
Marvel Super Extraction.

Kit_0685 · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Extracting the Ant Gene

When Pepper explained to Sliver, Sliver at this time also figured out his current situation.

He received a huge amount of memories that showed he had become the younger brother of tony stark after he crossed over to this world .

He is the son of Howard Stark and Maria stark

His full name is Sliver Stark and he was 19

Occupy 23% of Stark Industries.

"what's in your mind boy? I bring you to the bar to have fun".

You didn't thank me but even misunderstood your brother, that I will do that kind of thing to you. Tony is using an ice pack on his dark eye

"Who makes you a playboy, who live only for sex. Who knows if you are interested in men but you are not allowed to peep at me, the body of this handsome young man is only for women". Sliver glanced at Tony and said with a guilty conscience.

"You... you filthy dog, you just look like a hungry little chicken, how can I be interested in you". Tony Stark glanced at Sliver

"So, you will get interested in me if I am physically strong. Tony, you really have problems ".Sliver said

"..." Tony Stark almost spurted blood from his mouth.

"Forget it, ignore you, right. Tomorrow, there is a weapons briefing in Afghanistan. The Afghan military wants to buy the equipment of our Stark industry. It was originally decided by me, but now my eyes are like this because of you. So, tomorrow's presentation will be up so you should go out and make a debut. Since you became a shareholder, you haven't been responsible for anything in Stark Industries anyway, and you're going to have a chance to do it tomorrow". Tony said.

"Afghanistan weapons briefing?!!" Sliver's pupil slammed and subconsciously asked: "Is the weapon introduction of the Jericho missile series?"

"Ah, you are well informed ." Tony Stark smiled and nodded.

"I don't want to go."

After receiving the answer from Tony Stark, Sliver, who did not want to go, refused.

He remembered very clearly that Tony Stark was attacked by terrorists when he went to Afghanistan for a weapons briefing and was arrested.

Although he came to this world just now, the plot will not change that fast.

Even if he is not as valuable as Tony Stark, he is also a Stark family member, with a stake in Stark Industries, once it is arrested is sure.

"why don't you want to go? Sliver, you have to help me in this, okay?" Tony Stark looked at him

"if I don't want to go, then I will not go." Sliver said.

"No, you have to go this time, it's a big deal. we will go together tomorrow, things will be fixed. If you don't go, I will freeze your bank card." Tony Stark said.

"Fuck, now you are threatening me?!!"Although Sliver does not know how much money is in his bank card, the money in the bank card of Tony Stark's little brother must be a lot.

"You can think so, although you are already an adult, but you know my ability." Tony Stark smiled.

"Fuck you..." Sliver licked his mouth, followed him and stood up, then went outside the door.

"Sliver, where are you going." Tony Stark asked subconsciously.

"Go out for a while." Sliver said.

After going out the door, Sliver's brow wrinkled. No matter whether he could go or not, Tony is now his brother. Once he is arrested in Afghanistan, it will be fine at the end, but he will eventually give Tony. If you have a life-threatening problem, you must find a way to avoid it.

But how can this help Tony?

The best way is of course to stop Tony from going to Afghanistan.

But fear is not necessarily successful.

Tony is a guy who looks very fancy. But once things are certain, there will be very little change.

I thought that Sliver had no clue for a long time, and simply walked out of the villa. I have to say that Tony is very happy to enjoy this villa. The seaside villa in this residence is quite good.

It is simply the life of a big dog.


When Sliver looked around, suddenly a very strong impulse was generated in his body, letting him subconsciously look at the ground on the left side.

There is an ant in that place.

When his line of sight fell on the ant, the strong impulse actually drove him to swallow the ant , as if the ant had become super delicious, and his body was completely out of control.

"What is happening?" Sliver was shocked.

He didn't have any interest in eating ants or anything.

However, the strong urge to swallow was so strong that he couldn't help but walk to the position of the ant, then caught the ant in his hands and then dropped it into his mouth.


Sliver blurted his voice.

[ Ant gene Discovered, Randomly extract an ability from the Ant]

While Sliver was thinking a mechanical female voice sounded in his head

"Gold Finger!" Silver's eyes Flashed brightly, and then did not hesitate to say: "Extract."


[Extracted the strength gene from the ant. Proceed to fuse?

The mechanical voice said again.