

Name: Pendragon Doppio (Diavolo)

Nickname: Boss

Race: Human

Age: 16

Gender: Male


King Crimson: King Crimson is an exceptionally powerful short-range Stand with an effective manifestation range of approximately 10 meters. King Crimson is physically strong and possesses the ability to erase time and predict the future. It is described as invincible against all other Stands whose powers do not affect time. King Crimson is a tremendously powerful Stand capable of passing through or cleaving through people's bodies with great ease.

Time Erasure: King Crimson's signature ability is to erase a designated period of time; it starts from the moment the ability is activated and can last up to 50 minutes. During this erased time period, only Diavolo remains fully conscious and is the only one who can readjust his actions. Other people will not experience anything that happens and will continue to act as they would have. Once the ability's effect ends, everyone except Diavolo will have no memory of anything that occurred during the erased period.

After the assigned time period, people will suddenly find themselves in the aftermath of the situation they were supposed to be in, as the action may have already been completed. In short, the Time Erasure ability removes the cause but the effect remains, as if a program fast-forwarded but still knew what happened in that allocated time.

Additionally, Diavolo and King Crimson become "intangible" during the time erasure, allowing attacks to pass through them since the moment when the attack would have hit has been erased. However, this also means that Diavolo himself cannot attack while King Crimson's time erasure is active. He can also use this brief period of intangibility to redirect an attack to hit a different target.

Epitaph: Epitaph is a sub-Stand that acts as a complement to King Crimson's main ability of erasing time. Epitaph gives Diavolo the ability to see and "foresee" up to 50 minutes into the future. The future vision is usually depicted as an image within his bangs but can be projected anywhere. The produced image includes the general area surrounding Doppio with him as the main focus, allowing him to see what will happen to him and around him. Diavolo often uses Epitaph's foresight ability to predict incoming threats, making stealth attacks ineffective against him. However, the visions are incomplete and only show the end result without the events leading up to it, so they can be subject to interpretation. The predictions shown by Epitaph to the user are 100% destined to happen and can only be changed by abilities that affect destiny and King Crimson's main ability. Epitaph is primarily used to mitigate any issues shown in the prediction. While the predictions seen by Epitaph are inevitable, they still effectively warn Diavolo against impending danger, allowing him to steer events to mitigate damage or save himself. King Crimson itself can prevent predictions from coming true by erasing the correct time period in which the prediction would have become reality.

“Guys, these will be all of Diavolo’s abilities. The duration of his Stand’s abilities increased a bit. Although, truth be told, that’s not much in a world like Marvel’s. So please, I’d like to know what you think about this. I believe that with his power, if the main character uses it wisely, it could further increase his strength.”

Manaka_Sajyoucreators' thoughts