The old ones say we Spartans are descendent from Heracles himself. Leonidas gives testament to our bloodline. But Timaeus, his tale is different. If Leonidas is a son of Heracles. Then he is the son of Poseidon.
TimeLine: 220 BC
After returning to Olympus, I raised Diana in Olympus until she was twenty. Once she was of age, I allowed her to choose what she wanted to do now. To continue traveling with me or continue her training under a new teacher.
And she decided to continue training. Most likely to get away from me.
It wasn't that our relationship soured. She just... grew up. She didn't want her father looking over her shoulder all the time anymore. I understood her want to be independent and I respected it. But I told her before I left Olympus again. I told her she would always be my baby girl. My princess. And that I would always love her.
When I left Olympus, she decided to become one of Artemis' huntresses. Which made me happy. She would be under a good teacher. And more importantly. SHE WOULD BE ABSTINATE! NO BOYS FOR MY GIRL!
But seriously, I was happy for her. Every few years, I would return to Mount Olympus to see how she had grown. And to test her skills in battle. She was growing more and more impressive every year and I was so proud of her. Prouder than any father could ever hope to be. And in that time, I also grew closer with Artemis, she was spitfire if I'd ever seen one. Her attitude only matched by her bow. She was something else.
I also attended my first meeting with Zeus and the others recently. There have been growing tensions with the Shinto Gods. Amatsu-Mikaboshi has been growing ever so bold in sending his troops into our territory.
But as for now, nothing is cemented.
But that didn't matter right now.
I was traveling once again, this time I decided to head a little further east. All my time in Greece and not once had I seen what was east of our nation.
Things were a little different. The lands were grassier and filled with different kinds of crops that I had never seen before. The people of this land were smaller in stature and wore armor that covered most of their body. Their language was hard to understand at first, but with a little time I was able to replicate it perfectly. There were rumors of a warrior king that had managed to unite all of the kingdoms of this land called China and I had wanted to meet him, but more importantly I also wanted to see what the life was like.
The city I was currently in was called Nanjing. It was a lively city much bigger than some of the cities that I had seen before. The building structures were much different than what I was used to. It wasn't as different as Wakanda was, but it still felt like they were more comfortable than the homes back in Greece.
" Maybe I should bring some of these things back to Greece. It might make life back home more comfortable." I spoke as I walked through the crowded streets. There were vendors everywhere selling all different kinds of merchandise.
In my stupor I had accidentally bumped into a man and his friends.
" Of, Excuse me my friend. Apologies." I said to the man and his group.
" HEY! HEY! Do you know who we are?" He shouted.
Everyone in the street suddenly gasped and looked our way.
" Uh, no not really. Should I?" I asked absentmindedly.
" We're the emperors elite army, The Terracotta soldiers. And you just attacked one of us." The man spat.
" No, I didn't I merely bumped into you. It was an accident. And I apologized. I'll even be happy to pay for your meal if you wish. I haven't eaten yet and I'd like to, so that sounds like a fair-trade, no?" I told the man.
" He's a brave man, speaking like that to woo-shi like that."
" He's dead."
I heard the murmuring of the people around me and stared at them in confusion.
' Dead? Over what?' I wondered.
" Fair trade? The only thing that is fair is what we say is fair. And you just assaulted our friend. And I'd say the only fair thing to do is kill you where you staaaaand!" The man drew his small sword and swung it at me.
I moved out of the way of the slow attack and grabbed the man by his wrist. It wouldn't be proper for me to attack a civilian in another territory without proper reasoning.
" i think that's enough. You're scaring the people. You say you're the emperor's army. Then aren't you supposed to be protecting them? And not attacking strangers." I asked the man.
He stared at me with his mouth wide open in shock. Apparently, he didn't think I could catch his attack.
" No way!" I caught Long-Feng's arm with ease.
" Who is this guy?"
" Does it matter, he really has assaulted them now. He's definitely dead for sure."
