
Marvel Little Genius

Reborn in the world of Marvel, became the illegitimate son of Tony Stark, and gained all the wisdom of the prodigy of robotics in the Super Marine Corps, Ah Hong. This is the story of a young mechanical genius and his romantic father… (This Doesnt belong to me im putting it here for others to enjoy)

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13 Chs


Chapter 12

"Okay, Pepper. Wait for me here, don't open your eyes in advance to take a peek!

I'm going to get things out now, wait for me. "

As soon as Pepper arrived at the door today, Tony took her to the underground garage of the villa. In order to give the other party a better surprise, Tony also asked J.A.R.V.I.S to go online to help him find it according to Mark's method, so along the way, Tony used the method learned from the Internet to blindly cover Pepper's eyes.

"Is it all right, Tony? What the hell is it with you, I want to tell Mark to take the robot he gave me."

"Forget Mark." Tony walked behind her and gently took off her blindfold, "It's time for me to give you a gift. Look at what it is."

Looking in the direction of Tony's fingers, Pepper's eyes were caught in a pink mini suitcase, the file size of which was even smaller than that of the white charging case.

The exterior of the suitcase is frosted and matted, which looks fashionable and beautiful. The center of the front is decorated with a yellow LED light strip in the shape of a love heart, which is obviously a special design for women to join.

Seeing all this in front of him, Pepper could say that her girlish heart was about to be guilty, and Shu Lingling's big eyes were shining with a different kind of splendor.

"Come on, daddy!" Outside the glass door of the garage, Mark, who was observing all this secretly, gave Tony a whisper.

Tony also looked at him and nodded, "I will."

"Hey! I hope the old man can do it, he is purer than a virgin in front of the person he likes, and I don't know if such a good atmosphere will mess up.

But this time thanks to Sister Pepper's matter, otherwise I have forgotten the "happy" of recharging money to buy skins in my previous life. Then, I will design a few more skins for the popular version of personal health assistants, and provide a private for the wealthy. Customized services must allow the people of this universe to also enjoy the happiness of Fill money, quack~quack~"

Regardless of Mark who has fallen into his own obscenity on the side, Tony's At the moment is about to start acting.

"How about it, do you like it? This is the personal health assistant specially made for you-King Kong Barbie!"

Hearing Tony's introduction, Pepper, who was already very excited, suddenly became a black line, "You are not telling me the truth, is it really called [King Kong Barbie]?"

As if feeling that the atmosphere has turned into something wrong, Tony hurriedly changed his words: "Uh, this name is Mark's name. There is no name in the robot system. Now you can give it a name you like."

Pepper's hand in Tony's early stage walked up to the pink robot customized for her. Reached out and clicked on the heart in the middle of the pink portable charging case.


Just like the big white design, the pink box cover is opened, and the robot wrapped in it starts to inflate and expand automatically.

After a while, Mark specially customized it and gave Pepper a special limited edition personal health boost that perfectly appeared in front of the two.

The pink polyvinyl alcohol fiber skin is covered with graphene film. In addition to being more solid and durable, it is more playful and cute than the gentleness of Dabai.

At the same time, in order to better adapt to Pepper's aesthetics, Mark lowered its height in the design, from 2 meters 60 meters to 1.70 meters, and the figure is more slender and slender than Dabai.

To be able to compress the reminder so much, Tony has also done a lot in it. The first is to replace the internal graphene battery with the Ark reactor. It is definitely a smaller version than the reduced version of Tony's chest. It can support this customized model to work normally for a hundred years or to fight in the guard mode for one hour.

A holographic projector, first aid kits and daily medicine kits customized for women are also added inside, not to mention the various function chips designed by Mark.

Thanks to the compression of the body shape, after being incorporated into the charging case, it is not only small in size, but also weighs only 1.4 kg, allowing Pepper to be carried around whether it is at home or at work, on travel or on business trips.

"King Kong Barbie series No. 1 machine is for you, hello host, I am your personal health assistant, life assistant and personal chef… and personal bodyguard."

After the King Kong Barbie No. 1 machine introduced a series of functions Mark designed for it with a clear and beautiful customized Loli sound, Tony touched the non-existent sweat on his forehead and said, "You can go over and name it now."

"My program has set Ms. Pepper as my sole owner. According to the data in the database, please allow me to scan you and collect biometric information. After the initial authentication, you will be able to rename me. "

"Okay." Pepper walked up to King Kong Barbie. Although he disliked the name very much, but looking at its exquisite appearance, lovely image, and the upcoming naming rights, Pepper said that these details are irrelevant.

"Start scanning-scanning is complete, to record information, authentication is complete. Master, please name me."

"Nini!" As soon as the robot's voice fell, Pepper had already blurted out the name she had thought of long ago, and she was afraid that it would not take half a second to hesitation.

Tony on the side also felt very appropriate after hearing the name, and felt that this name had a lot of fate with him inexplicably! It seems that today's plan is very successful.

"The revision is completed. Today is July 17, 2010. From now on, Nini will take care of the owner's daily life and protect the owner's life and health. Please take care of the owner." He held his little hand and bowed a standard ninety degrees.

The heart of Pepper's bursting girl who saw this scene is almost melting, "Nini, I will trouble you to take care of it in the future."

"Okay, master. If there are no other requirements, please comment on my service this time. Nini can go to sleep only after the master is satisfied."

"I'm very satisfied, Nini, go and rest."

After getting a satisfactory evaluation, Nini moved back to the box step by step, and after deflated and folded, she turned into that stylish suitcase again.

It is worth mentioning that because of the reduction in body size, Nini can take a more normal pace, but in order to save energy and prevent collisions, which are good things for human beings, in the daily low-power mode, its actions are still as slow as Dabai.

"How about it, do you like the gift I gave you?" Tony strikes the iron while it's hot, asking the question from the bottom of his heart.

"Definitely like it, but this is a gift from Mark to me. What does it have to do with you?" Pepper held Nini's charging case with love, and did not receive the love signal from Tony at all.

"Can't say that, I also provided some technical advice on Nini's design and manufacturing, and last night I used my father's majesty to urge Mark to work overtime and transform it to the perfect level now. This is definitely a gift from me. It's a gift."

Mark outside the door got goosebumps when he heard this. If Tony's money offensive wasn't strong enough last night, he wouldn't let Tony talk nonsense inside.

"Okay, in that case, it's a gift you and Mark gave me together. Thank you, Tony." After that, Pepper put down the charging case he was holding in his arms and turned to give Tony a big hug. , So that Tony, a veteran lover, had a little red face.

"Pepper, there is actually one thing I want to ask you to do me a favor today. Can you show me your hands me your hands before that?