
Chapter 1 - Summoning Mephisto

My story is somewhat tragic and ironic. The journey began in absolute poverty, when it was necessary to dose out portions of food for survival. My plans did not include desperation, and I took up my studies, while working part-time wherever I wasn't kicked out.

"Today everything will be different," I leafed through the ancient book. My name – Gene Salem – can already say a lot. My parents weren't too bad. Rather, people obsessed with the occult who, in their search for the inexplicable, disappeared somewhere and never returned. Since they were declared missing and possibly dead, I inherited books and debts.

My biggest regret in this life is one night. As usual, we gathered to race in street races, I was supported by a beautiful girl and many friends. As soon as the motorcycle broke down during a frantic acceleration, my life broke down along with it. My beloved left for someone else, my friends avoided me, my property went to pay hospital bills.

Yes, I drive a motorcycle very well and can perform dozens of tricks, but now only in my head. His legs were damaged in the accident, and his limbs almost had to be amputated. Not that it could change my situation.

Sometimes I seriously think about switching to prosthetics, but normal ones require money. Insurance will not cover them; it is completely useless. A dull piece of paper.

— You can start, but the chances of success are close to zero. At best, they'll kill me, but there's nothing left to lose, so it's okay. Everything must be fine, you must remain yourself until the very end," my voice trembled. If even half of this book is true, then I am voluntarily stepping into the mouth of a volcano.

I've tried hundreds of ways to get out of my situation, but I have no talent for magic. Just a person, like millions, no, billions all over the planet. Will this stop me from taking a decisive step? Ordinariness is not a vice, but a kind of virtue.

Placing the book on the table, my gaze met the iron bracelet on my wrist. Letters from parents said it brought good luck. In fact, I was wearing it at the time of the accident. There is deception everywhere and I am ready to wear it for the rest of my days as a reminder. My hands grabbed the wheels of the wheelchair, I rolled it to the pre-drawn circle. Taking a lighter out of his pocket, his finger frantically began to turn the wheel to create a spark.

"May the Almighty be with me," the fire flared up and the candles began to light one after another. I don't need a book to cast a spell. Previously, I memorized all the texts. There is powder scattered on the floor, which I cast according to the instructions. In the center of the makeshift altar stood the symbol of the devil, covered in my blood.

It's deep midnight when evil comes out. The ideal time for such rituals.

- Two coins. One is normal, and the other with two reverses. We can begin," my torso bent, allowing me to place a coin with the reverse facing me under the sole of my shoe, and I left the coin with two reverses in my hand. It is extremely inconvenient to ride a stroller without a footrest, but in this case it is more a necessity than an oversight on my part.

After which I began to read the spell. With every word the cold in the room intensified. I took a quick look at the windows of the apartment, and my heart almost jumped out of my chest when the disgusting liquid appeared before me. It flowed down the window as if someone had been killed just above. Exactly, the liquid looks like blood.

Put your thoughts aside, it is important to concentrate on reading the spell and not think anything unnecessary. The book talks about the demons' ability to see all of me. Just in case, I even doused myself with holy water, as well as the coins.

Five minutes later, space itself began to bend, and then a majestic figure with red skin and large horns appeared in the middle of the circle.

"I didn't think there were any nonentities left who wanted to set a trap for the Great Lord!" — Mephisto's voice inspired fear and admiration. It's a pity, but my knees don't bend.

The Lord of Hell took a step, but stopped abruptly, crashing into a barrier invisible even to me.

- How dare you, idiot! - a creature of a different order roared so loudly that it was as if there was an explosion in my head.

"Uhm... a simple precaution," the voice sounded strangled, with slight signs of torment. - I want to make a deal. Breaking the barrier in exchange for the power to heal my legs.

Mephisto's eyes widened, and then he bent his head closer to me. His pupilless yellow eyes made me tilt my head back.

"Do you think a cheap barrier invented by a pathetic whore can stop me?" — the red monster asked me with a bit of amusement.

"Otherwise, I would already be dead." I don't think even the best barrier in the world can contain all your strength, but now there's only one part of you in front of me. I'm right?

Mephisto clicked his tongue in displeasure and straightened up, crossing his arms behind his back.

"Too cheap for the power to heal your legs." I completely forgot, you're from the Salem clan. Curious to know what happened to your parents?

Expected move for a demon. Offer a person something that he may crave more than his own desire. Regular information about parents? Did they die in some crappy cave or were they killed by demons? My legs are worth more than information, which will give me nothing.

