
Chapter 126

Chapter 126: The nuclear bomb is coming.

"My method? Nuclear bomb? Do you know how many people there are in New York! Give us a little more time to fight them back!!" Tony heard Nick Fury's words. Then he directly swore, if the nuclear bomb really explodes, then the whole New York will be in ruins, and even they will die, and the man in Nick Fury's mouth is naturally Carl. Now only Carl can prevent the explosion of the nuclear bomb, or It's a transfer of nuclear bombs.

"Walt, nuclear bomb! The World Security Council is a bunch of lunatics! ! "Even Natasha cursed secretly when she heard the nuclear bomb was coming, but she had nothing to do. If she hadn't stopped the nuclear bomb from detonating, she would have died from the high temperature generated by the nuclear bomb explosion! "Karl, Karl

! A nuclear bomb is coming to New York. Didn't you say that Kabuto can live there? What should we do now? ! " Tony said anxiously to Karl after getting through Carl's phone, and asked him eagerly if there was anything he could do!

"Okay, I understand, I said you can live in your pocket, okay, I'll solve it! "Karl said calmly to Tony on the other end of the phone. He didn't take mankind's most terrifying weapon, the nuclear bomb, seriously. After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone. A fighter jet flew out of New York City and pointed at New York City

. That is, a nuclear bomb was launched at Stark Tower and then turned around and left. Many American people saw this scene, and a nuclear bomb was actually launched! Even Steve Rogers could no longer calm down and was about to ask When asking someone if there is anything they can do.

Suddenly, a man wearing a white shirt appeared in the air, standing suspended in the air, looking faintly in the direction of the nuclear bomb in front of him. Since he appeared, the surrounding temperature began to drop. This man naturally It was Carl. Carl appeared on the battlefield not long after receiving Tony's call. He calculated the flight trajectory of the nuclear bomb, raised his hand and drew a circle in the air, and a portal with a black and blue border appeared in front of the nuclear bomb. The nuclear bomb

rushed in directly, and the other end of the portal appeared in front of the portal opened by the Universe Cube. The nuclear bomb first entered the portal in front of Carl, and then exited through the portal opened by Carl in front of the Universe Cube, directly entering the universe, and more It was rushing towards Kirita's battleship.

Boom .—!

A mushroom cloud erupted after the nuclear bomb hit the battleship. After that, all the Kirita soldiers on the earth lost power and fell to the ground. Carl slowly descended and looked at Loki who was being beaten by the Hulk in Stark Tower. He looked around In an instant, Loki's scepter was found, and the scepter was wrapped in his mind and flew towards Carl's hand. Tony also flew to Carl's side, and flew to the roof of the Stark Tower with Carl. Carl inserted the scepter into Inside the energy barrier, the portal is directly closed..

"Shet, it's finally turned off, phew–if that nuclear bomb goes off, it's gonna be over. "Tony came out of the big armor and said to Karl, he even opened the mask and breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat directly on the roof..

"Even if it explodes I will save you and you won't die. "After Carl put the Cosmic Cube and Loki's scepter into the system space, he said lightly to Tony, and he said it directly, even if the nuclear bomb explodes, you w

ill not die..

"Well, thank you very much, but since you know that this scepter can close the portal, why?….etc! You knew the bomb was coming! ! "Tony asked Carl a little doubtfully, and then suddenly discovered that Carl seemed to have known that the nuclear bomb was coming.

Tony did not ask Carl why angrily, but asked Carl very doubtfully, because although Carl knew many things, he Generally more stable, and Karl is his friend and family member, he will choose to believe Karl!

"Yes, I have known it for a long time, that's why I told you that I can live with it. Even if I knew it, I would not change it. If If it changes, then things will also change in the future. Even if I stop Loki in advance, won't there be another interstellar invasion? It will also be a warning to them, not to mention letting them know what not to touch. "Karl explained to Tony unhurriedly, and at the same time told Tony the reason why he didn't take action in the first place..

"OK OK, I have no objection. I guess you don't care about other people's opinions either. Let's go. "After listening to Carl's words, Tony stood up and entered the huge armor again. He helplessly replied to Carl that they were naturally referring to the Cosmic Cube, and then the two of them flew down. At this moment, Loki had been captured by everyone

. lived, and almost everyone who participated in the battle was on the first floor of the Stark Tower. After Carl and Tony flew down, Thor came over immediately. He did not expect that Carl would come to the rescue in the end..

"Hey Prophet! Can I hand over Loki to you first? I want to see Jane. I'm afraid they won't be able to lock Loki, so I want to ask you for a favor. By the way, where's the Tony Universe Cube? "Saul mentioned the embarrassing title to Karl again, and then stated his purpose. Then, seeing that neither of them had taken the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he asked Tony in confusion..

"Of course the Cosmic Cube was taken away by your prophet. What do you want that thing for? " Before Carl could answer Sol, Tony on the other side said to Sol, even more confused as to why Sol wanted the Cosmic Cube..

"Okay, I know, Loki, I can look after it for you. The Cosmic Cube is indeed with me, but I need to use it for a while before I can give it to you. You should want to use the Cosmic Cube to return to Asgard and repair the Rainbow Bridge. Bar? "As soon as Carl heard Thor ask where the Cube was, he knew what he wanted to do, and later agreed. Carl only needed the infinite gems to unlock the seal of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. In fact, it was of no great use to him..

"Hey, sir, I just heard that the Cosmic Cube is at your place. I'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I'm here to recover the Cube. "After Carl finished speaking, a bald man came to the crowd with a few agents and said to Carl. Tony looked at the bald man with a theatrical expression. He knew that Carl didn't like SHIELD very much. Boom


"oh? Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Not a Hydra agent? "After Carl glanced at the bald head, his mind surged, and he hit the bald head and several agents behind him against the wall of Stark Industries, and looked at him with a smile..

"What, you want to fight me? Captain America? Hawkeye? still you? Black Widow? "Carl looked at Steve Rogers in an attacking posture and said to him playfully, and even looked at Hawkeye and Black Widow. After hearing Carl's words, Tony lowered his mask and pointed his weapon at Steve and others. Thor also took Point Mjolnir at them.