
Avengers part IV

Without continuing to refuse treatment, Coulson was successfully rescued by Jack.

  The wound pierced by Loki completely recovered, and there was no trace of a fatal injury. Only the suit that had broken a hole before proved that Coulson was shot by Loki.

  Although I have long known that Jack has an incredible healing ability, after personally experiencing it, Coulson still feels very magical and tirelessly touches the abdomen that has just been pierced, where it is flat...hmmm, a little bit belly Oh...

  A cough, it seems that I have been neglected to exercise recently...

  Seeing himself out of danger, Coulson was very grateful: "Thank you for saving me, Mr. Jack."

  "A cough, no need to be polite." Jack still has a bit of guilty conscience. If he did not leave the aircraft carrier, he can completely prevent Loki from fleeing. Although the eagle eye's raid is very unexpected, if Jack was at that time, he can still minimize losses.

  On the side, Fury stepped forward and looked solemnly: "Thank you, you saved my most capable man."

  Jack looked around and the scene was still quite confusing. The repairers rushed to the damaged area of ​​the aircraft carrier, and the non-stop inspection and repair work, the combatants searched the casualties in an orderly manner.

  Hey... more or less a little responsibility.

  The heart was a little uncomfortable, Jack took a deep breath, and then said to Fury and Coulson: "I try to make the situation better."

  Under the puzzling look of Fury and Coulson, Jack activated his telekinesis as he covered all ship and used it as a medium and launched the power of healing!

  That's right, he wants to restore the aircraft carrier to its intact state through the "recovery" feature of the healing power. At the same time, he will help those who don't know where to fall in the aircraft carrier, and who are dying!

  This is a jaw-dropping operation, but in the face of the commonality of the Talismans, everything becomes so easy.

  Fury and Coulson didn't see the meaning of Jack's move at first, but when Fury hangs on the earphones of the left ear, he heard the surprise report from Hill, and he knew what Jack had done.

  "Sir! The damage to the aircraft carrier is being restored little by little. Even the parts that were blown up are all restoring out of thin air! Now the aircraft carrier is recovering in a very strange state. How should we deal with this situation?"

  When he heard the report from Hill, Fury felt very ridiculous. Anyone who listened would think that Hill's work was ridiculous, but Hill was his most trusted man, and naturally, he would not make such a joke.

  Fury quickly reacted, and the "self-healing" of the aircraft carrier was definitely caused by Jack's actions. Once again, he saw the power of Jack. In addition to the incomparable shock, Fury's heart also produced more taboos. And worry.

  The strength that Jack showed, again and again, was refreshing everyone's cognition of him. It is hard to imagine that he still has some amazing powers to show.

  Such a strong existence also means that it is difficult to control. If it is out of control, the consequences will be unimaginable.

  Even Fury suspects that Jack has the ability to destroy the world. Although this idea is ridiculous, Fury has some concerns in his heart. In case, Jack really has this strength...

  Thanks to the power of the talisman and telekinesis, there is no magic, and the setting of mental power is completely like the existence of a bug and does not need to consume anything.

  Therefore, in addition to spending a little longer, the restoration of the entire aircraft carrier and the treatment of the wounded, Jack did not feel any problems, but still energetic and fascinating.

  Compared with the usual restoration of a single thing, it is completed in a blink of an eye. At the same time, it is not instantaneous to complete the recovery of the aircraft carrier and the treatment of the wounded, but it only took a minute or two.

Jack was done.

  When Jack finished, the entire aircraft carrier became completely as new as ever, without any damage, as if it had never been destroyed by an explosion.

  Those who have been harmed to varying degrees are also unsurely trying to grasp themselves, wondering if they have a mental problem or in an illusionary dream.

  However, those who died did not reopen their eyes in the world. Although the power of healing makes the deceased return to the appearance of life, the clothes on the body are not bad, but it only restores the surface phenomenon, and the soul inside the body still does not come back.

  Although it has not come back to life, the recovery of the aircraft carrier and the wounded are intact, which is enough to subvert everyone common sense.

  Fury tried to calm himself down, but still couldn't calm down and asked quickly: "Jack, the entire aircraft carrier has recovered completely. Did you do it?"

  Jack calmly and calmly said: "Calm down Nick, it is indeed what I did, or do you want me to return it?"

  Although I already had the answer in my heart, I heard that Jack admitted that Fury inevitably changed his face and did not take offense. He asked: "How did you do it? Can you go backward?"

  "This is my secret. I can't tell you naturally," Jack shook his index finger. "But I can tell you that this is not a retrogression. Didn't you find that those who died didn't live? If I can make time back, then even the dead people should live, but obviously, I can't do it."

  When he heard Jack's answer, Fury was shocked because Jack said that he could not let the dead resurrect, but from the point that he can recover the aircraft carrier, this is an incomplete 'time back'.

  In other words, Jack has mastered part of the time power!

  Time is a more abstract concept, which is the movement of matter, the persistence of change, and the manifestation of order. Humans' current perception of time is minimal, but it is undeniable that time is a subtle existence.

