
Marvel: The Dark Spider

Leo Vargas, a young man who experienced the tragic loss of his parents at a tender age, finds himself entangled in a series of unfortunate events. Fate has a unique plan for Leo, as he is chosen to be the successor to the legendary Spider-Man. However, a devastating tragedy strikes, altering the course of his life forever. Unable to cope with the weight of his grief, Leo adopts a new identity as a masked vigilante, taking justice into his own hands. Embracing the darkness within, he becomes known as the Dark Spider, a mysterious figure who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. *Original Character

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42 Chs

The Calm After the Storm

The night was cloaked in darkness as Leo returned to his apartment, aching and bruised from the brutal encounter with Peter. He sat alone, sipping on a bottle of beer, his gaze fixed on the news report that detailed the incident at the Oscorp tower. The reporter's voice echoed through the room, announcing the death of Mac Gargan, also known as the Scorpion.

The news of Scorpion's demise didn't elicit any visible reaction from Leo. He continued to drown himself in his thoughts, attempting to numb the lingering emotions that plagued him. With each sip of beer, he sought solace, trying to wash away the weight of his encounter with Peter.

As Leo emptied the first bottle, he heard a faint voice beside him, a voice he recognized all too well. It was the voice of his sister, Grace, or perhaps a figment of his unstable mind. She asked him in a soft tone, "Is this worth it?"

Leo took another swig of beer, staring into the distance. "Yes," he replied without hesitation. "It is."

Grace's voice persisted, her concern evident. "Is this what you wanted?" she asked, her words carrying a weight of sadness.

Leo brought the bottle to his lips once more, his eyes reflecting a mix of resignation and determination. "No... but for you, yes," he murmured, acknowledging the sole purpose behind his actions.

With that answer, the apparition of Grace faded away, leaving Leo alone with his thoughts. The night slipped away as Leo slumped on his couch, succumbing to the numbing effects of alcohol-induced unconsciousness.

The next day dawned, and soft rays of sunlight filtered through the window, gently caressing Leo's face as he stirred from his restless slumber. He blinked away the remnants of sleep, feeling the weight of the previous night's events lingering in his mind. It was time to rise and face the day.

Leo swung his legs out of the couch and stretched, trying to shake off the remnants of the stupor and pains from bruises that clung to him. He knew he needed to gather himself and prepare for the challenges that lay ahead. He moved to the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face, allowing the refreshing sensation to wake him up fully.

Once he felt a semblance of clarity, Leo dressed in his customary attire—a tattered hoodie that resembled him to the commoner. A nobody in this vibrant city.

Leaving his apartment, Leo stepped out into the bustling streets of New York City. The noise and activity of the city surrounded him, but he felt detached from it all.

Arriving at a hardware store, Leo repurchased a new Spider-Man Halloween mask to replace the torn one from his previous clash with Peter. The cashier eyed him curiously again, unable to resist commenting on the assortment of items Leo had purchased before, which had given him the appearance of a criminal.

Leo merely brushed off the cashier's inquiry, explaining that this time was another nephew that needed just the mask for a costume party. He paid for his purchase and left, blending back into the bustling streets of the city, his masked identity intact.

After returning to his apartment, Leo carefully placed the mask on the table, blackened it. It was a simple spray can job, but now he knew it needed more than just a cosmetic upgrade. The mask was a symbol of his identity, his alter ego as the Dark Spider, and he needed it to be as formidable as he was.

His thoughts turned to Dr. Ralph Anderson, the only person he had come across who could potentially help him with his suit upgrades. Leo decided to give him a call, but then he remembered the letter that he had forgotten to deliver. To avoid any potential awkwardness, he chose not to dial Ralph's number just yet.

As he rummaged through the pockets of his damp hoodie, a result of the rain-soaked battle, Leo realized that the letter he was supposed to deliver was now unreadable. Frustration and curses escaped his lips as he pondered what to do next. Perhaps he needed to pay Ralph another visit tonight to apologize and make his request for an upgrade.

