
Marvel: Son of Cyttorak

The great Cytorakk sires a son with a human woman. Will this boy of unspoken power find his way or give in to his father's destructive tendencies?

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23 Chs

The beginning

Mariah bell, former associate to crime lord Killgrave, broke away from her murderous psychopathic lover and found herself pursued by his killers. Cold, alone, and bleeding out in an alleyway, Mariah was suddenly approached by a being of great power.

" Human. Do you wish to live?" The voice asked the woman.

Mariah feeling the cold embrace of death coming, felt a spark of Hope upon hearing the man's voice. " Yes." Mariah replied.

" Then submit to me. I will save your life in exchange you fulfil one very simple task. Will you accept?" The voice asked.

Feeling the cold starting to take her over, Mariah nodded and accepted the deal. In an instant her body was returned to the state of which it was before her attackers found her.

Nine months later Mariah fulfilled her end of the bargain and gave birth to a boy with red hair and blue eyes and white skin. Upon Cyttorak's instructions, Mariah named the boy Orion.

However, upon the boy's birth magical beings from across the universe felt a surge of power like an explosion. Dormammu, the ancient one, Odin, Zeus, Mephisto, The Vishanti, Galactus, and even Chthon all felt the power and searched for it. But like an explosion the power came and went with the moment. Having fulfilled her debt Mariah had been freed from the servitude of Cyttorak the destroyer and the family would go on to have a relatively peaceful life. But one thing Mariah knew, Orion was unlike others. He had a violent side to him, his knack for destroying things no matter how hard you would think it would be was unreal. His brash and stubbornness pushed those around him away from him and caused him to be a loner for years. Mariah knew that the boy wasn't normal. That he just might be the work of a devil, but nevertheless she treasured him. That all changed one night. While sleeping, Mariah and Orion were attacked by muggers. During the attack Mariah was killed by one of the armed men causing the long since dormant power within Orion to resurface once more. Orion snapped and with his powers finally returned killed the men in a fit of rage.

Sensing the dark energy, the new Sorcerer Supreme, Dr. Stephen Strange headed straight for the dark energy and when he arrived, he found the house had been destroyed completely and Orion in a rage, still destroying.

' This boy? This child! Such raw power. I must stop him before he kills someone else.' Strange thought as he looked down at the boy. " I invoke the power of the bands of Cyttorak!" Strange chanted as his hands created two magical pentagrams. From the circles the Mighty bands of Cyttorak shot forward and entrapped the young boy.

" RAaaah! URRRGRH!" Orion grunted as he struggled to free himself of the bindings. " URAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Orion yelled as he flexed his arms. The force pushed the bands of Cyttorak off of his body and Orion was freed once more now with a target.

Strange's eyes widened in pure shock as a young boy no older than fourteen had managed to overpower the bands of the mighty Cyttorak.

For the next four hours Strange fought with the young boy and just barely managed to subdue him, despite nearly succumbing to his own wounds. " This boy is dangerous. I've never faced something so raw. So powerful! Ugh!" Strange groaned as he held the side of his body which had been crushed by Orion's punches. " You are too dangerous. Every part of my being is screaming for me to kill you now and save the world potential destruction. But during our battle I saw what had happened and I cannot blame you. You are still young. A child. And I will not kill a child not even one as dangerous as you." Strange explained to the unconscious boy. " But I cannot simply allow you to run free....... I have decided I will take you under my wing and teach you patience. I hope that someday you'll be able to use this great power of yours to protect this world and be its savior instead of its destroyer." Strange explained to the boy. Strange casted a spell and the two were teleported back to Strange's home the sanctum sanctorum.

" Ooh boy you got whipped huh?" Wong asked as he saw Strange appear with a young boy.

" Very funny, Wong. But I'm seriously... Hurt." Strange said to the man before passing out.

Wong shook his head and sighed and immediately started tending to both of their wounds.

A few hours later Once Orion had awakened, strange explained to the boy what had happened and how things were going to go forward. There was a point Strange believed that the boy would snap again as he explained his mother was gone, but to his understanding the boy simply cried.

" What are you going to do with me?" Orion asked the man.

" I will teach you to control these urges of yours. These powers. I believe that with proper guidance you could become a great instrument of peace for our world." Strange explained to the boy.

" When do we begin?" Orion asked the man.

' Hmmm? He's strangely accepting of everything. Perhaps he's still in shock?' Strange thought to himself. " We will start right away." Strange explained to the boy.

For the next six months Strange would spend his free time trying to teach Orion control and magic. He had seemed to grasp the first concept good enough for a boy his age to get by. But strange found it weird that despite the massive amount of magical energy coming from the boy he had no talent in magic. In fact, he couldn't even use it. Seeing that things weren't progressing. Strange instead turned his attention to helping the boy build his body. Using his contacts, strange called in a favor from one of his old friends to teach Orion how to fight and maintain his anger properly. This help came in the form of Shang-Chi.

" Why have you come to me Strange?" Shang asked the man.

" I'll be completely honest with you. I need your help training a fourteen year old boy." Strange explained to the man.

" A boy? Why?" Shang asked in confusion.

" Let me show you." Strange said to the man. He weaved his hands and pulled Shang into a visual memory of the night he met the boy.

When the world came back to Normal Shang looked at the man and wiped hir brows. " What do you think I can offer a beast like that?" Shang asked honestly.

" He has no skills in magic. And my methods of teaching him self- control and restraint have only gotten us so far. I believe being a superior hand to hand fighter and your levelheaded mind makes you the perfect teacher for him." Strange explained.

" I see. But let me ask you, Strange. Are you sure it is wise to train a beast like this?" Shang asked.

" Shang. You know as well as I that if we left this boy to himself, the amount of damage he could do is unimaginable. If at all possible, I want this boy to be." Strange explained.

" An instrument for your cause?" Shang asked as he finished the man's sentence.

" Not an instrument. Not in the possessive tool kind of way. But in the hero way." Strange explained.

" Say, I take on this boy as my pupil. That I train him. What were to happen should he go berserk like before?" Shang asked.

" Wong and I have both grown accustomed to handling his outbreaks before they begin. As such we'll be with you during the time. And I believe I could call upon another friend to assist with his training." Strange explained to the man.

" That won't be necessary. I'll teach him, all I can. But I make no promises, Strange. I can only try my best." Shang explained to the man.

Strange got to his feet as did Shang and the two men shook hands. " That's all I can ask Shang-Chi. Now, let me properly introduce you to the boy. He goes by the name Orion." Strange explained as he led Shang-Chi through the building.

" What about the boy's father? Where is he?" Shang asked.

" I don't know." Strange replied as he came to a halt in front of the training room. " But I fear I may have a few guesses based on his energy signature." Strange opened the door for Shang.

" Orion! We have a guest." Strange said to the boy. Strange then leaned over and whispered to Shang. " I forgot to mention, he surprisingly likes to read a lot."

Orion placed his book down and walked over to the two men. " Who's this?" Orion asked.

" I am your master now. I am Shang-Chi, but you will address me as Master Shang. I will be taking over your training and will be teaching you how to defend yourself. Are we clear?" Shang explained to the boy.

" Very. When do we start?" Orion asked with a grin on his face.