" What are you waiting for? Kill him!" Woo-shi shouted.
The remaining three men and Woo-shi charged me with their swords drawn.
I sighed, knowing there was no other way than to show these guys how outclassed they really were. I twisted Long-Feng's arm around and threw him at Woo-Shi.
" AHHHHH!" One of the men swung his blade down, trying to cut my head off.
I Stepped towards him, getting as close as possible and I grabbed him by his arm. I placed my hand on his throat and spun him around and launched him at the remaining two men, knocking them both down.
" Alright, I think that's enough boys. Let's call this a day, shall we? You wouldn't want to get hurt." I told the men.
They all looked at me in fear and quickly scrambled to their feet.
" I'll have your entire family killed for this. Do you hear me?" Woo-Shi shouted.
" Ugh!" I Sighed. " What is wrong with people like you. Always bringing innocent people into your affairs. Throwing your power around like no one else in the world matters. Fine, let me.... SHOW YOU!" I glared at the man from underneath my hood and exerted my pressure over him.
I took one step and appeared behind the four men.
" Do you really want me to kill you?" I asked them all.
They all turned around slowly and looked as if they had just stared death in the face.
Woo-Shi collapsed from the weight of my stare and the others all started shaking.
" Leave." I uttered.
Long-Feng grabbed Woo-Shi and the men all ran away as fast as they could.
I heard the citizens all shout in joy?
" That was amazing!"
" I can't believe someone actually stood up to those bullies."
Kids ran up to me with smiles on their faces, which only served to confuse me even more. They weren't affraid of me?
" Mister that was so cool!"
" Can you show me how you did that?"
" What?" I asked the boys.
" My, my. It seems the kids have taken a liken to you already." A young lady silky black hair and fair brown eyes approached me. Her robes were soft and seemed to be made of a enriched material.
" Uh, I don't really know why. All I did was..." I was speaking.
" Was put a group of bullies who are know for throwing their weight around in their place." She finished my sentence with a smug look on her face.
" If you want to put it like that, then yeah. I guess." I replied.
" I'm Liu Yifei." The woman stated.
" I guess you can call me..." I hadn't thought about it. I don't know if either of my names existed in this language. Uhhh I need to think of a name... " Call me Liu Kang." I told the woman. I don't know where that came from, I just made it up on the spot. But it seemed to make the woman laugh. " What's funny?" I asked.
" Oh, nothing. Just that you are such a bad liar." Yifei exclaimed.
" What do you mean?" I asked the woman.
" It took you way too long to say your name. That and choosing the same name as mine? It was easy to tell." Yifei explained.
And that made sense.
" I'm sorry. I just don't think my name would make sense to you." I told the woman.
" Why not? Just try it." She spoke.
" Poseidon." I told the woman.
She looked at me in confusion and I could tell she was confused.
" Pus e don?" She spoke.
" Don't worry about it. Don't just... Just call me Timaeus." i told the woman. And her confusion looked even worse. I sighed and rubbed my face.
" Yeah, Liu it is then." Yifei stated bluntly.
"So, Yifei, can you tell me what that was all about? Are all soldiers like that here?" I asked.
" No, just them. They haven't been here long. But since they have been they've been running amok in the city. Throwing their weight around and not doing their actual jobs." Yifei explained.
" What do you mean? Why were they sent here?" I asked the woman.
" You mean you don't know?" She asked.
I shook my head no and she gasped.
" Well, recently there's been sightings of a demon near the city and the emperor dispatched his guards to kill it. But they haven't been doing anything other than sleeping and eating. There is news of people disappearing at night. And no one knows why. The only thing we can assume is it is the demon." Yifei explained.
" What is the emperors name?" i asked.
" You aren't from China, are you?" She asked.
And again, I shook my head no.
" The emperors name is legendary throughout China. As the first man to ever unite all kingdoms under one rule. His name is Qin Shi Huang, the greatest King to ever live. The King of all Kings!
Qin Shi Huang. What a name.
