
Mask Persona

In a world where people are gifted the potential of one's persona with a mask called Maskara to fight off monsters that came out of Hell's pit in Antarctica. It comes from the sea of the heart powered by your desires. A well-known academy was built in the middle of the pacific ocean, filled with technology and it is said to be the best Maskara academy in the world. Our protagonist Maverick Ananta is an 18-year-old boy that had been recruited at the academy, he has the ability to communicate with the monsters but doesn't have a fighting ability.

DaoistbcUEJC · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 : Hell's Pit

August 10, 2192, a strange opening had been located at the south pole, and mutants had been surging out of the said hole, attacking bystanders near the site. Some could fly, run fast and command other monsters.

-5 Years Later-

Mascaras are discovered and are researched for potential weapons against the monsters. Mascaras depend on the user's personality that shapes their form, upon wearing the said mask, a weapon can be summoned or armor or sometimes even magical abilities such as telekinesis or pyrokinetic abilities.

On July 12, 2199, the academy named M.P.A or Mask Persona Academy had been opened to the public and the whole world. Many classes had been established such as the Scout Team, Combat Team, and Ranged team. There is also a class called Elite team, where only those with gifted abilities reside and train.

-To the present-

September 28, 2205

"Oh god, I'm late for school again. I mean do I even want to go? (Maverick)"

Maverick woke up, well half. as he reached for his tablet and checked the time, he is indeed late for school. He hurriedly went downstairs and greeted his housemate. Rita Anamagi, a Japanese friend of his that had been assigned to watch over Maverick so he can't cause trouble.

"You're late again Rick, and why did you sneak into the backyard at 2 am? (Rita)"

Rita asked with a cold stare

"Fine you caught me, I had been drinking with my friends last night (Maverick)"

Maverick said while rubbing his cheeks

"You're only 18 Rick, and besides shouldn't you go to school now? You still have 20 minutes to prepare (Rita)"

"Oh fuck you're right, I'm not gonna eat breakfast right now but leave some bacon for me when I get home (Maverick)"

Maverick rushed to pack his things and took off. Rita is the same age as Maverick but chose not to go to school since she is quite smart herself. She accepted the job to take care of Maverick for the money but they became close with each other through the years.

Maverick arrived at school. It is quite a prestigious school and many students are rich as well but Maverick doesn't care about them anyways. He may seem like a stupid guy but he is quite smart and always has high scores on exams.

School is finished but suddenly the city glows red and an alert sign had been posted.

"Monster attack huh? this is the 3rd time this week. (Stranger 1)"

"I know right? they are becoming more frequent lately (Stranger 2)"

"(Its true its been happening lately, what is happening out there?) (Maverick)"

Suddenly a helicopter lands in front of him and guys with full-body suits are deployed in the school area. A monster had been found inside the school that had somehow sneaked in somewhere and is now holding a hostage, it was Rita! A soldier put on a bright red mask on his face and a hammer appeared out of thin air! The other soldier put on their mask with different designs and colors, others acquired a weapon and some were suits of armor. The monster leaped out of the window and landed in front of them. The monster is a tall human-like figure with huge muscles and three eyes. It ducked and tentacles of muscle came out of its back and aimed at the soldiers. The soldiers dodged the attack but one had been caught and had been crushed. The hammer soldier rushed at the monster and attacked it from the side, the monster barely flinched.

"We need backup at sector 14, ASAP"

One of the soldiers talked through the watch. Maverick was shocked by this situation, his dearly beloved friend is held hostage by an abomination and soldiers are dying left and right. He is astonished but his body moved without hesitation and tried to snag Rita off the monster's arm. Thanks to its agile footing he dodged the monster's attacks and successfully retried Rita but he was caught by the monster's hand. He accepted its fate at the moment but the monster just stared at it. Maverick's head started to ache and a flood of noises rushed at its mind and the monster let go of him and fled the scene.

"What was that for..? (Maverick)"

As he stood up to regain composure, one of the soldiers approached him.

"Hey kiddo, I'm the squad captain, Corin Miller"

he said while taking off his mask, he is the hammer guy that fought earlier. He has a bulky build, white red hair, and a pleasing smile.

"You are the first reported victim that had been spared by monsters, normally they kill what they see but you are somehow different, did you feel anything as he held you? (Corin)"

"Well a lot of foreign letters entered my mind but I don't know what they mean. I'm Maverick Ananta, 18 years old"

"I see, here kid, hold this pendant close your eyes and tell me what you see, and answer my questions truthfully"

he held out a pendant made of some type of blue steel, it was quite heavy. Maverick held this in his hand and closed his eyes.

"What color do you see? (Corin)"

A bright gold orb appears in front of Maverick in his mind.

"Gold (Maverick)"

Corin took out his tablet and noted every single word that Maverick says.

"Wait... and White (Maverick)"

The soldiers looked at him in shocked

"Wait 2 colors? You are not lying, right? (Corin)"

"Yes, they are quite bright actually (Maverick)"

"Alright next question, Do you see a weapon, armor, or another orb? (Corin)"

"... (Maverick)" Maverick is silent, he was sweating and spoke. "All of them"

-Author's note: I'm not putting names after the end of the dialogue-

Corin finalized its notes and it reads as follows

(Name: Maverick Ananta)

(Age: 18)

(Armor: Present)

(Weapon: Present)

(Kinetic Ability: Present)

(Assigned Class: Elite)

Typical Romance stuff, I know

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