  And Jack can retreat time, even if it only affects the substance, does not involve the soul field, it also means he can use time!

  The heart is full of endless shocks, but as the king of agents who have experienced life, Fury has seen too many incredible things, trying to make himself no longer think about it, Fury finally recovered to his original calm self, some jokingly said: " I didn't expect you to be able to do this kind of thing. It's really supernatural. Don't consider the details and satisfy my curiosity?"

  Jack rolled his eyes and said: "Don't try to inquire about my ability from my mouth. Everyone has their own secrets. You will let me keep a little mystery."

  Jack didn't want to be known by the SHIELD for all his Talismans, and his other abilities. Because they may be able to research or invent something that could deal with me or worst create a monster, although he is not afraid, this is Marvel, where everything is possible.

  Fury did not try to continue to inquire about intelligence. on road he said to Coulson: "Coulson, then you have to be 'death' know, go take a rest for now."

  Coulson smiled slightly and said, "Okay, sir."

  Brewing on the emotions, Fury declared with a sad tone, on the contact channel of all the people: "Agent of Coulson is dead..."


  Back in the conference room, Tony and Steve sat silently at the table, and Fury stood in front of them, holding a few blood-stained cards in his hand, his face full of sorrow and grief.

  A few agents stood around in sorrow, and Coulson was a good person. He was very popular among his colleagues. He was told that he was killed and his colleagues felt sorry for him.

  Jack stood by the wall and looked expressionless. He didn't seem to care, but from his closed mouth and his eyes closed, he could see that he was not feeling well at this time.

  As everyone knows, Jack just didn't want to see Fury performing his superb acting, or he won't be able to hold back his laugh.

  Fury threw the card on the table in front of Steve and said: "This is found in Coulson's jacket. He never had the chance to give it to you to sign it."

  Steve silently picked up a card with a picture of his Captain America, and the red blood stains on the card were so dazzling.

  Fury slowly talked about his regret of losing Coulson, and then he talked about the plan of the Avengers. "...Coulson believes in this ideal and believes...the existence of a hero."

  Tony couldn't sit still anymore, didn't talk, and suddenly got up and left.

  Steve also got up and left the meeting room without saying a word.

  Jack, who leaned against the wall, opened his eyes, and it was a tacit agreement with Fury.

  'Become true Avengers'


"Hmm Loki is a standard arrogant man, he wants flowers, he is eager for applause. He wants a landmark building so that his name can be high..."

  After Tony calmed down, he began to sort out the existing information and interpret Loki's psychology to Steve, but at the end of the analysis, Tony suddenly stopped, and his face appeared anger and he cursed.

  "This bastard!"

  He finally thought of where Loki was going to open the space door, and that was in his Stark building! As the iconic building in New York, it is naturally the most satisfying stage for Loki.

  Tony directly covered himself with his nano-suit and preparing to fly back to the Stark Building to stop Him.

  And Steve also guessed Loki's plan from Tony's words, went to find the black widow and seriously said: "It's time to leave."

  "Where to go?" The black widow had some doubts.

  "I will tell on the way," time is urgent, Steve did not intend to elaborate, "do you want a pilot?"

  The black widow has not responded, the door to the bathroom in the room opened, and the eagle eye that has returned to normal control has wiped his hand with a towel and walked out, calmly saying: "I do."


  Just as everyone finally worked together and united to get to the Stark Building to stop the Loki conspiracy, Jack took the first step and went to the Stark Building.

   Not stopping the aircraft carrier attack, has made Jack unconfirmable, if not for the performance of Fury, he has already flown to the Stark Building.

  his speed allowed him to fly there in 0.0001s and before he reached the building he slowed down as he landed on the dock of the Stark Building, he saw Dr. Eric rushing to operate a device, and the universe Rubik's Cube In the center of the device.

  At this point, the opening of the space door is ready, and after extracting the energy provided by the Ark reactor of the Stark Building, the universe cube has been activated, even if Tony shuts down the power supply of the Ark reactor by Jarvis. The universe's Rubik's Cube will continue to power itself, and the energy gathers constantly, letting the universe's cubes shine with dazzling light.

  Seeing this scene, Jack's heart sank, can't he catch up?

  "Stop, Dr. Eric!" Jack shouted loudly.

  "It's too late, it can't stop!" Dr. Eric is full of fanaticism. "It will show us a...new universe!"

  "I see you are a brain-teasing." There is no nonsense, Jack eyes instantly gather a strong current, violently spurt out.

  Unexpectedly, the laser launched by Jack did not break the energy shield launched by the universe, but was bounced back!

  The laser reflected back to Jack, and he didn't move, he just left his right hand as the laser touched his hand it burned and lift a little blood mark which demonstrates how powerful the distractive power of Jack heat vision + pig talisman + divine power of Thor. Seconds later his arm healed.

  "Fuck! Really hurts!" Jack gritted his teeth.