" Well, Liu Yifei, do you know where I could stay for the night? I don't really know much about this city." I asked the woman.
" You can stay with us if you want. We do owe you a debt afterall." Yifei spoke and I nodded.
" Thank you. I appreciate the offer. But all i did was do what any man should. I don't need to be rewarded for helping people. It is my job after all." I told the woman.
" Then think about it as payment for doing your job." She spoke. Her smile was large and calming. It just had this peaceful charm to it.
" Okay then. Thank you very much for the help, ma'am." I said to the woman. She bowed and then led towards her home. It wasn't very large, but it was decent in size.
Inside there were children everywhere. They all looked differently and none of them resembled Yifei, so I figured they must not have been hers.
" I hope you don't mind the kids. They have nowhere else to go, so I try to take care of them." She explained as she placed a small white sheet out in one of the side rooms.
" No worries at all. I'm used to dealing with a bunch of children." I told the woman. " I'm just grateful to have a place to lay my head tonight." I told the woman.
" Absolutely." Yifei spoke.
She bowed and then walked out of the room.
" I've got nothing else to do today, so I think I'll just turn in for now." I stated.
I took my cloak off and laid down on the ground, Underneath I was wearing my armor, I had to be certain no one attacked me while I was sleep, once I was under the cover, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
A few hours later.
I had been sleeping but the sudden sound of something hard hitting the floor caused me to holt awake.
" Please stop!" I heard Yifei shouting from outside the door.
" Shut up, Whore! You're gonna pay for what you did." I heard the voice of a man shouting. It sounded familiar, like one of the men from earlier.
I tore through the door of my room and ran through the house; towards the room I heard them in. And I exploded through the door with my Trident in my hand.
Woo-Shi and Long-Feng were on top of Yifei, ripping her clothes off. While the other two held her arms and legs down.
i looked down at the bruises and blood on Yifei's face and felt my blood boil.
The four men's faces went cold when they saw how I was staring at them.
" Ru!" Before Woo-Shi could finish his sentence, I had already drove my Trident through his face.
The others scrambled to get away, but I wouldn't let them. I dropped my Trident and grabbed Long-Feng by his neck and twisted it all the way around. I then reached down and grabbed his sword and through it into the head of the man trying to get out of the window.
The last guy collapsed into the corner, a wreck, tears and snout pouring out of his eyes and nose.
" Don't kil!" I snaped his neck with a flick of my wrist and he dropped to the floor dead.
I simply glared down at the man in disdain before turning back to Yifei. She had scurried off into a corner and was holding herself.
I walked over to her, and she flinched.
" Easy, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise I won't hurt you." I could see the fear in her eyes. And I understood it. She had suffered because she helped me. No other reason. They knew they couldn't deal with me, so they went after her. The cowards.
I reached down and grabbed her robes, and I held them out for her to take.
She slowly reached up and grabbed the robes allowing me to get a glimpse of her body.
She was magnificent. Her breasts were bountiful. Thick and fat. Her nipples were a beautiful brown. She was even more beautiful than I had imagined.
Once she took her ruined clothing, I turned around so she could get dressed. Not looking or turning my head, so that she could at least keep some of her dignity.
Once the sound of rustling from behind vanished, I felt something soft press against my back and her hands wrap around my chest.
" Thank you." She choked out her words as tears fell from her eyes.
I turned around and hugged her tight. Forcing yourself on a woman wasn't something I took lightly. The emotional damage it does is sometimes far greater than the physical damage.
" It's okay, they're gone. You're safe."
I held Yifei for hours until the woman finally fell asleep.
In the middle of the night i cleaned the blood out of Yifei's room and carried the bodies to the nearest lake, traveling over the rooftops so that no one saw me. Once there I threw the four dead men into the lake and summoned the creatures inside to do away with them. Either hiding or eating them. I didn't care.
Once that had been taken care of, i returned to the Yifei's home and rested for the rest of the night, watching over her as she slept.