
Marvel: False God - Avatar of Ogdoad

Penulis: Master4thWall
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What is Marvel: False God - Avatar of Ogdoad

Baca novel Marvel: False God - Avatar of Ogdoad yang ditulis oleh penulis Master4thWall yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Long Chapters: 4,000 words to 6,000 words.Piece-of-shit and shrewd businessman Enrique Nova dies, and his soul is called before an Egyptian Goddess. He's not in his world anymore, and when he realizes...


Long Chapters: 4,000 words to 6,000 words. Piece-of-shit and shrewd businessman Enrique Nova dies, and his soul is called before an Egyptian Goddess. He's not in his world anymore, and when he realizes that he's in the fuckfest called Marvel, he accepts the Goddess' offer to become her [Avatar]. With the power of Ogdoad Gods, he is now given the mission to make Egypt great again. Against Norse, Olympus, and Superhumans who can destroy Earth with a sneeze, this bastard businessman will try his best not to die and come out on top. Tags: Anti-Hero, Power Hungry, R-18, Black Adam Powers.

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La senda del destino

En el vasto universo de los eternos, donde el tiempo se desvanece en la eternidad y las almas se entrelazan en un ballet infinito, se alza la historia de Aelar. Un ser atrapado en un torbellino interminable de reencarnaciones, donde cada vida es una nueva partida, pero los recuerdos del pasado persisten en su ser. En el umbral de una nueva existencia, Aelar despierta una vez más, acunado en los brazos del tiempo. Su mirada profunda y antigua recorre el mundo con una familiaridad melancólica, mientras el peso de los recuerdos de vidas pasadas se posa sobre sus hombros. Ha sido testigo del auge y caída de civilizaciones, ha amado y ha perdido, ha desafiado los límites del poder y ha sucumbido ante la traición. Pero, a pesar de su vasta experiencia, ha encontrado en su camino un enigma insuperable: la búsqueda de la muerte definitiva. El deseo de Aelar de liberarse de su inmortalidad lo consume, y en cada vida ha intentado desentrañar el enigma de su existencia eterna. Desde las batallas épicas hasta los rincones más oscuros de la magia, ha buscado la clave para desatar las cadenas que lo mantienen prisionero del ciclo interminable. Pero hasta ahora, cada intento ha sido en vano, y la esperanza se ha vuelto frágil en su corazón. En este nuevo capítulo de su eterna odisea, Aelar se adentrará en los recovecos del tiempo, enfrentándose a dioses y criaturas poderosas, descubriendo antiguos secretos y entrelazando su destino con aquellos que cruzan su camino. En su interior, arde la llama de la determinación, alimentada por la certeza de que en algún rincón del vasto universo, encontrará la verdad que anhela, aquella que lo conducirá hacia el ansiado fin. Adéntrate en las páginas de esta historia fascinante, donde los límites del tiempo se desvanecen y los hilos del destino se entretejen en un tapiz místico. Descubre junto a Aelar el poder de la memoria eterna y la lucha por encontrar la paz en un universo donde la muerte se niega a reclamarlo. ¿Será esta vez la elegida para alcanzar su ansiado deseo? Acompaña a Aelar en su travesía y descubre los secretos que aguardan en los rincones más profundos de su ser.