  He did not expect himself to be this 'lucky' to be hit by his own attack.

  Fortunately, the power of healing and his natural physical strength automatically activated when he was hurt. Jack feels that the pain in his hand gradually disappearing.

  Restoring his body's suit, Jack slowly came to Loki and reached out and said, "Are you going to take the scepter on your own initiative, or wait for me to steal the scepter?"

  The body of the universe cube is cover for the space stone, one of the six infinite gems. The outer cube is just a layer of camouflage, and the space stone is hidden in the cube.

  As one of the most powerful natural artifact in the Marvel universe, it is natural that Jack can easily cope with its power. But It turns out that the power of the talisman is still inferior to the infinity stone.

  Since the combination of the heat vision is unable to break through then naturally the pig talisman cannot break through the energy shield of the universe cube, the dragon blast of the dragon spell may not work, and even the combination of dragon Combustion and heat vision may not break the energy shield, which proves that no matter whether it is comic or movies the infinity stones are still the strongest.

  In this case, Jack did not waste time trying to use it. Just use the gems at the top of the scepter and turn off the device.

  As an infinite gem, the gemstone of the mind can break through the energy shield of the space gem without any hindrance, allowing it to stop energizing the device.

  Looking at Jack in front of him, although Loki kept the smile of the evil charm on his face, his eyes flashed the color of taboo and dignity. After he came to Earth, he carefully learned from the eagle's eyes about people who could pose a threat to his plan. Among them, Jack is the undeniable number one threat.

  He has mastered several magical and powerful abilities, and at the same time, he has not exposed all his abilities. He has not had any means to fight him so far, especially Loki has just witnessed the scene of Jack's heat vision, which is even more taboo for him.

  Loki has a self-knowledge, that is why he can survive this long time, but his inner arrogance does not allow him to hand over the scepter, so Loki thought of another way.

  Loki is proficient in illusion, the most commonly used moves are phantom avatars and changing appearances. In the illusion, it can be said that it is perfect, and most people can't see them at first glance.

  Therefore, when Loki quietly left a detachment and talked with Jack, and he quietly left, Jack did not notice that something was wrong.

  Loki stunned and laughed: "You want it, I can give it to you, but it depends on whether you can get it."

  After all, Loki's scepter in his hand was thrown out by him and quickly fell downstairs.

  Jack did not find the problem and immediately chased it down. When the scepter fell to half the height of the Stark building, he finally grasped the scepter but found that the scepter suddenly dissipated and turned into nothing.

  Obviously, this is also the change of illusion.

  Jack quickly flew back to the top of the building, just to see that Loki had a smug smile and also dissipated.

  As for the Luo basic people, I don't know where to hide. I even hid it with a scepter.

  "Damn!" Jack cursed cursingly. He didn't expect him to be played by Loki once. It was a great humiliation.

  Since the scepter did not get the hand, Jack can only temporarily give up this method, come to the device, and then try to turn off the device to start.

  In his eyes, the electric light and heat vision is densely packed, and the gathering is getting more and more fierce. the right palm has a hot flame covered with lightning, and it is constantly growing. At the same time, Jack constantly touches his anger and improves the power of the dragon blasting. The whole body is shrouded in dazzling light.

  Although Jack wanted to gain momentum and then attack, time does not allow him to delay, when the electric light and the flame-lightning become very strong, Jack finally made a desperate attempt to launch.

  The scene of killing abhors as above, the flame-lightning turned into a fire dragon with lightning all over it with claws and is surrounded by golden currents, but the difference is that this condensed dragon exudes extremely horrible energy fluctuations. It seems to be able to destroy everything in this world.

  Under the gaze of Jack's expectation, this fierce flame dragon slammed into the energy shield, and the energy shield seemed to be unable to withstand such a strong offensive. The surface energy shield gradually became dim. , shaking it violently.

  Just as Jack thought that he could break the energy shield as he wished, suddenly, the magic cube of the universe made a great effort to enhance the power of the energy shield. The energy shield that was about to dissipate suddenly solidified and the fire dragon bounced back!

  This time, Jack was too late to escape, was swallowed up by the fierce fire dragon, and the whole person was instantly burned, almost killing him!

  The dog spell and the horse charm make Jack have an undead body. Although the reversed dragon blasts burned him out, he can still recover completely, just because the whole body has been burned out, the growth recovery time is quite long, and the fastest is 2 minutes.

  However, I can't wait so much now.

  After seeing Jack "die", Loki reappeared in the Stark Building. Because of fear of recurrence, Loki shouted loudly to Dr. Eric: "speed up to open the space door."

  Eric was nervously operating a few times, and the start-up speed of the device was accelerated. Tony was wearing his iron suit, he flew obliquely to the Stark Building but saw a dazzling light column.!

  The light column straight into the sky, opening a huge black hole in the air, countless Chitauri soldiers driving an aircraft full of alien technology, swarming down from the black hole!

  The Chitauri army invaded the earth!

here is a two in one chapter hope you like it.

yassinosecreators' thoughts