But before he could even think about the suit upgrade, Leo realized that he needed to enhance his arsenal as well. A mere pistol wouldn't be sufficient for the battles that lay ahead. He considered visiting a gun store to procure more firepower, but the reality of his financial situation hit him. He simply didn't have enough cash.

Resigned to stay in his apartment until nightfall, Leo knew he needed to find a way to acquire the funds necessary for his upgrades. He sat down and contemplated his options, determined to gather the resources he needed to become an even more formidable force in his quest for vengeance.

Despite his identity as the ruthless Dark Spider, Leo couldn't bring himself to cross the line into criminal activities. Robbery was too far from his conscience, but he needed money for his arsenal upgrade. His mind wandered to the idea of becoming a hitman, an assassin for hire. After all, it was a skill he possessed.

However, the challenge lied in finding the right contacts and entering the underworld. Leo needed a broker, someone who could connect him with those kinds of opportunities. His main objective of seeking revenge against Fisk would have to be postponed for now. First, he needed to gather the necessary cash for his upgrades.

Switching on the TV to pass the time, Leo came across a campaign advertisement for Fisk's candidacy for mayor. The sight of Fisk infuriated him, fueling his desire for revenge. Without hesitation, he pulled his hoodie over his head once more and swiftly made his way towards the location of the campaign.

Leo paced through the crowded streets, his mind focused on a singular objective. He knew that the time had come to confront Fisk, to put an end to the man's lives to fulfill his revenge. But as he approached the campaign location, Leo's eyes scanned the scene, taking note of the crowds of people gathered there.

The campaign was in full swing, with supporters and protesters alike filling the area. Leo's heart sank as he realized the number of innocent lives that would be caught in the crossfire if he were to unleash his fury upon Fisk. Despite his ruthless nature, Leo had always drawn the line at causing harm to the innocent.

Now his intention was not to take direct action, knowing that there were too many innocent lives at stake. Besides, it was broad daylight, not the ideal setting for his dark endeavors. But Leo still wanted to confront Fisk, only to let him know that he was being watched. He had a burning desire to meet the man who had caused so much pain and suffering in his life.

As Leo approached the campaign event, he blended into the crowd, observing from a distance. He didn't want to risk exposing himself or causing harm to the innocent bystanders. For now, he would bide his time, gathering information and waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

Soon, a sleek black limousine pulled up, and Leo's eyes narrowed as he recognized Fisk stepping out, accompanied by his wife, Vanessa. The couple made their way to the stage, surrounded by a phalanx of bodyguards. He knew needed a different approach, a way to meet Fisk in an obscure location where their confrontation could take place without endangering others.

His eyes fixed on Fisk's black limo, stationed nearby, guarded by a team of bodyguards. An idea rushed in. He wanted to avoid a direct confrontation with the bodyguards and Fisk, as that would only escalate the situation. Instead, he planned to catch Fisk off-guard, to meet him on his own terms.

Leo's mind then raced with thoughts of how he could gain access to the vehicle and confront Fisk without drawing attention or causing a scene. He knew it would require careful timing and precision.

The location was heavily guarded, making Leo's task akin to navigating a heavily guarded castle undetected. Nevertheless, he refused to be deterred and began formulating a plan to breach the security surrounding the limo. He knew he had some time to work with while Fisk delivered his speech.

Leo's attention was drawn to a drain cover that was directly in the interior of the fence enclosing the limo. With his precise observation, he found another drain cover that linked to the interior. With his profound agility and swiftness, he seized the opportunity, approached and opened the drain cover that connected to the interior's, disappearing into its depths undetected. Through the network of underground tunnels, he silently maneuvered until he reached the exit point within the fenced area.

Peering over the drain cover, Leo cautiously observed the movements of the guards, ensuring it was safe to proceed. Satisfied with his assessment, he swiftly climbed out of the drain and made his way toward the waiting limousine. With a deft touch, he slipped inside the car undetected, hiding in the shadows, ready for the opportunity to have a "chat" with Fisk during his departure.

Now, all Leo had to do was wait patiently, his heart filled with anticipation and determination. Revenge was within reach, and he was prepared to confront the man who had caused so much pain and darkness in his life.