Scythe_9999 · Fantasi
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I've read the older version and it was a good read but definitely sub par compared to master4th wall's other book, with MC I didn't like - which is hard cause I like Amon from your Skypein fanfic - and uninteresting abilities for the MC. But with this rewrite, I am expecting a great change and a Master4th wall standard. Anywho, with the existing chapters and based on my knowledge of the Author and the old version of this book, let's be the first review. Writing quality : 5 out of 5 no drama. Master forth wall has great writing skills and versatile english words to capture the essence of the story. He is the type of writer to describe backgrounds in great detail and someone who occasion used sentence masterfully stitched together. Though my problem is that the writing can sometimes be tiring to read and I hate it when he use it to increase word count with minimal plot. Also, his writing can sometimes come off too professional these days and I miss the fun narration from old masters book. But that can be just because his stories has been going in 3rd POV recently. Unlike me who used really simple English, expect an intermediate level of english with almost impeccable grammar and Punctuation. It is godly compared to what you you would mostly find in web novel. Character Design : Five out of five no drama. MC is always interesting and likeable in most cases except for their shared intrest in women. He also has the talent to create Ai pics for each of his characters so it greatly helps in imagination.Author has great ability of distinguishing characters and he writes female characters really well. He has written much so no complain in this regard. Updating stability : 4 out of 5 it's fair game. Master rarely drop a book and have competed multiple books. But he has the habit of writing three or sometimes even more books one at a time sotti that slow down his updating time. But always expect at least 2 chaptees a week for him with his normal being 4 chapters a week. It can be daily if we reach the power stone deal. World Background : 10 out of 5. This is a tricky question because it's a fanfic but all in all, the author show great ability in bringing out the original world building in his books. And he has built up his own Ominversal universe and stuff with all his books being connected with each other so definitely above almost every other fic. All in all, a must read to all traveling readers. be warned and read the tag though. And his books is power fantasy self insert type of thing. Like solo leveling. Is not the book italef but the genre that might turn you off even if you don't end up liking. Here's to one of my favourite author.


I honestly expected more mythological plot, but other than the start, there weren't many other myth parts in the original story.  I expected him to start from Egypt because of the title and base story, with maybe Mutant Apocalypse plot starting. Instead, he is dropped in New York with the rest of the familiar faces. Well it's fine since Black Cat is in New York 😔. Jokes aside I hope we'll get more mythological things this time. And as the synopsis said the MC is a piece of sh8. It depends on your taste in MCs if you'd like him or not. Might not be everyone's cup of tea since he's quite more ruthless than the usual naive and the good guys. He's kinda annoying sometimes but it's bearable. He likes power, money, and girls, and he does heinous stuff to have them. I think he's basically a villain pretending to be a hero for benefits from what I remember from the original, an anti hero. He was already quite ruthless from his first life, a bit too much imo.  Hopefully he'll learn to love his women better this time around. The update stability last time was trash though. Hopefully that'll be better this time too.


hahahahaha idiots. The time has come. ENGLISH OR SPANISH. If you don't like this comment you are GAY.


Phase, Paramita, Pillar of light. RED. Phase Twilight, Eyes of wisdom. BLUE Nine ropes, Polarized light. Crow and declaration, Between front and back. HOLLOW PURPLE. 🫰🤌🫴🟣


In this rewrite of a classic fanfic, the author does a great job bringing the story and characters to life. The descriptions are vivid, making each scene easy to picture. The characters are developed well, giving us new insights into their motives and feelings. I really enjoyed how the plot twists and turns, keeping me engaged throughout. What really stands out is how the author balances the old familiar elements with new, creative twists. The dialogue feels natural, and there are some really memorable moments that stick with you after reading. Fans of the original will enjoy the nostalgia, while new readers will be hooked from the start. This rewrite shows the author's talent and dedication, offering a fun and engaging read that everyone will enjoy.


I hope Rouge becomes addicted to stealing people's powers to increase her power, after all, this way she can accumulate a large amount of power and become one of the heavyweights of this fanfiction


Tampilkan spoiler


This author writes only high quality books. I liked the previous version of this one, hope new will be even better 🤗. Thank you for your work!


You said you needed review right Sisisjsq0sokwosoqsoaksnqjisiqiswoeii2kdkfk3oeiro3orh2ir r9oeiekdk3oejdoekdod Eodoekso3ks93koeke Eo3ie9ek3poeo2kq S9ekeowoejek 2ieieicyhfkytfuy Cutciyvoycoyrxjf hdfx Cytcjfyxrtjxik dgxjxjft trx




Another Masterpiece was made by the Master of All 4th wall


I know how good the author cook but this ff still surprised me and this mc is a saint compare to the mc of one piece ff.(author's another ff for people who don't know)


A Egyptian version of SHAZAM would be cool to see . Plus any Egyptian magic and rituals would make things interesting . Perhaps add Egyptian style of magic ? take inspiration from fate ?


Its a come back in a new and better way Master 4th never ceases to impress


Glad to see this book return even if we have to read the newly rewritten chapters.


very interesting----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Pure gold ✨✨✨ Even better than before, looking forward to more!


Very good read! Hoping for more chapters 🫶


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