
Chapter 1 - the beginning of a new

Today was a day like any other I got to school and I sat at my desk. The popular kids are talking & the geeks are reading manga & playing games. When class started everything turned white. the only things that wasn't white was my classmates & my friend instructor. out of nowhere a voice began to speak. "say status open, only you can see your status." The geeks knew what was happening & took advantage. They formed a team, they called it "The World returners". The instructor and others were following orders from the unknown voice, I did the same. "everyone has status a certain number of points. Be careful on what you choose". I checked how many points I have. I have 50 points from what I can hear people have 20 to 5 the highest I heard was from the most popular kid Tsuyoi having 35, then Jinsoku with 30, Hira with 30. I have always been jealous of Tsuyoi having 2 beautiful girl beside him. After I put in my points, my class was transported again this time in a room with a king looking man his wife (maybe) and 2 princesses. "WELCOME TO OUR WORLD." the king declared.