

Victor von Doom was one man. He was a scientist, a ruler of Latveria, a magic practitioner, and a supervillain of sorts. But ultimately he was just one man and he couldn't be everywhere at all times. So Doom came up with the brilliant idea of Doombots.

A Doombot was an exact replica robot of Doom himself fitted with an AI to act like Doom in any situation. Because of his previous self who always wore the iron armor, it was very easy to replace himself with the bots at any time.

There were hundreds of these Doombots waiting to be activated in the time of need but there was never a situation where so many of them were needed. That was until today.

Along with the information provided by Savant, Doom had investigated by himself and confirmed all the hideouts and the high-level operatives of Hydra within Europe. He was now standing in front of the hundreds of replica robots of himself and giving orders to them to eradicate all of the targets.

His plan was very simple, the Doombots would go to each target and right before attacking, they would notify the government of that nation along with the proof and then begin the attack. Although notifying the government was not his style, Doom made some compromises since the announcement of the Earth Federation was so close.

Some Doombots were also dispatched to America, they were ordered to follow Fury's lead if he agreed to the plan. If he didn't then the bots would attack Hydra by themselves. But from what he had found through monitoring, Fury was prepared for the war against Hydra.

In Asia, Chinese and Indians had joined forces to clean up any Hydra activity and Wakanda was to lead the charge within Africa. On that day, Hydra was suddenly attacked from different fronts at once leaving them little to no chance for a successful retreat.


In Europe, many countries were confused by the reports coming in that multiple Doctor Dooms were spotted within two or three different parts of the country at the same time. And all these Dooms spoke in a similar way as if they were reading from a script.

"I am Victor von Doom, ruler of Latveria. I have definite proof which I have forwarded to you that Hydra operatives/bases are in these locations. I will be attacking said targets so inform the local authorities to order for evacuation."

After a couple of minutes of this announcement and the proof being sent to the governments, the Doombots would start their attacks by surrounding the target from different sides and closing the net.

This same situation was happening in multiple parts of Europe at the same time. The Hydra operatives hidden within the government systems would be handed to the countries while the rest of the operatives were all either captured or killed.

Doom was a reasonable and practical man so he didn't want meaningless violence. With mankind looking to go into space to mine, they would need a lot of human labor besides the robots. So Doom kindly kept most of the Hydra agents alive.

While the Doombots were scattered all over the world, Doom himself was not idle either. He was personally giving out the punishments to the Hydra agents hidden within his country and government. Although they were only in low-level positions, treason was treason. And Doom was making a spectacle out of the treasonous rats.


In the US, Fury was in his office sitting across from his guest, Alexander Pierce. He had invited Pierce to his office while he sent his trusted agents to take out all the high-level Hydra agents within SHIELD. His plan was simple, break off the chain of command so that he can easily pick off the low-level agents who are nothing but headless chickens without their commanding officers.

For the low-level agents, they didn't even know who else was Hydra like them. Only those at the top and their own handlers were aware of all the agents and their statuses. It was a good strategy to keep themselves hidden for such a long time within SHIELD.

But the shortcoming of this strategy was also clear. When there is no one to activate those agents and give them instructions, they are all like confused and lost children, not knowing who they can trust. In such a situation, a level-headed agent will continue to maintain their cover which is what Fury was expecting from them.

"You still haven't told me what was so important that you had to set up this secret personal meeting. You have already checked the room for bugs twice. Even for you, this level of paranoia is going too far Fury." Pierce said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay, okay. It's just that the matter is so big that I had to make sure it doesn't leak out. And I am not even sure who I can trust anymore." Fury sighed and took a swig of the whiskey in his glass.

Pierce shifted in his seat and leaned forward with his complete attention on Fury now. "What is it, tell me already. You didn't call me here just to keep waiting did you?"

Fury shook his head, "Do you remember our discussions about there being potential spies from Hydra within SHIELD? Well, I recently found that the conspiracy runs deeper than we thought."

Pierce frowned and stared at Fury, his body weight shifting ever so slightly. If Fury wasn't on guard he would not even have thought that Pierce was actually preparing to attack at any moment. "What do you mean, Nick? You found the Hydra agents?"

Fury nodded, "Yes. There are two high-level agents that I have identified as being Hydra. Grant Ward and John Garrett. I confirmed it myself. If agents at that level are Hydra operatives, I don't even want to think about how deep this conspiracy runs."

Pierce relaxed a little but he had not completely let his guard down yet, "Have you arrested them? We need to get them and find out everything they know. If they get wind of your investigations on them, they might escape."

"I am waiting for my agents who I can trust to get in before doing anything. I don't want to screw this operation by using agents I don't know. After we get those two, it doesn't matter if I have to hire an omega-level mutant telepath, I will get all the information from them about Hydra." Fury said through gritted teeth.

Pierce suddenly flinched in surprise. If it was before, Fury's claims wouldn't mean anything. But now was the time when the mutant-human relations had eased a lot and there was an actual chance that Fury to get a powerful telepath to come read the two Hydra agents' minds.

While Hydra programming makes it impossible for normal telepaths to get anything out of a Hydra agent's mind, an omega-level telepath can still get out a lot of information if not all of it. With the Earth Federation announcement being close, Fury could pressure the government to ask a mutant for help.

"What is it, Pierce? Why are you more nervous than me? You are sweating bullets. Don't worry we will get every Hydra bastard out there." Fury said as he stood up and walked to his desk to look at his pager that had just rang.

"Oh, it's a signal from my agents. It seems you can rest at ease, Pierce. Both the Hydra agents are dead." Nick Fury said as he put down the pager and walked back toward Pierce.

Pierce looked at Fury in confusion, "What do you mean? Wasn't your team supposed to capture them for interrogation? Did your team screw up? This was such a big lead, Fury."

"Oh, fuck off. Can you stop with your acting? I could hear your asshole clenching and unclenching throughout the conversation, you damned Hydra rat." Fury said as he shot twice at Pierce's legs before Pierce could lunge at him.

Pierce shouted in pain and fell on the floor. He gritted his teeth and looked up at Fury pointing the gun at his head and asked, "How? How did you find out?"

"You can thank Doom for your doom. He decided to slay a whole fucking Hydra to become the knight of the world. You were just unlucky that he didn't find a dragon I suppose." Fury blasted off Pierce's head with a shot.

After the final shot, Maria Hill came running into the office to check on Fury. "Why did you shoot him in your office? Shouldn't you have arrested him first?"

Fury shrugged his shoulder, "It was self-defense. He came at me and I fired the bullets. I didn't like the paint job of this room anyway. Maybe I can get a bigger office with a better view soon."

Maria looked at Fury with some suspicion but quickly put away those thoughts, "All the agents on the list have either been rounded up and under lockdown or have been eliminated. What do you want to do next?"

Fury looked out the window, "Issue the call for Emergency level 5. All of the agents are to stay where they are and be prepared for sudden attacks. Also, call up the contacts I gave you inside Homeland, FBI, and CIA. We are going to catch some politicians."


