I'll fill this out later
Four small azure blue eyes looked ahead in astonishment, the sight of a big city like New York was always so strange to him, for he had lived in the countryside until recently...
He looked down and stared at his reflection in the window, the boy observed himself for a long moment to see once again his inability...
However, as he stared down at his seated legs, both his fists closed as hard as a child could.
He lifted his head, stopping himself from thinking about it, and looked up at the sky and the clouds of all shapes and sizes through the living room window.
« If only... » he thought, clenching his jaw...
''Connor! Dinner's ready!'' The Boy's mother called him over to eat, but it was she who entered the living room and grabbed his wheelchair, and pulled him back, into the kitchen.
''already...'' I sighed and thought about how long I had been here...
It was 2003, nine years! It was nine years since God allowed me to be reincarnated in another Universe of my choice...
You know I've always loved comics, so it was only natural that I choose a related world.
And guess what! I had been granted a wish! I didn't think about it long...
Kryptonian Physiology is what I asked for...
but what did I get?
It's a sick and weak body, I couldn't stand on my own two legs let alone do any activity that required effort, not to mention just feeling them...
my heart was sick, so sick in fact that I could die of cardiac arrest at any moment.
I had this feeling that...
my life had no meaning anymore, what was the point?
I used to dream of flying in the air, but now I dream of walking on my own two legs...
Very quickly, I gave up on life, what for? To die again before my time?
I had to endure it, not to weaken in front of my parents, otherwise, I would break their hearts...
Smiling in happy moments, just like a puppet, but although my mind was at its lowest, I didn't cry, and I didn't complain out loud, I wanted Martha and Jonathan Kent to be happy, at least while I was with them.
By the way, I didn't grow up on a farm but in a big city, New York, Queens to be exact.
Apparently, my parents wanted to be in a place close to the best hospital in the US, so they sold their farm for me...
When I heard that my mother had become friends with the new girl next door, I didn't think much of it, but it was her name that rang a bell, Anna Jane.
Yes Mary Jane Watson's aunt, she would be the first notorious person from the world of Marvel that I would meet, simply because she and her aunt Anna were going to be visiting the house in the afternoon.
I didn't know if I should be happy or not...
After all, I had an adult mind in a kid's body...
So to be happy to meet a child even if she was a famous fictional character before, it was weird...
So the morning passed rather slowly from my point of view.
after some reflection, I had to admit that having someone else to talk to besides my parents would be refreshing in a way...
Then finally the doorbell rang, indicating that Mary Jane and her Aunt Anna were finally here.
I couldn't go to the door to see because... well you know I'm in a wheelchair and the slightest effort could kill me...
I heard my mother screaming with excitement when her friend appeared at the door, then she said something about how beautiful the girl was, just classic mother stuff...
All three of them went into the living room where I was 'sitting', my mother had a big smile on her face as she looked at me, and Mary's aunt had a... sad expression? Pity? Anyway, let's move on to Mary herself who when our eyes finally met looked away...
Yes, because she was inspecting the chair before she realized that I was looking at her with a smile to be kind.
''Mary Jane, this is my son Connor Kent, Connor this is Mary Jane.'' My mother introduced us in a brief exchange.
I raised my hands and said. "Hi...". To which she replied the same thing with a little restraint.
« Is she embarrassed? Yeah normal I'm probably the first disabled person she's met » I quickly thought without losing my smile which I thought was warm...
My mother and Mary Jane's aunt must have noticed because they both looked at each other stiffly. ''Connor, why don't you go to your room with Mary Jane, show her your drawings of uh... mangua?''
''Yeah sure,'' I replied, shaking my head, then resumed. ''By the way, mum, it's manga, not mangua...''
my mother rolled her eyes, certainly... no actually I could have sworn I felt her do that.
Then Martha pushed my wheelchair into my room with Mary Jane following not far behind.
''Have fun kids...'' she said, giving me a look that said 'do your best'.
there had been an awkward silence between us for 30 seconds...
the girl certainly didn't dare to start a conversation, maybe she was afraid that I would suddenly start screaming like crazy...
I immediately decided to break the ice. ''so... do you mind pushing me to my office? Please?''
''yeah... sure, no worries...'' her voice was weak but audible enough for me.
She pushed me to the desk and when she was on the top she exclaimed. ''Wow! It's really well drawn! Did you do that all by yourself?" when she saw my drawings her previously reserved expression suddenly beamed.
''Thank you for the help, and for the compliments, since I'm not allowed to do anything too tiring, I fell back on the drawings...'' I answered with a sincere smile.
''so cool! So... you want to be a drawer of... Magua? Manga?''
''hum!" I nodded and then resumed. '' what about you? what do you want to be when you grow up?" I was genuinely curious because the Mary Jane of comics always had different hobbies...
''journalist." her answer was immediate and without any hesitation. ''Would you mind drawing a picture of me?'' she asked a bit shyly, contrasting her personality from a second ago...
''Okay, uh... where is it?" I replied as I searched for my pen and paintbrush in the drawers within my reach. ''found it!''
''here you can come and see,'' I called Mary Jane, who was reading one of my mangas on my bed, and she immediately approached me with quick steps.
Once over my shoulder, she exclaimed: "Cool! This is so well done! You're so talented Connor!''
I laughed, then handed her the drawing, which she immediately took. ''Thanks, this is so cool!''
The two of us continued to talk for an hour or two, I wasn't sure at this point...
finally, she had to leave, but before she did she asked me a question. By the way, I'm thinking about it! What will happen to Sasuke? I don't want him to leave like this, it's too sad...''
I had a surprised look, she hadn't said anything about the manga until now...
''well... you see... he preferred the power for his revenge over his friends so... but don't worry we'll see him again soon enough!" I answered a little uncomfortably...
out of the corner of my eye, I could see my mother and Anna giving each other a mental high-five...
It had become a ritual, MJ came to visit me almost every evening and weekend.
Even though she was a child, it was not unpleasant to be around her, and it took me out of my old routine of drawing and watching movies...
very quickly MJ and I became what you could call best friends!
Sometimes I would go to her house and the lift would take me up to the top floor.
My life was much better from the moment I met MJ, I considered her a little sister and she had a big place in my heart...
the years passed quickly since we were talking, playing video games together, writing new original manga stories, and watching superhero movies, I even started joking about my current situation...
basically, I liked my life a little bit more.