
Marvel with the template system

Reborn in the crazy world, Ray tried to live his life peacefully but he always knew that he would find himself in a troublesome situation. Fear for his life, Ray was forced to step up in the world. Follow his journey as he tries to navigate crazy adventures. *** Main World is MCU but it will shift into a comic version. But his domain will not be limited by Marvel.

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24 Chs

Cursed energy

' I need to think about why I want to create Dark matter. '

Ray gazed at the screen and scanned 80% chemical structure. His eyes were avoid of life and only showed the nature of the universe he knew.

' Dark matter. Easy to produce. A drop of it can power a gun for hundreds of years. I can make explosions non-radioactive. Easy to carry. When I created a spaceship, it could make it travel beyond light speed. '

' And I could take the extra budget for myself. It is not like money is my problem but I am still a teenager. I need someone to store my money. '

He sighed and began to work on alternative power sources. He looked around trying to find an idea.

He thought about many but he needed to expand his time to it.

' What an annoying work! '

The black wolf came beside him and licked his hand. Ray looked at his summon and an idea flashed inside his brain.

He looked at his hand and a smile cracked on his face. He got up from the chair and quickly created a core.

After two hours, Ray stopped the work and stayed back. He extended his hands and gathered cursed energy.

Cursed energy flew in the direction of the core. It lit up in white colour brightening up the room.

Ray stopped supplying the cursed energy and waited for a result. The core shook a few times.

He knew that it was trying to stabilize energy. Then it calmed down. Ray walked closely to the core and grabbed it.

Nothing happened. He tossed around and shook the core harshly.

He smiled and walked near toward the gun. He placed the core and brought the gun toward Diane.

He then took out a wire and connected it with the gun.

" Run, the system. "

[ Destruction bomb or nuclear rays.]

" No. No. Just a normal function. Inside file number 4579#t. "

[ Boring.]

Ray's eyes twitched.

" I can't just give them that much power. Also, run self-destruction as well. "

[ Finish.]

Ray took the gun and ran his finger to the button. With a little tap, this metal tool can shoot a laser strong enough to melt iron.

He could make them hotter but there was no point in that. It is not like the gang opponent was an Alien from Krypton.

Ray aimed the weapon at the empty soda can and fired it. A blue laser shot from the tip and quickly reached the can melting down instantly.

Ray laughed. He managed to make the weapon in three days.

Now he just needed to give a blueprint to Rigoletto and make an automatic robot for running the system.

He didn't want to create another automatic machine for the gun. Rigoletto's men will deliver the gun frame and he will attach the system to the gun.

' Now for the core, I will need another device to gather cursed energy. '

Ray picked up his phone and dialled. After a few seconds, someone picked up the phone.

" What do you need sir? "

" I finish the gun and tell your boss. I want to meet him. "

" Right away, sir. " The man spoke in a hurry. His voice was shaking.

" Open ground would be great. We can showcase the gun. "

Ray hung up the phone. He quickly went to make another core. This time he even added a collector to the core. That way, it absorbed will be expanded even more than before.

When the car arrived, Ray finished everything. He placed the core in his lab coat.

He brought the gun and walked out of the building.

The Black car was waiting for him. A man in a grey suit stayed im front of the door with his hands neatly placed on the side.

The man saw Ray and walked toward him. Ray threw him a gun and said. " Hold this. "

The man caught the gun. " Wait for a moment, sir. "

Ray turned around.

The man gathered himself and introduced himself.

" I am Mason. Don Rigoletto order me to be your lackey. From now on I will be managing everything relative to you. "

Ray waved his hand. " Just don't spy on my personal life. "

" I understand. "

Mason walked past him and opened the car door. Ray entered inside. The leather was smooth and soft. He felt like his entire body was covered in jelly.

Tension on his back was lessening as well. It was a fine car.

Mason put the gun in the back and arrived at the driving seat. His movement was tense but Ray could tell that was because he was dealing with him.

His higher-up must have pressured him a lot.

Mason picked up something on the seat beside him and handed it over to Ray.

" It is for your identity, sir. We don't want unwanted men messing with your family. Please wear this when you are outside for work. "

Ray looked at the mask in care. The quality was visible as he could feel the smooth texture. It was not plastic.

' Not wood. Interesting fibres. I can add Diane to the mask. '

Ray placed the mask on his face and it attached smoothly. He could breathe with ease as well.

' Secret identify. Power. A cool name. I just need to help some people. Then I can sell my merchandise. '

Ray chuckled.

The car moved steadily.

" How old are you, Mason? " Ray asked in boredom. He had finished counting the building numbers.

" 23."

" That young. Why did you choose this career? "

" I don't have a choice, sir. "

" Call me, Ray. Or Blank, you guys nickname. "

Mason nodded. "I tried to attend law school but my scholar was robbed by some guy from my school. I was even expelled. Mr Felix picked me up from the street and brought me to the job. "

" Of course, I am an orphan. " Mason laughed.

Ray stared outside the car, silently. " What a shitty luck. "

" It is here, Ray. "

The car stopped. The place they stopped was the giant abandoned sports building. It was for the football.

Mason explained. "We got this building from the mayor. It is a neutral zone but people rarely come here. "

Ray looked around and asked. " Why? "

Mason scratched his head, " They say a guy beat all the crackheads here. And all the deal was interrupted by that guy as well. So over time, the higher-ups changed the place. "

Mason looked up at the towering building and said with a sigh. " Now, it is just another abandoned building. "

Ray nodded. " Do you know anything about the mysterious man? "

" I heard he moved like a beast. Not afraid of anything. I heard that last week, he beat up all the tenfingers gang members alone. "

" His name is Daredevil "

" I see. " Ray said. A light flashed toward them. Another car had come.

It stopped and two men walked out.

Rigoletto and his man.