
Marvel: Trading from Naruto

“I don’t care what Thanos’ ideals are, and I don’t care what the consequences will be for the creatures of this universe. As long as he doesn’t use that damn Infinity Gauntlet to ruin my business!” – Cain Pent After crossing over to the Marvel universe, Cain gained a golden finger for trading across the multiverse. From then on, Cain’s name not only resounded throughout the United States in the Marvel universe, but his influence spread to all worlds! PS: There are many follow-up worlds such as Naruto, Harry Potter, One Punch Man, The Boys, Dragon Ball, One Piece, and more. You decide… ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. A few months ago, I read this novel, and it quickly became one of the novels I liked most and would like to share with you. This is an amateur translation. Even so, I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. Nothing compared to just MTL. For those who want to read the original, the link is: https://www.69shu.com/txt/45680.htm

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50 Chs

Change Plans

"It's been over half a month; I thought you weren't coming!"

After seeing Cain again, Tsunade finally breathed a sigh of relief and then lightly punched Cain, complaining, "Kushina has been asking about you, and she's been feeling down lately. When did you become so close with Kushina?"

"It's probably because her relationship with other people is so bad. Kushina always says that no one in the class wants to be friends with her, so it seems like I have a good relationship with her because she doesn't have a good relationship with almost anyone."

Cain shrugged and explained, then continued with the main topic.

"I brought some serum and experimental equipment with me this time, but Tsunade, I have a request."

Tsunade had a bad feeling when she heard Cain's words but still asked, "What request? As long as it's not too much, I'll agree."

Cain smiled and said to Tsunade, "That's great. It shouldn't be a problem for you. Let's relocate the laboratory outside of Konoha."

"Why do we need to build it outside? It's already been chosen and built inside Konoha."

"Building it outside will be safer. Please, Tsunade, I rarely make requests to you, and I want to install a lock on the laboratory door. Except for relevant personnel, no one else can enter the laboratory."

Cain's attitude was very firm, which was also a test for Tsunade. After all, no matter how good she was, she couldn't change the fact that she was a Konoha ninja. With fingerprint and iris locks, unless they were violently broken, Cain would block all infiltration methods.

Tsunade frowned slightly. She knew what happened recently had made Cain wary, so he might not even want to go to Konoha. She sighed and agreed to Cain's request.

"I understand. Later, I will have Orochimaru rebuild an underground laboratory. Oh, and I want him to participate as well. It should be okay."

Cain had no objection to this. He originally intended to invite Orochimaru to join. "Of course, I will let people participate in constructing the underground laboratory. At least the protection should be better."

If it was just earth release, it would be too easy to infiltrate, so other materials, such as iron sheets, should be attached to the walls, floors, and ceilings. Before coming, Cain had already let Kawakami and the contact person go. As long as Orochimaru used earth release to build the foundation of the underground laboratory, the rest would be left to the construction team.

"The death row inmates have also been contacted. There are thirty people in the first batch, all of whom are detained in Kawaki Town. As for the laboratory funds, you can directly find Nanami. I have set aside enough money from my stores in Konoha, except for supporting the orphanage and covering the experiments' expenses."

The more Tsunade listened, the more she felt that something was wrong. Is he confessing his last wishes? Does this guy mean that he won't go to Konoha anymore in the future?

So she quickly asked, "Hey, hey, are you not going to Konoha anymore?"

"I will still go, but I will leave after finishing things. After all, I am an outsider, and staying in Konoha is unsafe."

Cain helplessly said to Tsunade, "I hope you can understand. But it won't affect the research and experimentation of the Extremis Virus. I will still come regularly to deliver the serum."

"Okay, I get it."

Tsunade replied helplessly. Although she was still a little unwilling, it was ridiculous that someone who could have become a friend of Konoha was now forced to not even dare to go to the village.

Later, Cainn took out several gifts and letters, respectively given to Kushina, Nono Yakushi, Uchiha, and others. The letter was written to Nanao, giving her some autonomy and explaining that he would rarely visit Konoha in the future.

As for the Uchiha clan gift, Cain also had an excuse. The Uchiha security team was the first ninjas to arrive, except for the hidden ANBU, when they encountered the Cloud Ninja spy last time. Although it was their duty, it at least intimidated other Cloud Ninja spies.

However, Tsunade muttered a bit dissatisfied, asking why she, a member of the Senju clan, had to give gifts to the Uchiha.

Turns out Cain was being a little presumptuous. Putting all your eggs in one basket is foolish.

Which merchant doesn't sell goods to several countries? If you only do business in one country, you can only make a hard-earned living at best. Especially since the medicine in Konoha has already reached saturation, it will not be purchased in a burst like before.

Cain should also go to develop business in other countries, and he already has a goal.

Using the Land of Waves as a foundation, then opening up the market of the Land of Water and establishing a relationship with Kirigakure.

"When did the Blood Mist policy start? The Third Mizukage should not have started the Blood Mist policy after the Second Ninja War. Maybe I can recruit some bloodline subordinates if it hasn't started yet."

Cain shook his head after thinking about this. This matter was simple to think about but not easy to do. Bloodline ninjas all have families, and the probability of encountering bloodline ninjas who are disappointed with their families and villages is too small.

However, he could still recruit many other ninjas. Not everyone can withstand high pressure, especially the high-pressure policy maintained by killing comrades.

"It's useless to think about it now. Let's go and investigate the situation."

Now, Cain is mainly waiting for the successful research of the Extremis Virus. This will greatly improve his survival ability, and then he will develop his power in the ninja world and earn resources.

At first, he could earn money, then Chakra metal, and finally even Tailed Beasts.

Natsukawa has been working hard in the Land of Waves for a while. She has two Konoha Chunin teams around her and more than 20 samurai guards, so safety is not a problem. Plus, she had enough money in her hands, so she quickly recruited a group of shipbuilders and bought a shipyard.

She always remembers Cain's arrangement. Shipping is the easiest industry to develop in the Land of Waves. If they depart from the Land of Waves, it will be faster to go to the Land of Hot Water or the Land of Lightning than by land.

And it can also lead to other places, such as the Land of Water and the Land of Rain. After the shipping industry develops, it is equivalent to monopolizing a port business, which is how Gato developed.

Now that Cain is ready to develop business in other countries, Natsukawa can come back. She is a member of the Senju clan and will not be targeted when she returns.

"Orochimaru, I have to trouble you again. The original experimental base is no longer needed and has been moved to this location."

After finding Orochimaru, Tsunade gave him a map and a plan for the experimental base and waved her hand, saying, "Hurry up. If it is built earlier, we can start researching earlier. The serum, research equipment, and dead prisoner test subjects are ready."

"So far away, huh? It seems that Cain is very wary of Konoha."

After looking at the map, Orochimaru couldn't help but laugh hoarsely. It didn't matter to him to use a few Earth Release techniques. It wouldn't waste much Chakra for him. However, things were getting more and more interesting.

"Tsunade, I'm afraid that Sarutobi-sensei won't let this go. When the prey is right before the hunter, they won't let it escape easily. If they don't get it, they won't give up."