
Marvelous Twist

Evan Shepard finds himself inexplicably transported from his world into this new reality. With only three mysterious crystals and his knowledge of the MCU, Evan navigates the complexities of a universe where both mutants and superheroes coexist. As he strives to understand his new reality, Evan hatches a daring plan that starts with him obtaining Extremis, and ends with him standing at the top of the universal food chain. Amidst the unfolding adventure, Evan's past and origins come to light, revealing secrets that could alter the course of his journey. As he grapples with his identity, he must also navigate the intricate dynamics of this new world, where mutants and humans struggle for coexistence.

Wicked132 · Komik
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69 Chs

Embracing the Present #40

Switching to my first-person perspective, I found myself sighing in a rare moment of relaxation. The deckchair welcomed me as I leaned back, granting a comfortable respite from the scorching sun. I offered a silent appreciation to the umbrella casting its shade, a protective shield against the sun's relentless rays.

Before me, the beach sprawled out in all its glory. The rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves seemed to orchestrate a symphony of tranquility. With a glass cradled in my hand, the soft clinking of ice and whisky sounded a quiet toast to leisure. Savoring the cool liquid, I let time stretch out, allowing the luxury of a leisurely pace to dictate my actions.

My attention shifted to the shoreline where my students reveled in their beach escapades. Their laughter intermingled with the sound of the waves, a vibrant harmony that resonated with pure joy. There was a comforting familiarity in this scene—an echo of times I'd spent on different shores in a realm that seemed distant yet strangely familiar.

The passing years, both before and after my arrival in this world, had cast their mark upon me. The weight of time and experience had sculpted me into someone who felt both ancient and wise, despite the visage of youth that still clung to me. The contrast between my physical appearance and the tapestry of memories I carried was a reminder that age was more than just a matter of years.

With each sip of my drink, I contemplated the journey I'd undertaken. Sixteen years had slipped since I first crossed into this reality—a world different from the one I'd known. The passage of time endowed me with a wealth of lessons, scars, and stories that now defined me. The struggles, the triumphs, and the ceaseless striving had all woven a narrative that was uniquely mine.

With a sigh that carried the weight of contemplation, my mind meandered through the memories of recent encounters—Spider-Man, Captain America, and Felicia Hardy. Their presence in my life was unexpected, a deviation from the long-term plans I had set for myself. I had aimed to tread carefully, to maintain the delicate fabric of the original timeline if circumstances allowed. After all, despite its share of tragedies, that timeline eventually turned out fine.

There was a desire to preserve the status quo, to let events unfold as they were meant to, while perhaps nudging them away from some of the more heart-wrenching tragedies. In essence, I wanted to let the river of time follow its natural course. But reality, as I had come to understand it, was far from predictable. The unexpected was woven into the very fabric of this world, a relentless reminder that plans were little more than hopeful dreams.

I couldn't deny that my interactions with these familiar faces had set my thoughts adrift. The notion of steering clear of their paths was alluring, a way to minimize interference. But in this world, where the unexpected thrived, maintaining such detachment seemed increasingly implausible.

One of the riskiest cards I had played, despite my best intentions, was dropping hints about Hydra's lurking presence within S.H.I.E.L.D. to Captain America. Oddly enough, Nick Fury's plan to play nice for once worked, thanks to my enduring admiration for the man behind the shield.

My active years in service had only deepened my respect for Captain America—the embodiment of unwavering principles and valor. And I couldn't help but throw him a bone.

Still, the calculated choice of hinting at Hydra's covert activities within S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't solely an act of altruism. It held benefits for me as well, serving as a tactical maneuver to divert Captain America's and Nick Fury's focus from my own endeavors.

This strategic sleight of hand granted me a measure of freedom and autonomy, allowing me to operate with fewer constraints and intrusions.

Nick Fury's shrewdness was a known variable. My position within the X-Men, surrounded by a formidable cadre of mutants, provided a layer of protection against any overt moves he might contemplate. It was a fortress built on alliances and shared goals.

