
Marvel: Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor arrives in the Marvel Universe. He is an egomaniacal genius and billionaire industrialist, Lex Luthor fights the Avengers and all of the other heroes in the Marvel Universe. An Otaku’s soul transported there with Lex Luthor: DC/ Marvel Ability System, Lex becomes a power-hungry sociopath that’ll do anything to anyone who get in his way. The story takes place in World War (||) during the birth of Captain America. He completes evil quest in order to gain Powerful DC character’s abilities. Quest: Become the sole leader and ruler of Hydra [Reward: Superman’s powers] Quest: Take over S.H.I.E.L.D [Reward Brainiac’s intelligence]

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Chapter 010 | Lex’s Mission

New York.


"Lex, what is this plan of yours?"

Meditated one of Lex's men, the man is wearing a long, black leather jacket with a intimidating skull on the back.

Right now, he is sitting beside Lex with other people, they are trained hit men from the Irish Mob, Alessandro had sent them.

"We need to figure out, who is the right hand man of the Italian Mafia, once we know who that is, we can manipulate him into giving us the leader, Vito Corleone."

Lex has thought of this plan for awhile and now, he can finally implement this plan of his into action. By manipulating his right hand man, we can directly take down the Italian Mafia.

In Lex's head though, he has other sinister plans, like directly making the two Mafia Leaders go at each other, or by directly absorbing the Italian Mafia.

"So, do you know who is the right-hand man of Vito, because if you do, I will personally let you be co-leader of this operation."

Lex lied, he looked at the man sitting on the table, if he let that happen, those men would directly disrupt his authority and image in their minds.

"Well, then I will directly infiltrate his organization by rising up the power structure in his organizations, I can have more power and authority in the Italian Mafia."

"Vito is a smart man, so he won't directly trust me, so he will probably send some men to spy on me, Peter call one of our spies and tell them to invite me in the organization."

Lex wants this plan to be flawless, if this plan can succeed, he directly control both Organizations, and ascend in the world.

"Right Lex, give me a few hours, this man is the real deal, he can help you in the organizations."

Lex seeing his man trust this guy, made Lex narrow his eyes, Lex doesn't even trust his men, so he uses his X-Ray Vision to spy on them everyday.

"Don't be too prideful and appreciative of your man, he can betray in a heartbeat to save his own ass, so don't trust anyone."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The Next Day.

Lex is going to meet this spy, that his man pointed out to him, Lex is already prepared, if he sees this man suspicious, Lex already has a sniper on the roof waiting to take his head off.

10 minutes later, he saw a middle-aged man with a long, dark brown trench coat, he also has on some glasses, he has short, brown-hair with a small mustache.

He is currently walking towards Lex in an alleyway, Lex noticed this and followed the man with with a calm, serene look on his face.

"You must be, Lex Luthor, I have heard so much about you, the fastest to be promoted to a high-position in the history of the Mob."

Meditated the middle aged-man with a smile on his face, he not only spies on the Italian Mafia, but he also has heard some news on the other side.

"You must be one of the spies, my men told me about, I must say, that I thought you would be a somewhat young man."

Said Lex, with a cold expression on his face, he is still suspicious about the old man in front of him.


"A lot of people would expect that of me, but that is cool, I don't really care, it is nice to know that some people may think that I am young."


The old man sighed with a mournful look on his face.

"Tell me, what position are you currently in the Italian Mafia, if so, we will be relatives so, I can automatically have some authority in this Organization."

"Well, quite the personality you are, young man, but I must say, why don't you seem suspicious about me, aren't you worried that I'm also a spy for the Italian Mafia also?"

"If that was the case, I would have killed you without hesitation, and then I would kill your family and then rape your daughter, so don't betray me or fuck me."

Lex said menacingly, as he stared at the man with red, glowing eyes, those seems like the eyes of the devil.

"Right, I understand, Sir!"

"My name is Peter Maxwell by the way."

Peter nervously said to Lex, as he saw the red, glowing eyes disappear like they weren't even there to begin with.

"Good, Peter, actually your age is a blessing in disguise, I can come off as your nephew, that makes it easier to infiltrate the Italian Mafia."

Said Lex, as he walks out of the alleyway with a cold light in his eyes, as soon as he is not useful anymore, which is very soon, Lex would not hesitate to kill him.

"Wait for me!"

Yelled Peter, as he runs out of the dark alleyway catching back up the Lex to get in the car to drive.

(My bad, it has been a long two to three months, studying and preparing for exams make you forget your passion to write every once in awhile.)