
0017. Betrayed Woman! Foola!


From the World Engine, an icy blue light pierced through the starry sky, and in an instant, it hit the flying silhouette directly and unmistakably.


Blood splashed out, dyeing the starry sky.

boom! !

How terrifying the strong penetrating power of the freezing ray is, it is the ability that can directly penetrate a warship.

In an instant, the ice-blue light beam penetrated through General Zod's waist without any obstruction.

The large blood hole penetrated directly from the front to the back.

The moment the blood spreads, an extremely cold frost spreads out in an instant. That is the attribute of the freezing ray. The penetrating frost directly coagulates the blood, and the wound is also frozen.

Frost even entered the whole body, causing secondary damage.

This is a very painful process. General Zod has a very considerable recovery ability, but at the moment of frost erosion, he was completely frozen and could not recover at all.


He cried out in pain, and the tidal wave of pain even made General Zod faint.

Not only that, the arm that was forcibly hit just now has been completely broken, and the injury has increased, causing his combat power to drop by more than half.

Floating between the star fields has made General Zod unable to stabilize his body at all, allowing his body to be driven by the current.


Suddenly, General Zod only felt his vision turn upside down for a while.

He was held by the neck like a young eagle, and was forcibly dragged back from the starry sky by Yun Chen without any dignity.


A heavy landing sounded.

General Zod was thrown into the cabin just now. At the moment, he lay down on the ground in a state of embarrassment and struggled hard.

"This is your General Zod." Yun Chen said indifferently.

His clear eyes swept across the Kryptonian warriors on the opposite side. Those sharp eyes made people dare not look at them. Every time they passed over a person, the other party lowered his head inexplicably.

The atmosphere at the scene was inexplicably condensed, especially under Yun Chen's high momentum, everyone inexplicably only felt that they were short.

"So General Zod, it seems that you really can't resist my punches." Yun Chen smiled.

No one dared to refute.

No one continued to stand up to resist.

Ironically, in this quiet atmosphere, only General Zod's painful cry was extremely harsh.

What's more, Yun Chen was serious, and with a punch and a beam of light, he easily eliminated the strongest in everyone's mind. What reason do you have to resist?

This is indeed the case.

General Zod's strength is far from Yun Chen's.

Why Yun Chen is confident to fight against General Zod, because he knows that General Zod, who has not been strengthened by solar radiation, is just a Superman without special functions in a sense.

Hot sight? Frozen beam? This powerful Ability will not.

Even if Zod himself can get rid of the battle suit and fly in the star field alone, it is a question.

By the way, his Self-healing Ability, which he may be proud of, has been crippled by the frost that invaded his body and limbs.

Just like a Superman who can resist a little attack, Yun Chen didn't take it to heart from beginning to end.

"too weak."

"The Kryptonian Empire has been destroyed, and if it needs to be revived, it obviously needs a stronger leader."

"Survival of the fittest."

"Zode is so weak and vulnerable, such a person must not be able to lead everyone on the road of revival."

Yun Chen talked eloquently, thanks to the experience of founding a company before crossing, so that he did not spend much mouthpiece when speaking.

Draw a blueprint, give the company future prospects, and make everyone believe that on the road to revitalizing Krypton, Yun Chen himself is only possible.

It's definitely not enough.

As the saying goes, sticks in one hand and desserts in the other.

Hard and soft is the right way.

Yun Chen said the last sentence meaningfully, "This is the reason why I keep your hands on you. Remembering that you are talents, just the punch I gave Zod just now, you can bear it."

The words reached the ears of every Kryptonian warrior present.

Everyone became more and more silent, but looked at each other in dismay.

They are all radicals of the Kryptonian Empire in the past. In order to revive Krypton, they would betray the Supreme Council. Now that the empire has been destroyed, the road to revival is becoming less and less hopeful.

In the face of Yun Chen, who was born out of the sky, it is impossible to say that he is not moved.

"If he can't, then how can General Zod be able to?"

A very simple truth emerged in everyone's mind.


Finally, someone stood up first, and the first to break the silence turned out to be a woman, that is, Foola, who had just led the team to the Aquarius.

"Indeed, survival of the fittest, not to mention on the road to revive Krypton, we need a strong one."

"Although I don't know the name of the captain in front of me yet, as long as we know that he is a Kryptonian, our own, and the strongest Kryptonian in existence, that's enough."

Foola is the adjutant of the World Engine and the right-hand man of General Zod. At the moment, he jumped back for the first time, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

PS: I beg all readers to send a lot of flowers and evaluation tickets. Your support is the best care for the new book. *