"My conditions remain the same, but if it's hard for you to agree to them, we can play a game," I raised my hand with the coin. — The first thing I will see on the floor of this apartment after the coin toss. If it's the opposite, then you're talking about your parents, which won't do much for me. If I see a reversal, then you give me the power to correct my situation.

I would like to ask for more and set up a cage according to the conditions, but none of the demons will agree to this. I'm all in.

— Are you playing all-in? Ha ha ha ha! — his thunderous laugh made me involuntarily shrink. Still, he can read minds even through this protection.

"Okay, pathetic flea, I'll play a game with you, just don't complain after," the candle flames intensified. I tossed a coin with two reverses as Mephisto smiled. Then, when she fell to the ground, my eyes did not dare to look at the result.

- You lost, now be kind. Look at the obverse," Mephisto expectedly changed the side of the coin. Wait, why did I remove the footrest from the wheelchair? My legs are now dragging along the floor, causing me discomfort. Moving the stroller back, I encountered a reverse on the floor of the apartment.

"Exactly, I put this coin in and now I see a result that is convenient for me," holding back a smile from the successful adventure, I wanted to shout "Eureka."

Mephisto opened his mouth in amazement. The yellow eye trembled in time with my beating heart. Too fast, but it was worth it.

- You fucked me. Could you really fuck me with such a simple trick? Since when did people on this planet have brains? But you didn't think that everything would be so simple, did you? You asked for power, but from this power you will have to suffer forever. In memory of my humiliation. Soon I will fuck you so much that you will forever beg for my mercy and curse today," Mephisto snapped his fingers and then disappeared. The trap has lost its force, which means the contract has been fulfilled.

I breathed a sigh of relief. It is difficult to bargain with the devil without paying in the form of a soul. Looking at the iron bracelet, my eyebrows furrowed. Hot steam slowly came out of me. The skin turned redder every second, reminiscent of a boiled crayfish.

- What's happening?


The body was enveloped in powerful flames as if straight from the inferno. It burned every piece of skin, every layer of fat and meat right down to the bones.

- Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! — I screamed, unable to contain the pain. The flames reached his eyes, burning the whites out of them. It didn't last long, but for me it felt like an eternity had passed.

As I stood on my newly functioning legs, I heard a voice in my head.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<Punish the sinners>>>>>>>>>>

A burning skeleton emerged from a dilapidated one-room apartment. From his eye sockets, mouth and skull came the hellish fire of retribution. His eyes scanned his clothes and then they burst into flames, materializing Salem's old outfit from his street racing days. Only small pointed spikes protruded from the shoulders of the jacket.

"Honest mother," one of the neighbors, who came out to investigate the situation, fell in shock. The neighbor was Mexican, but to the surprise of the neighborhood junkies, he had no drugs. This upset them greatly, and they often beat the man.

"Your mother is deceitful, just like your soul," the Spirit of Vengeance headed towards the stairs and jumped into the stairwell, landing without harm to his bones. He then went out into the street and approached a parked bike. Sitting on it, the Racer sent hellfire into the transport, giving it a demonic form.

The hellish bike inspired fear and horror. Burning wheels and a skull instead of a headlight are not the only changes that have occurred to the vehicle. Its engine has also been transformed, allowing it to accelerate to enormous speeds without the need for traditional fuel.

- My bike! — a loud sound was heard from the window, but the Racer completely ignored the owner's indignation. Starting the hellish engine, he moved towards the exit from the city.


The sound of the engine echoed throughout the area, and the speed could rival that of a fighter jet. The racer masterfully avoided any obstacle. Now he was worried about the presence of evil outside the city. Much stronger than from criminals.

"Evil is getting closer, which means that it is only moments away from punishment." The racer had already crossed the city and was driving through a wasteland. The asphalt behind him melted from the wheels, and small insects on the side of the road burned from his infernal aura.

A powerful explosion appeared in the distance, the Racer stepped on the gas and a powerful stream of flame burst out of the exhaust pipe of the bike. Instantly closing the distance, the fiery skeleton in a biker outfit pressed the front brake, and, standing on one wheel, increased his weight to lower the vehicle down.

- Noooo! — a man ran out of the burning gas station. His body was engulfed in flames, and now he was burning alive. The Spirit of Vengeance's jaw dropped and he absorbed the fire from the victim's body into himself, and then dismounted from the transport. Approaching the man crying in pain, he looked at him with his hollow eye sockets.

"Ah-ah-ah, demon, another demon, don't, please," the man begged, trying not to touch the burns on his body.