However, even within this intricate web of relationships, there lingered a minute chance—an infinitesimal sliver of doubt—that Fury might harbor intentions that could potentially pose a threat.

Yet, by casting the shadow of Hydra's presence over his domain, I manipulated his focus onto a different battlefield. It was a calculated gamble, a means to redirect his attention toward a more immediate and pressing concern.

In essence, I utilized Hydra as a smokescreen, obscuring my own moves from the prying eyes of those who might seek to curtail my actions. The risk of altering the timeline to the worst remained, but I had faith Captain America, of all people, would not muddy the waters.

Shaking my head, I deliberately swept thoughts of the future aside. After all, I was here to embrace the present moment and savor a rare instance of relaxation. The allure of contemplation, ever present, tugged at my mind, but I resisted its pull. There was a time for strategizing and a time for simply being.

The sound of waves crashing against the shore became my focal point, a soothing backdrop that harmonized with the gentle rustling of palm leaves in the breeze. This beach, framed by cerulean waters and a cloudless sky, seemed a universe away from the intricate webs of power I often navigated.

Amidst the tranquil ambiance, it was easy to forget the intricate tapestry of alliances, threats, and machinations that defined my existence. The duality of my life—the juxtaposition of warrior and mentor—found an unlikely harmony in this serene setting.

In the wake of our recent battles, it became evident that my students required respite as much as guidance. Their youthful determination was tempered by the demands of their extraordinary abilities, and the weight of their responsibilities. It was moments like these—carefree hours beneath the sun—that allowed them to find balance and rejuvenate their spirits.

The battle to protect Angel's father had showcased their mettle, revealing the depth of their courage and the reach of their potential. Yet, it was also a stark reminder that they were, above all, human. Each victory, each loss, carved into their psyches, creating a mosaic of experiences that was as rich and complex as any.

I allowed my gaze to linger on my students, scattered across the beach, their laughter and camaraderie a testament to the bonds they had forged. Their youthful exuberance was a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, the capacity for joy remained steadfast.

In a corner of New York City, Captain America emerged from the concealed entrance of one of SHIELD's covert safehouses. His iconic uniform, adorned with the star-spangled shield, stood as a symbol of unwavering dedication. The sun's rays glanced off the vibranium surface of the shield, casting a glint of determination in Steve Rogers' eyes.

Black Widow, her presence as enigmatic as ever, leaned casually against the wall nearby. Her gaze, sharp and assessing, studied Captain America for a fleeting moment before her words sliced through the air, "You really intend to go to Camp Lehigh?" Her tone held a mix of skepticism and understanding.

The Captain's gaze shifted to Natasha Romanoff, and his response was unapologetically earnest, "Is that a rhetorical question?" His voice carried a steadfastness, a resoluteness that seemed inseparable from his identity.

A sigh escaped Black Widow, her posture and demeanor suggesting a wariness that was not easily shaken. "This might be a waste of time, you know?" Her words carried a hint of frustration, tinged with the practicality that defined her approach to life. "Just something to keep you and Nick off that guy's back..."

Captain America's gaze remained steady as he met Natasha's eyes. The furrow of his brow and the set of his jaw spoke of his unwavering sense of duty. "I find it hard to believe Hydra had survived after all these years as well," he admitted, his voice carrying a touch of contemplation.

But the uncertainty was short-lived, replaced by an unshakeable resolve. "But if there's even the slightest chance that they did survive..." His voice gained a note of weight, as if every word carried the burden of responsibility.

"...That they've infiltrated SHIELD and have been leading us by the nose all this time," he continued, the realization evident in his tone. The layers of deceit, the shadowy presence that might have manipulated events, bore down on his thoughts.

His expression solidified into a mask of determination as he concluded, "Then it's my responsibility to put Hydra down. For good this time..."

The air seemed to thicken with the weight of his commitment, the echoes of history and the present converging in his stance. It was a reminder that the past's grasp on the present was unrelenting, and that the struggle for justice was a battle that transcended eras. In Captain America's resolute form, the essence of a hero was vividly personified.


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