joker put me on to the crew."

"Done sir"

"This is Admiral Hackett to the crew and the people Shepherd hired the events and things everyone witnessed in your last mission is to be kept secret from everyone no one can know. If anyone asks about this mission I had you run a training simulation of a stealth attack on an alliance black site. That is all Hackett out."

"Shepherd you said there is a combat droid in the cargo bay?"

"Yes sir, do you wish to meet it?" Hackett just nods and begins walking to the cargo bay.

Reaching the cargo bay and staring at the droid they stare at it. "This is it? Seems like it will be destroyed easily. But I guess it's just here to communicate with who ever finds the place first."

"That is correct Admiral Hackett. This droid is an old model that was the closest. Newer models are far more advanced and more capable." Jumping in shock before regaining his composure.

"Why do you want to help the commander on his mission." Hackett asks.

"I have my reasons but my last orders are protect the Human Empire and Terran Ascendancy territory at all costs. Your system alliance is classed as the human empire." So that's why its seeing if there is a threat to it.

"I see what are you going to do about retrieving this unit then?"

"When your ship enters the Noveria system I'll teleport it onto the stealth destroyer that's waiting there. And we can wait to heal your pilots disease until you leave the Noveria system that way you dont have to worry I can make it so we dock at Acturus and do it there or a space port."

Before Shepherd can respond Hackett interrupts "go to Eden prime I wish to watch and I have to test my peoples skills against the batarians."

"Pleasure meeting the man who sent people that woke me from my slumber." Watching there shocked looks a last time I power down this old droid and have it marked for disassembly.

*timeskip 2 days & Pov OMAC*

After using the materials produced I've become faster and found many faults in the place as well as random packets of data increasing what I can do. The ships are to small and inefficient especially for the ftl method I have maybe I should scale them up an bit.

Watching as the Normandy enters the system and gets hailed by noveria saying the same as in the game is funny let's wait at peak 15 for them then. Using the teleportation onboard the destroyer I teleport the old droid to my ships before letting the worker Vi dismantle it.

Approaching peak 15 at full stealth nothing happened while I wait let's take an inventory.

*Timeskip to Shepherd rounding the corner to the garage entrance*

The ship sat waiting in complete stealth. No emissions, no visual effect on its surroundings or on sensors.

As Shepherd, wrex and Liara rounded the corner the destroyer disengages its cloak and drops 3 combat droids in the middle of the geth position.

[Destroyer Image]

The geth look at the droids before opening fire. Blue light materilzes when a mass effect round hits the sheild as the droids fire pack with a rifle that just disintegrates the geth arround them.

Getting a clear look at the droids they are different to the one inside the Normandy.

[Sorry about late combat droid look]

(I also changed how they look)

Mass effect fields failing to stop a dart the size of a bullet made from the same material the terran ships are.

[Gun image]

[Bullet image]

As the Normandy ground crew watch as a single bullet puts a head size hole in each geth units chest. Shepherd is knocked out of his shock when the destroyer recloaks disappearing from view.

Watching as they look shocked and just stare is funny till I'm waiting on them. Getting the clear from the crew I teleport a dozen of null cuffs down magneticly clamped to the droids hopefully they work against biotics.

As Shepherd, wrex and Liara approach slowly weapons pointed at the androids. "Epsilon we move when the spectre is ready." In a female voice.

"Your the androids that he was on about? The more advanced ones?" Shepherd asks cautiously.

"Nice weapons but those dont use mass effect fields. What are they?" Wrex questions appreciating the destruction around them.

"Yes to your questions commander and these fire bullets made from a neutron star at mach 20 but can be made to fire at faster speeds." Wrex nods admiring the destruction further.

"Wait you said neutron star as in the stars that are 10 times as heavy as anything else in the universe. They fire projectiles they may or may not weight a few hundred million Tones." Liara asks astonished at the revelation.

Shepherd does a double take and wrex's grin gets bigger. "Yes the exact same star your on about. But we synthesize the way to make it. Each bullet should way 10 million tones but using GFW it deletes it's own weight and any distortion on a gravity field. Are we ready to move there will be more inside."

"Can i ask a question while we go in and get what we need?" A simple nod is all that's received.

The team get a proper look at the androids and see they are in a full combat suit that is pitch black with deep red glowing lines not even the face is showing. Thay wank on high heels attached to the armour and have a melee weapons that seems personalized for each one.

[Android armour]

"Why are you in what humans call high heels and is it necessary to carry melee weapons that big?"

"The high heels are more because the Terrans could, and melee weapons are for just in case guns dont do anything the swords will especially when they can cut a hole in the fabric of reality." Letting that hang in the air.

"You don't sound or act like him the one we met on the ringworld." The one that has a sniper on there back just looks at them before grunting.

"Surprised father didn't kill you. He always was a fan of genocide, but that event happened so its possibly good he didnt kill you." All three of them stop and put a hand over their hearts for a moment before continuing walking towards the garage door.

Waiting for Shepherd they stop. When liara asks "Why would he kill us. And why are you hostile to aliens."

With an audible sigh "He never did like other beings it's just tolerating them to him. And the reason for our hostility is because other races were the reason for the downfall of the terran ascendancy." That comes as a shock.

"Why call him father then." Liara asks but receives no awnser.

Why do they call me father I never had children when I was alive or created an AI. Reaching out and asking them they give no response getting a gut feeling I let it be for now.

Watching them move through the facility and kill any geth and Rachni in the way is amusing. It seems I did enjoy the mindless slaughter of living things while I was alive then.

More questions than answers. Shame but time still flows and they just reached the vi control room. Entering the vi memory core Shepherd begins repairs.

As Shepherd comes back up the vi comes online and explains how we need to repair the reactor and reconnect the landlines.

"We have got the reactor." One of the droids say and begins to move towards the reactor room with the other two following.

After walking for a while they encounter some geth obliterating the geth in a single shot the continue to one shot the geth.

Dont think mass effect sheilds can withstand a projectile the size of a bullet moving at high hypersonic speeds. Why fling a grain of sand at supersonic speeds when a normal bullet dose the same damage.

Getting to the reactor controls they bypass the system shutdown and the reactor comes online. Looking at each other they head towards the trams and await Shepherd after telling the vi to let him know.

With Shepherd and the Normandy ground team arriving they set off into the hot labs.


Sorry if the last part seemed rushed.

So I'm looking at increasing the size of the Terran Ascendancy ships due to the matter Singularity tech and ftl method the TA (terran ascendancy) uses. Please give me your thoughts.

I have also started playing the first game.as a colonist and ruthless and sentinel path. This is also so I can write my story more accurately and get a better grasp on the characters and there personality.