
Marvel: Evolving Infinitely

Luke Wood traveled to the world of Marvel, but it was not the Cinematic Universe, nor from a known timeline. Without the advantage of knowing the plot, Luke thought it would be difficult to survive in this world full of risks and supervillains. However, his mutant ability awakened and now he has the ability to evolve all of his attributes infinitely. (The cover is not mine)

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Chapter 03 - Young Aunt May

After a quick shower, Luke felt a little more refreshed. He looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes reflecting the weight of his recent discoveries.

Luke discovered a new function for his second ability, some basic actions can increase his physical and mental attributes.

He realized that when he was talking to Mary Jane, the 'Infinite Evolution' skill started working, he felt that his mind was getting slightly stronger, even if it was a very small improvement.

Luke put on the clothes Mary Jane had laid out. They were simple but neat. A black t-shirt and jeans, a basic combo that worked well for any occasion.

Mary Jane was waiting outside, checking her phone as she leaned against the doorframe.

"Finally!" she joked as Luke emerged from the room. "I thought you got sucked into a black hole or something."

Luke laughed and ignored the joke.

She smiled warmly, as always. "Come on. The party should have started by now, and you know how Aunt May is. If we take any longer, she'll send Peter down here to get you."

The Parkers' apartment was just upstairs, and the sound of laughter and lively conversation drifted through the half-open door. When Mary Jane and Luke walked in, the smell of freshly baked cake and home-cooked food filled the room.

"Aunt May really is a great cook," Luke commented as he followed Mary Jane inside.

"You have no idea," she replied with a smile. "Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone."

The room was filled with familiar faces from the neighborhood, including Peter, who was in the middle of it all, laughing at something someone had said. When he saw Luke and Mary Jane coming in, Peter's smile widened.

"Luke! I'm so glad you came," Peter said, walking over to greet him. "You know, Aunt May was worried you wouldn't show up."

Luke smiled and replied, "I couldn't miss that, could I? Besides, Mary Jane dragged me here."

Peter chuckled. "She's good at that."

The party proceeded leisurely. Luke mostly watched, catching bits of conversation here and there.

Mary Jane approached with two pieces of cake. "Here, eat this. You look like you're going to pass out."

Luke accepted the plate and smiled. "Thanks. I didn't know birthday parties were so exhausting."

She rolled her eyes. "That's because you're always on the defensive, Luke. Relax a little. No one here bites... well, maybe Ned, if he eats too much cake."

Luke laughed at the joke. The two continued talking and laughing, when Peter called him again.

"Hey, Luke! Are you enjoying the party?"

"Yes, I am," Luke replied.

Peter looked at him curiously, but before he could say anything, Aunt May appeared with a radiant smile.

"Oh, Luke, honey! I'm so glad you came. Here, have another piece of cake."

Luke laughed, accepting the cake.

Aunt May has a youthful appearance, she is the most beautiful Aunt May in the movies, the one from the most recent films. Luke was a little enchanted by her, he already knew that the Aunt May of this world was the younger Aunt May, but when he saw her in person, his heart beat faster.

Luke had to be honest, he has a certain fetish for older, beautiful women. Aunt May fits his aesthetic sense perfectly.

Mary Jane couldn't help but look at Luke's expression and her smile slowly closed, she realized that her neighbor's eyes were looking at Aunt May with a different feeling than they were looking at her.

Mary Jane doesn't feel anything special for Luke, but she has a certain obsessive feeling, even if she doesn't stay with him, she doesn't want any woman to stay.

As the night progressed, Luke noticed something different about Mary Jane. Whenever Aunt May tried to get close to him, Mary Jane would take him somewhere else. Luke realized that Mary Jane didn't want him and Aunt May to talk.

It's a shame he only realized this now, right at the end of the party.

As he prepared to go to Aunt May to try to help her with something, Peter called him once more.

"Luke, before you go... can we talk?"

"Sure, about what?" Luke looked at Peter doubtfully.

Peter looked around, as if making sure no one else was listening, and then said in a low voice:

"I know you're lonely, but it's really hard to get along with older women... But if you need my help, you can count on me."

Luke looked at him strangely.

"Who are you talking about?" Luke asked to be sure.

"From Professor Grey, Mary Jane said not to talk about it with you because you'll feel ashamed, but you don't need to, we all have feelings for someone... Well, Professor Grey is a little special, I heard she's married... But you don't need to be sad." Peter replied as he dragged Luke across the room.

Luke didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He wasn't in love with Professor Grey, but he had feelings for the young and beautiful Aunt May who was tidying up the dirty dishes in the living room and taking them to the kitchen.

"Thank you, Peter." Luke thanked him with an awkward smile. "I'll think about it."

With a nod and a slight smile, Peter walked away, leaving Luke to his thoughts.

In the end, he couldn't help Aunt May, so he left the Parker apartment.

As he walked down the stairs to his apartment, Luke thought about the revelation Peter had made to him.

Mary Jane had lied about him to Peter, but what Luke couldn't understand was why.

There was no reason he could think of to explain why she would lie about this.


As Luke approached his apartment, he saw a young woman about his age, 20, redhead, with a cell phone in one hand and the other hand playing with her hair.

She looked up from her cell phone and looked directly at Luke, and a teasing smile appeared on her face.

English is not my main language.

I will be trying to maintain a consistency of 1 chapter per day, it may come out late or early because of the time zone.

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