
Marvel Mutant in DC

Reborn in a DC universe as a Marvel Mutant. Fanfiction by Grey Dragon https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/marvel-mutant-in-dc-oc-in-au-dc.723367/reader/

superman1265789 · Komik
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82 Chs


Time: Just after Superman's identity was exposed by a nosy green ring. 1989.

Location: Alien Medbay, newly christened 'Watchtower'.

Abin Sur looked at the Kryptonian with something approaching bewilderment. "That is quite unusual." He glanced at his ring and searched through his nearest contacts quietly. "How strange, your organisation is predominantly on this ship? I found not just one potential but at least five more on the list of occupants who would be within the upper ranks of my search criteria. From the sector based selection process no less and even more planetside."

I glanced at Batman, who was probably high up there with Green Arrow. The others I was curious about but I suspect Green Lantern Alan was exempt… so perhaps Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Black Canary? Or is Diana not on the list at all for being too alien? I want to ask but this is the time for confidentiality, especially after that screw up with Kal El.

"I am being offered the ring and the lantern?" Kal El asked.

"Yes. You are more than suitable, you would wield the ring well and justly." Abin Sur replied.

"This has some additional responsibilities involved, I suspect?" Superman asked warily.

"To the sector and the Green Lantern Corps, yes. It will require some time for training and travel, including missions in the local sector and general patrolling." The retiring Green Lantern explained.

"You said you find your superiors suspect?" Kal El asked.

Abin Sur winced in a very human manner. "Unfortunately yes, they have done some questionable things. I do not trust their oversight or orders personally for reasons I will not go into detail about. But the heart of the Corp, the Lanterns themselves are still honest."

"I cannot in good conscience accept, then. While I would in theory be willing to lose some time for the betterment of the sector and to extend my protection to more people, the less than trustworthy nature of the management of your organisation is what discourages me." Clark admitted.

"Ah. Fair enough. It isn't something many would notice or encounter, but I have been equally fortunate and unfortunate to notice the subtle dissonance mixed with the glaring mistakes and had a great deal of time to reflect on it, especially not too long ago when I thought I was dying." Abin Sur admitted.

Abin Sur was enveloped in a green glow and floated slowly off his surgical bed, to hold himself upright and look Superman in the eye.

"I respect your decision. Not many would turn down power of this scale for personal ethics. Additionally your organisation has my gratitude for the timely rescue. While my time as a Green Lantern will shortly end… I will remain in the sector and provide assistance if I can. In other ways." He bowed his head slightly. "I would appreciate being allowed to approach a suitable local without interference. I have found from scans of local broadcast signals you are quite highly regarded and influential, if somewhat infamous as an organisation. If I might have a suitable guide and host for my stay as I teach my replacement to an appropriate level I will be grateful."

"I have numerous criminals, including this new Playing Card gang to deal with." Bruce admitted.

"I'm afraid I have a shift at work tomorrow." Clark added.

"Magnus will be with me as I will be attempting to unlock his telepathic talent tomorrow." J'onn replied. This caused Bruce to tense his jaw, probably as he thought about worst case scenarios this might bring.

An idea came to me.

"How about our Green Lantern?" I asked. "He is retired and as far as I know doesn't have many obligations."

"Are you sure that is a good idea? These Lanterns may consider him a hostile." Bruce asked, warily.

"The pseudo-lantern I saw when I last visited? I remember him as just a curiosity. The Guardians do not consider him important enough to assess as more than a curiosity. During that mission I came across him and a helmeted partner unconscious… the target who defeated them was resistant to my ring, but not I found, the ring I borrowed from your pseudo-lantern." He then played a clip of the event, showing what was clearly Alan and a man in the original Flash costume (Garrick) lying beaten up. The alien creature was difficult for Abin Sur to defeat with his own ring, but apparently the magic (fake) ring did the job when he was desperate enough to try it. He even returned Alan's ring and performed some light medical aid, before leaving with the alien in restraint constructs.

"I would say he owes you one, from the looks of it." I pointed out, a faint smile on my face. I had no idea they actually had a past. I guess the longer you live in this business the more interesting people you meet.

Welp, this has been an interesting event. I can't hope to guess at the potential changes that have occurred. Besides, I have my own headache to deal with.

A return to the milling members with everyone following along, besides Bruce who pauses to hide his face with his mask again.

