

8:42 PM 23rd March 1989

Waiting those final few moments before the fight is the hardest part. The tension climbs as you are forced to wait patiently for a moment of life and death, like a roller-coaster on steroids.


The door opened and a flashbang was thrown inside, to explode.

"Go, go, go!" The squad entered… and there it was. Shaking it's 'head' to clear the effects of the grenade. Singular. The metal pieces, some as tall as a man were limbs. The virulent green of the vaguely humanoid creature glistened under the torchlight emerging from under the soldier's weapons. Printed on the metal limbs was a bio-hazard symbol and the hazardous waste signs that indicated danger.

"Ggggg." It groaned.

"Light it up!" A soldier shouted.

The entire squad fired on the huge green thing, that looked to be similar to a bloated suit of bio-hazard protection gear. The bullets pierced the 'skin' which sealed behind them, the bullets visibly dissolving in the internals of the giant.

It began to raise an arm, fluid pulsing from within and pointed at us.


I threw up a barrier, at the right time because immediately the insides of the giant green thing spewed out as it tried to hose us in that green goop. It slid off the barrier and melted everything material it came in contact with, eating into the floor like zenomorph blood. Acid at ludicrous concentrations.

Droplets still managed to bounce off my shield and over it. Two of the soldiers shouted, as they felt the chemical bite into their body. My sleeve gained a hole.

"GGGGGG!" The creature growled in irritation, rising to it's full height and partially emerging into the third floor as it was simply too big for this one.

"Pull back, I'll distract it. This thing is nothing human!" I shouted over the partial collapse of the building's third floor.

The thing's internals swirled and from a metal structure in the head it spewed a mist.

"Run! Gas weapon!" I added.

Steel rods speared inside, penetrating the bulk of the creature. Through the centre torso and 'head'. But to my dismay, my rods began to disappear from my senses as we broke contact and sprinted. One of the soldiers, slowed by a leg injury fell. I threw my arms around his chest and dragged him with me, levitating to keep up with the others.

"What was that thing?!" One of the soldiers asked when we reached the exit.

"A living vat of chemicals, I think." I panted from the strain of carrying the injured man. "Like a golem. No internal organs and I think it regenerates. I don't think it is very smart, but it's going to be hell to stop."

"Suggestions?" Fleur asked.

"I don't see any way to contain it, with that acid spray. It likely has other chemical weapons, it is probably an elemental of some description." I took a breath… before I sensed movement. "Look out, it is after us!"

We began to run as the massive figure burst through the windows of the second floor and crashed into the parking lot in a crouch.

Then the fluid began to boil across it's body's surface, oh crap.

I threw a complete bubble force-field around it. Sealing it inside the barrier. As it exploded like a can of soda shaken too hard. The barrier held against the force of the spray.

I slumped in relief, that was an attack intended for everyone in the area.

"That was you before? How long can you hold it like this?" Fleur asked.

"Depends. A few hours, maybe if it stays fluid. But I'm fairly sure it is already pulling itself back together. If it starts attacking the barrier directly I'm not sure if it'll hold. If a big guy like that puts an effort into his swings…" I shook my head.

Fleur looked apprehensive. "Could we try to asphyxiate it?"

"Already doing that, my barriers are airtight. If he isn't dropping from lack of oxygen soon, chances are it doesn't breathe." I explained.

"Okay, good to know." She snapped her fingers and came to a conclusion. "Explosives are out, if it can regenerate from self destruction all we would do is spread whatever that mess is."

"Yes, it also dissolved every bit of metal that entered the main body." I added. "Including several steel rods inches thick."

"Heat then. Incinerate it with napalm? No that could spread the contamination." She brainstormed.

"Freeze it!" I realised. "It's fluid… if it can be frozen we could restrain it in a large refrigerator and transport it in a refrigerated truck."

She looked my way with wide eyes. "Wait just a moment I need to check something." She ran toward the laboratory.

However I had my hands full. The creature was nearly reformed.

"GGGGgggg!" It rumbled, raising a massive steel arm.

Well, don't think things are so easy monster.

I wrenched with my power, twisting the arm against the fluid. But my reward? Pain. I fell to my knees as the green goop tore through my efforts with brute strength, overwhelming me. The arm hammered down on the barrier, shattering it like brittle glass.

It stepped forward, to bring me in range of the next blow.