"You ask, but you do it without proper repentance," the Racer looked around the gas station, and the flame on his head increased in pressure. From this, the man bowed in fear and began to lay out everything he knew.

— I stopped for a snack when a truck crashed into us. Thousands of worms crawled all over him, and the driver's only eye glowed red. Before this, we discussed the story of how one truck driver sold his soul to the devil in exchange for not losing his job and forever driving around the country in his truck.

- Get out of here, you reek of sins and cheap booze. The rider returned to his bike, started the engine, accelerated sharply and set off in pursuit. After a minute of chasing, he found a mutated truck. The Stark Industries logo was painted on it. A man driving was rubbing a strange liquid-like mucus on his head when he saw a burning motorcycle in the rearview window. His gaze returned to the road, where he met the severed head on the hood. He attached it as a souvenir.

"Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha, a hothead is following us, we will greet the guest at his true worth, and then I will feed you fresh heads," the truck driver, who had lost his humanity, addressed his vehicle. The racer caught up with the truck and looked at the trucker in a cowboy hat and plaid shirt with an indifferent glance. He was missing one eye, which he immediately didn't like. - What hatched, freak? Let me show you what my baby can do.

"More like a fat fat woman," the response comment infuriated the truck driver, and he was about to cut off the bastard, when the Racer himself approached and squeezed the brake, and then sharply pulled the bike to the side, hitting the driver's door with his rear wheel.


The transport flew away like a feather. After turning over several times, he finally fell onto the roof. The driver came out of the door and looked gloomily at the Spirit of Vengeance slowly walking towards him. There was a flash of excitement in him now, but it quickly died down under the influence of his nature. Fear was replaced by anger, which the trucker decided to take out on the fiery skeleton.

- My baby! You will answer for this! I will find all your loved ones and will rape you for so long until my dick falls off!

The iron chain on the Racer's wrist was saturated with hellfire and separated, forming a heavy chain.

"You dare ignore me, bitch?" Yes, I will tear you apart and feed your insides to the Satanists. Stop! I'll eat them myself! Girl, show me what you can do! - the trucker yelled and spread his arms to the side.

His smile consisted of a row of jagged teeth, it resembled wild animals. The red eye glowed brighter, and crowds of monsters poured out of the truck. They separated from him, forming a flock of creatures of different sizes. They were united only by ugliness and the presence of tentacles.

"Make sure you don't choke," the chain lit up with fire, and the Racer made a circular swing, destroying dozens of creatures. The trucker managed to duck down, saving his head from breaking off relations with his body.

- Ha, suck it, you brainless head. You can't hurt me. Hm? — the man who sold his soul noticed in surprise the heaviness on his leg. The Racer wrapped his second chain around his ankle and pulled him towards him with one push back.


The trucker did a somersault in the air and fell on his back right in front of the burning skull.

- You will pay for this! I'll find your brain and...

"Soon you yourself will find yourself on Mephisto's table." Wish him from me to be poisoned by such carrion as you!

The Spirit of Vengeance took the chain with both hands and began to furiously spin it, forming a circular saw, and then ran the result along the bastard's body, cutting it into two even halves. His remains burst into flames, burning every piece of his body.

Approaching the truck, the Horseman raised his hand and released a hurricane of hellfire from it.


The monsters screamed in the truck as they turned to ash. Hellfire destroyed not only physical objects, but also spiritual entities.


The truck exploded and its flaming wreckage scattered throughout the area. The cleansing fire carried away one of the misfortunes of this world deep into the depths of hell. For every sin there is retribution. Suddenly a chill broke through his body, he felt a terrible sin hundreds of miles away.

- Pathetic Satanists dare to organize a sacrifice? Let me teach you a valuable lesson: love your neighbor forever, or my fire of vengeance will love you. Your age has come to an end,

— The rider sat down on the bike and started it. He doesn't need fuel, because his bike was powered by the screams of sinners. There was plenty of such fuel at the present time, and if there was a shortage, you could always take some from Hell. There it is simply endless.

Mephisto did not expect that his small revenge would cost him a major disaster. Today he has already lost one faithful sinner who brought joy to him in this world. But the evening had just begun, and he was the first of many.

*VRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYM* The bike howled, and the Racer moved into the city at lightning speed. Landscapes quickly replaced each other, and the cries of innocent souls gave him the necessary motivation to move forward. Some time later he was driving through the streets of the city. Raising his head up, he saw a huge building. The multi-story building consisted mainly of glass. It looks wonderful from the outside, but heating it is a headache for the owner. However, this was not Racer's problem. All he ever cared about was Retribution.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Kaniucreators' thoughts