Superman introduces Abin Sur, who goes into a spiel about the Green Lantern Corps and what he hopes to accomplish on Earth. He also plays the recording of his encounter with Alan again for their benefit and to show he has no ill will toward the Magical Green Lantern.

Alan is quick to volunteer when the request for a spokesperson for Abin Sur is asked for. Not too surprising, he is a really nostalgic old guy. He is also curious about the Corps and how he is connected, even if no answers are forthcoming about the latter.

In the meantime I manage to get Aquaman into talking about the other marine civilisations, hoping to find out where the raiding fishmen are coming from to plague French coastal waters. If only so we can depth-charge the bastards. As a last resort.

He says he'll look into it personally. Huh. I guess having his people owe me has some perks. They weren't particularly fearsome foes, so I don't see professional soldiers from Atlantis having a hard time with them.

Before I forget, I pull him away from the crowd and give him a piece of important news.

"So… you might be wondering why I dragged you here. I have some bad news and some shocking news. I don't know how accurate they are. So take them with a grain of salt. Is there a Prince Orn in Atlantis?" I asked.

"Orm. Yes. A dutiful man." Aquaman agreed.

"He is trying to take over Atlantis, or will attempt to sooner or later. He will use the guise of 'Ocean Master'." I pointed out. "Additionally, the second news isn't bad in some ways. It might make your marriage rocky, however. You dated a woman before you became king, in America? She didn't mention it, but she might have had a child. You may have a son."

Aquaman, Arthur Curry was silent for a moment as he took these facts in.

"I appreciate you coming to me immediately with these things you suspect. IF what you say is true about Orm I have been deceived… many times. IF what you what you say is true I have a son, a legitimate heir to the throne that is completely unknown." He sighed. "This will be troublesome but I will take this seriously, since it is from the same source that brought us aid. If you don't mind I would like to be alone… as I try to find the words to explain to my wife."

"Of course. I am sorry to be bearer of such unpleasant potential problems." I replied.

"Please just go…" He asked with a raw edge to his tone. This had clearly hurt him.

I left him in peace and returned to the party, finding out someone you trusted was a traitor had to hurt. The kid out of wedlock thing was in some ways worse, if his family resembled mine in any way. Royal lines and their bastards were always a cause for headaches since ancient times. Worse with dark magic and super villains added into the mix.

Speaking of dark magic… I wonder how I should deal with Constantine.

Maybe have Billy Batson in Marvel form drop by and give him a good talking to? I'm sure the pure child-like innocence and grim, guilty, self hating anti-hero cancel each other out. Or result in the destruction of a city block. Fifty/fifty. I'd take those odds, just to give Constantine a headache for his deliberate interference.

Perhaps in the aftermath of the encounter I'd have some ideas for getting my own back at Black Adam in the process? His powers are identical to Billy's after all. Just stolen… hmm.

"Gunnr… how much contact does your pantheon have with others?" I asked.

"Minimal… unless they were relatively nearby geographically." She answered from her hidden place beside me.

"However Odin and Loki…?" I asked.

"Odin's influence is well spread, he is known to be gregarious and acknowledged as a warrior, additionally he is associated with the Yuletide… which became the globally celebrated Christmas. Loki… just likes to cause trouble wherever he can. Sometimes dragging Thor into the mess for his amusement." She explained.

"So if I wanted to cause trouble for a certain villain, who should I talk to?" I asked.

"Loki. Always Loki." She sighed. "There is a reason we keep him around, after all. Just be prepared for some less pleasant results to arise from this."


"Please request an audience with the trickster god. I have need of him." I declared.

The world seemed to fade into silence… and a smirking man, a bit like Errol Flynn was there, from one moment nothing to the next, there leaning casually against a bulk head in a fine set of fashionable clothes I would have associated with Lex Luthor. I jerked in surprise at the arrival.

"Yes, I do believe it is time we had a nice little talk, dear follower of my Fenris." He said with a slightly mocking grin, eyes sparkling with intelligence and brimming with malevolence.

Nothing like the Marvel version I noted, shivering with a hint of trepidation at just how much he must have wanted this, to come so quickly. The oppressive feel of his presence leaning on me now, in full.

"Neither are you quite the same either, as the one you imitate." He pointed out with a chuckle. "You are no Magneto."

Fuck… I'm in over my head here!