
Chapter 131

Chapter 131: The war started

because Mei was furious after being attacked by a red tank. During the Spring Festival, Mei gave him red clothes and scarves. Carl and others even regarded him as family. , someone wanted to attack Mei before, and now he has to deal with Karl. The fire in Red Tank's heart can no longer be contained. Now he just wants to tear the person in front of him to pieces! !

"Oh Shet, Karl, you look so handsome! No, you have to get me one after this is over!" Tony said with envy as he looked at Karl, who was wearing the golden holy robe, but he also felt relieved slowly. In one breath, he naturally saw that the woman next to Nick Fury was Nick Fury's support, but fortunately after hearing Thor's words, he could also guess that Carl's current strength was equal to that of the other party!

"Natasha! Come here quickly, you will die over there! You don't know the strength of the boss at all, come here quickly!!" The vibranium suit on Yelena's head slowly faded away, and she faced Natasha opposite. She shouted, she had never seen the boss panic since entering the manor, and he looked like he was in control of everything. She firmly believed that Karl was stronger than the other party, so she quickly pulled her sister over before the fight started. Otherwise, the boss won't take so much care later.

Natasha hesitated after hearing her sister's words, but still walked towards Karl. She did not tell Nick Fury what she had seen and heard in the manor before. Thinking that Karl had learned magic, then At least there is a magic organization behind him, and with the Supreme he mentioned before, she doesn't want to die with Nick Fury and others, not to mention that now that she has found her sister, she still wants to live, if she loses this bet , at least I can die with my sister.

At the same time, Natasha also apologized to Hawkeye Barton in her heart, because it was Barton who brought her into SHIELD, but she betrayed them at this time. Between her sister and the organization, she chose her sister this time. !


"Captain Marvel, be careful, or you'll die! ! "Three forms of shadow ninjas began to appear around him, reaching a total of one hundred thousand! Ever since Carl obtained the dog talisman and the horse talisman, he has been able to summon the shadow ninjas continuously. If he is not able to let go, then at least he will Appearing in the 200,000 Black Shadow Ninja, he then looked at Carol who had turned on the binary state and said.

Nick Fury looked at the current Carl and Carol's solemn expressions, plus what Thor said before, he knew Carl's current strength. Even Carol may not be able to take down the opponent. In addition, Natasha's breakthrough and rebellion, as well as the sudden appearance of ninjas in black, even appeared everywhere, surrounding them, and his black face became even darker. !


Carl took the lead in launching an attack on Team Marvel. He picked up the golden cudgel and hit Carol with a large amount of golden energy. Carol used his arms to resist Carl's attack in the double-star state, but was directly hit by the golden cudgel. He was knocked directly to the ground, and a big hole was made in the ground!


The red tank rushed towards Nick Fury and others with red eyes. Banner reluctantly stepped forward and began to transform into the Hulk, because Nic

k Fury promised to help him eliminate the Hulk. Banner could not refuse this condition, so he Being able to promise the other party to help him deal with Carl, Banner transformed into Hulk and punched the charging red tank, but the result was not what everyone predicted, but the Hulk was directly knocked out by the red tank!


Tony on the other side also wore his own large armor and began to attack the steel robot made by Nick Fury. He was extremely angry with Nick Fury in his heart. The reactor belonged to his father, and he was a thief. Tony The vibranium suit entered the group of steel robots and was simply killing indiscriminately. Nick Fury's steel robot was unable to cause any harm to Tony!


The Sombra ninjas also began to attack the agents, mutants, and people found by Nick Fury below, and even suicidal attacks. Almost all the Sombra ninjas used life-threatening tactics. Nick Fury After the people here killed the black shadow ninjas, they just turned into a black air and dissipated in the air, but then came back from the shadow place, infinitely resurrected, and began to hunt Nick Fury and others. !


Thor began to use Mjolnir to summon lightning to attack the people on Nick Fury's side. Captain America, Hawkeye, Daredevil and others on the battlefield also struggled to kill the Black Shadow Ninja, but how could they kill him? They can't all be killed! Steve Rogers started to use his shield to compete with Thor. Although the vibranium shield could barely withstand Mjolnir's lightning, there were limits. Some white ninjas appeared on the battlefield!

These ninjas began to attack the people on the side of SHIELD. They were the ninjas of the Shouhehui. When Five Fingers knew that SHIELD had found a strong person to deal with Carl, they were also thinking about which side to help. When Carl passed through The yellow armor was holding a golden cudgel that he and others had not studied for hundreds of years. They knew who to help, and at the same time, they no longer hesitated and immediately sent out ninjas to attack SHIELD personnel!

Ji quickly took out the energy weapon he made and attacked the SHIELD people and the steel robots in the sky. All these scenes were recorded by a shadow ninja with a camera, and were played simultaneously in the world of shadow. In the world of shadow, Mei, Ruiwen, Gwen, Helen Zhao, George, and others looked at this scene in disbelief. They did not expect that there are so many extraordinary powers in this world, and it is even more terrifying!


Carol once again flew up from the ground to attack Carl, and then hit him from the ground to the sky. This scene was naturally a lot���I discovered it, and even saw a war taking place in the estate of a Stark Industries shareholder and the youngest billionaire in the United States! Even Iron Man, Thor, and others who saved New York are here! There's even a giant robot! There are also some small steel robots, and the most terrifying thing in that direction is the black ninja in black!

The World Security Council, the Black Palace, the United Nations, Hydra, the Mutant Academy, and other organizations were all watching the battle in real time. When they saw Carl putting on the golden armor and fighting with the woman, the energy erupted in the battle was enough. Compared to nuclear bombs!