
MARVEL: Scientific Path

Science and Technology in Marvel is very skewed with the heroes being able to time travel and warp reality but people still die of random diseases and poverty still exists. Our MC wants to find out, if Kang alone can conquer multiverses then can combined might of humanity punch through OAA's walls?

PyteWriter · Komik
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90 Chs

Chancellor Doom

The large hall was completely silent other than the struggling noises of Gard leaking through the mic on the podium. In the silence, someone started chanting Doom's name and it quickly caught on, slowly people in the room were chanting Doom! Doom! Doom! And it quickly spread to the public at home too.

The exhilarating display of pure power and control by Doom not only got everybody's adrenaline pumping but also showed them practically how Doom manhandled the aliens and foiled all their plans before they came to fruition.

The message was clear. Aliens might be strong, powerful, and intelligent but Doom is stronger and smarter than all. He crushes the aliens by staying ten steps ahead of them at all times. The idea that Doom is the leader the world needs was blooming in the majority population's minds.

Amidst the chanting, Doom raised his hand and the hall fell silent. The silence spread throughout the world as everyone waited for Doom to speak.

"They have brought the war to our doorsteps. Doom doesn't beg for anything, you decide among yourself whether you want to live in fear of your neighbors or you want me to lead you to conquer the stars and beat back these aliens to where they came from." Doom snapped the neck of Gard on live TV and dropped the body on the stage before walking away.

Despite the display of violence and death on live TV, there were cheers all around the world. Everyone cheered for the death of the alien who threatened humans and claimed that humans would be their slaves and pets. Doom had satisfied all the anger people felt against the aliens with his act of murder on TV. With the sense of catharsis came a sense of trust and reliability.

The representative of some small country found the perfect time to show his favorability to Doctor Doom and to stand out. He got up from his seat and turned on the mic to speak, "We have already seen how the aliens were responsible for rigging the election. As Chance… Doctor Doom already stated that we are at war. We need a leader to galvanize all of humanity together. I propose that we conduct reelection right away so that we can better prepare for anything that might come."

This opinion was supported by the majority and everyone agreed that there was a need for a leader now more than ever. The officials were quick to redo the voting process once more. This time, the results were announced by the famous and respected president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.

"With a majority vote of 122 votes, I announce that the first Chancellor of Earth Federation is Victor von Doom. May he bring glory to all mankind."

With Mandela's short announcement, the crowds cheered everywhere. Chants of Doom! Doom! Doom! Could be heard all over the world. For anyone who was not aware of what was going on, it looked like some cultists were chanting for the end of the world.

While the world was celebrating and Doom was being sworn into the office with complicated ritualistic traditions that were written into the Earth Federation charters, Savant was in a conversation with the heroes at the side.

"You expect me to believe that you didn't know about the aliens? Doom even used the exact same words about war as you did to me. You shouldn't have gambled with the lives of so many important people just to make Doom the Chancellor." Tony who was decked in his Iron Man armor due to earlier disturbance questioned Savant.

Savant nodded, "I may or may not have known about the aliens but everything was under control. We had already prepared countermeasures for any unexpected circumstances. The aliens impersonating the voters was just something we were looking out for, it's just that we were looking for human impersonators."

Savant answered in vague terms so as to not implicate himself or Doom in the conspiracy of using the aliens as a last push to get Doom to the Chancellor position. Technically he wasn't lying either. Savant and Doom were expecting some disturbances by the many forces who would be opposed to the formation of the Earth Federation. But they just didn't care who it would be.

The Skrulls jumping out was just the icing on the cake for the drama that they had prepared for the event. It didn't matter if the Skrulls didn't participate either, the Hand was coercing Japan, Korea, and a few other South Asian countries. The Ten Rings controlled some of the Middle Eastern and Silk Route countries.

There were quite a few more targets to pick and choose from. But the effect of targeting the Skrulls hidden on earth gave the most returns on the investment in the short drama they were producing. A drama where Doom is once again the knight in shining armor saving the world from a threat. He did it in style on live TV too.

Ben Grimm snorted gruffly, "We aren't as stupid as the general public. We know you used those aliens as a stepping stone. And everyone present is a hostage in your little game. Congratulations on getting what you wanted with dirty means."

"Thank you. But I wouldn't call it playing dirty. We have only ever used the resources at hand to make the best of what we have." Savant just smiled.

"So what now? Doom became the Chancellor like you wanted. What's next? World Domination?" Johnny Storm asked with some resentment in his voice. It was understandable since the foe his family had been fighting all this time had won over Reed right after it was found out that Reed's win was invalid. This made Johnny resent everyone associated with Doom a little.

Savant chuckled at the naked insult thrown by the Human Torch and pointed at the main podium, "I am not the Chancellor. I'm just a supporter. He will tell you what he plans to do by himself."

Everyone turned to look at the podium and saw that Doom was already standing there, ready to give his speech.

"Doom doesn't have any flowery words or a picture of a happy future for you. We are facing a war, and even after we win the war against the Skrulls, there will be other races and civilizations we will have to fight as we become the masters of the galaxy. There are civilizations that have existed for millions of years out there. We are going to be competing with them for resources and space to grow. So, as the Chancellor, I ask all of you to get ready for a continuous uphill battle."

Spider-Man who was with the heroes spoke in a hushed tone, "Why does it sound like he is scaring the people instead of motivating them?"

As expected, everyone was thinking similar thoughts at the moment. Doom who had just become the leader of humanity was making it seem like Earth was going to face disaster after disaster in the future. It didn't instill any confidence in the people but instead made them scared.

Doom continued after a pause to let the people soak in his words, "But there is no need to worry or be too concerned. Doom will lead you through all the battles and obstacles until humanity reaches its highest potential. As a sign of keeping that promise, I will be distributing the Cure Serum produced by Savant Technologies free of cost to everyone in the world.

With the Cure Serum, no existing disease will ever harm any human being again. Everyone will have a healthy and long life with the average lifespan increasing to 120 years in the near future."

Cheers of surprise and joy rang out once again all throughout the world. Doom had just gotten to the position of Chancellor and he was already doing something so big like eradicating all diseases at once.

"After the plans for the healthcare system and all the job losses due to the Cure Serum are put in order, the Cure Serum will be sent out to every country in the world free of cost. This is the only time Earth Federation will hand out free things so make sure to remember that." Doom added his final thoughts before ending his speech.

There were still a lot of things that were left to be done like the elections for the other members of the Earth Federation along with the bureaucratic officials required for a large governing body like the Earth Federation.

There were going to be many departments and offices that would address all the things regarding the whole planet. So, the recruitment and elections for the personnel were going to continue for the rest of the week.

That same day, Savant Tech released a free translation software that you could add to any of your devices to translate any language on Earth. Savant Tech's press release stated that this was a gift from Savant Tech to the world as it enters an era where the borders are getting blurred beyond recognition and human connection and communication beyond race, ethnicity, and borders will be the norm.

Sage was quoted as saying, "Let's shed our differences and find the commonalities among us by communicating more openly and freely. We are all the residents of the same planet, surely we can understand each other."


Gimme stones. Gimme stones. Think of me as a witch from back in the days and stone me.
