
11. All By Myself

I looked left and right, I was hope that like in novels. Someone will come to save me Or maybe Daredevil will come look for something and will save me, then will start teaching me how to fight. But nothing, nothing is happening, I should have this fight after I get the power why know.

I don't know what to do next, their are bombs, like web bomb but that will also web me up, theirs smoke bomb which might work but he is too close to me and I am not in state to run faster than him, Or I can use the slippery jell I made, if he moves even a step he will fall. As for me, my shoe's are special made to be anti slippery, So I can make all the floor here slippery. Not only Hammerhead but his man as well, will not be able to stand up.

Just as I was about to get the slippery bombs, Hammerhead started to yell. Look at him, I saw small spider's biting his neck. I don't know what was happening, when Lily called.

" Sir, are you alright, I am sorry to take action without your premison " Lily

Taking a hold of my self, I don't reply as I don't have a time. Throwing the small bombs in all direction, the moment they exploded some of the arm man were started and took a step back, but they couldn't control their balance and fell down. On the other hand Hammerhead also fell down like a dead tree, no matter how strong he is, but that don't make him immune to toxic. This is the best time to run, as they don't understand what is happening.

Don't want to fight anymore, I started walking quickly towards the outside. Hammerheads man tried to stop me but those that come forward also slipped down. Some started to fire at me but my suit was able to keep me safe, I told Lily to get the cape by using spider's as that cape has my finger prints. As for the woman, the police is already on their way so she will be fine. Thought looks like I don't care, but I really can't do anything as she is hiding in the corner and looking at these man, they definitely don't have any idea about her. Or she maybe one of them don't know and don't want to know.

I know they can't come after me, because of their leader is down and the floor is slippery, but I still tried to get out as quickly as I can. The moment I was outside, 10 man with guns started to shoot at me. Looks like this was their backup, but I didn't stay and using the grappling gun moved to the roof. And from their it was easy to get home.

" Lily destroy all the spy spider's" Mark

" Yes sir " Lily

Looks like, I was wrong I don't need to make her more human. She is learning this herself.

Although it took me a lot of time but I was able to reach home. First I removed the suit and look at the my back and arms which are swollen red and blue. I was happy that nothing broken, but the moment I relaxed the pain made me cry. Look at myself in the mirror, the more I look the more I cry. I realize that this is not because of pain that I am crying, I just want to cry I don't know why. It took some time to stop, after which I applied some medication and took some pills.

The next day I wake up, it was already too later to go school. Take a shower was quite difficult as I can't move my body, it is like I go to the gym for the first time and overdoing the exercies. Ordering something from outside, it's good that my parents are not home. After eating, I applied some medicine and took painkiller as well. I was in no mood to do anything, so for all day I was only lazing around.

One month later

It's been a month since, I fall into the trap of Hammerhead. Although it's because I had too much confidence in myself, if I had check the place close to the building and dondon't underestimated the opponent.

Anyway, it took me almost a month to heal from all those injuries. Although they were not serious but my back was all blue, and it was hard to lying down, bending over to pick things up or sleep on my back. After this month, I have decided to take a rest from my hero work and I will start again when get spider power. Until then I will focus on making new gadgets and solving problems that I am give myself using boost. ( he use boost intelligence to make question that are hard to solve and after the time is up he try to solve those question. This help him increase his intelligence faster ).

Hammerhead family ( next day after the incident )

Hammerhead and his man were arrested by the police, but he was able to get away saying that he was kidnapped. Although he is a criminal but without evidence they can't do anything to him. But the same can't be said about his mans who had guns in hand, they were all arrested and now Hammerhead family doesn't have much manpower to work with. All the business are going down and all this just because of a webhead.

Hammerhead had no choice but to leave the New York City and go to Italy the place he lived. He will return to rule this place once again and that time their will be no competition left alive. ( or so he thinks, but he doesn't know that as long as kingpin is their he can't do anything ).

Although, one of the crime boss left, but no one cares as he was just boss in name. As kingpin took over everything without even making much noice.

And so the day pass or months
