
marvel : eidos core at the beginning

DaoistmKr0yL · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

family meet in timelines

i saw mother pepper or this timelines pepper being angry at Tony, but she sighed and hugged him with tears and said," I'm gald you're back without a scratch", I turned to Morgan who is sad that she lost her juicy pops, I lifted her and gave her another 3 juicy pops while signalling her to not say a word, she smiled and nodded and put away other pops in her pockets.

pepper turned to me who is holding Morgan and Tony introduced," um, he is from another universe, another timeline, in there he is my son", she became confused while I greeted her," hello, mother pepper, I know this may sound wierd, but I'm really that playboy's son", Tony has betrayed look while pepper chuckled.

she then came forward, took Morgan and asked," so you're my son in another universe, that travelled here due to Tony's time travel journey", I nodded and said," yes, although not a biological son, you and my mother Layla agreed to be with Tony together and also treat the children they have with him equally, so I'm also your son and other things it's better if I show rather than say", I waved my hand and activated the new system feature, a portal is opened and I saw Tony, mom and mother who are shocked .

thankfully they aren't flirting this time, while I called," hey old man, come here and meet the other you in different universe", they 3 stepped out of the portal and now it's Tony and pepper in this universe to have a shock along with a confused Morgan who is watching the double Tony and pepper action.

she don't know what to say while I handed her a few juicy pops again and winked at her, she smiled at me and stuffed them into her pocket, pepper didn't notice this as she is in shock due to another pepper, my mom Layla came forward to me and dropped a knuckle charge, she then said," what trick are you playing now?".

I awkwardly smiled at her and told her about another universe and a few powers I received recently and another knuckle charge dropped on me, I looked at her to see concern for me and I felt guilty, she hugged me and said," from now on don't do dangerous things like this, you're my son, the one I care about most in this world, you're the reason I lived for all this year's even after all my relatives and family died, I can't bear the thought of losing you, so don't do dangerous things like this".

she said while shedding tears, I felt even more guilty, I also returned the hug while both Tony's and pepper's looking at me like I did something wrong before I can realise what is happening I'm being lectured by 3 ladies, mom and 2 pepper's, while the 2 Tony's are exchanging words about armours and Morgan seeing my predicament is comforting me.

then I saw Nick Fury, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda, vision, and captain Marvel watching all this while giving me a smile that says,' oh look! we found this guy's weakness', I'm now so awkward about this situation of being scolded by 3 mother's and a sister who is very little but comforting me and the 2 dad's who are ignoring all this and discussing about technology.

captain marvel came forward and said," looks like a guy who can make an army useless is being lectured by 3 simple women, how does it feel to be weak kid?", I scratched my awkwardly and don't what to say while all of them laughed at me, I apologized to mother's for sometime and coaxed while they asked me cook for them and also invited Nick Fury, and others as guests.

pepper of this universe don't want me to cook but my 2 mother's insisted and said I'm exceptionally good at this and the arrogant father of mine also reassured everyone about my cooking, it took me nearly half an hour to cook large portions of steak, and some pork along with some beacon and eggs for little Morgan.

she asked me in a cute tone for that so how can I not cook something for my little sis, I told her if she called me brother I'll cook for her which she did immediately, it's cute and lovely to be heard as a brother from her, so I rolled my sleeves and gave my best to cook delicious food for Morgan.

when the food is served I can already see drools on everyone's mouth well except vission of course he is a machine and can't eat, I saw Morgan especially happy with the food I cooked for her, after eating Tony of this timeline said," man, I ate the cooking of many restaurants and famous cooks but nothing is compared to this, the word delicious is not enough to describe it".

all others nodded while captain Marvel said," hey, kid what to marry me and cook for me everyday like this?", my mother's looked at her and laughed then said," sorry, girl but you have to wait in the queue, he got a soon to be queen of Asgard, a princess of wakanda, and Romanoff in our timeline as his brides, so adding you it'll be 4".

all of them dropped their jaws and even this timelines Tony spit out the water he is drinking and said," I thought only me in that timeline is a man with guts to have 2 tigers by my side, but looks like my son in that timeline is much more capable, by the did you say about Hela, Shuri and Natasha as your brides, you gotta be kidding me, how did seduce 2 cold and killer beauties like that, I heard from Thor, Hela is a blood thirsty killer, and Natasha,um no offense Romanoff, I personally think it's impossible to make her fall with the playboy ways and the thing is he told the 3 about that situation and instead of killing him they accepted him, what are you Raphael?".

I smiled cheekily and said," it's love old man, and I'm not a playboy, I never do e romance even with the 3 of them, well except sometimes when I get some lap pillows and some hugs, at most I have a kiss and that is with Hela, that's all", Natasha Romanoff of this timeline said," well, I have no problem with someone like Raphael actually if he loves me, he is nothing like Tony even though he is Tony's son, he is not sarcastic, not a sharp tongue and also he is powerful enough to protect me from anyone, so that Nat must have thought about this and according to your description you're a genius there, so what is there to lose by choosing?".

"ouch, that's harsh Natasha", both Tony's said at the same time, Morgan then exclaimed and said," ahh, I ate all of it, I want some more", I chuckled and said," if you tell me the words I told you earlier I'll cook some more", she turned with a smile and said," I love you three thousands", this words brought a wave of laughter at the table I cooked some more for her while Tony's said," so her dialogue is famous now in timelines".

Morgan turned to Tony's and smiled innocently which melted mother pepper's heart and also mom's, she turned to me and said," it's been years when Raphael acted that cute, I still remembered the day when he said his first word at the time of 4 months, and his first steps at 7 months, I still can't believe his growth at that time".

everybody is shocked and asked," wait, you're saying a baby who is 4 months and can't even crawl can speak and 7 months old who started crawling walked his first steps", mom turned to them and said," Raphael is special, he can read perfectly like adults when he is 1 year and 6 months, even I'm shocked by that, he then started his science projects like Tony here at the time of 4 years old".

now everybody's mind is going blank when they heard this, but both pepper's asked," tell me about those first words and first steps", mom smiled and started narration," it's been a few months since he was born and he is so energetic unlike other babies who sleep most time, whenever I'm near he'll never let me leave his side and played with my hair and hands, when he is 4 months old I like everyday continued my talk with Raphael as a mother saying mama is here and come to play with her angel and all, I then casually asked him,' Raphael grew up soon, I want to hear your voice, I want to hear you calling me mama', but guess what as soon as my wors are out he said,' mama' while giggling and pointing his small hand at me".

everyone looked at me while I lowered my head embarrassingly, mom continued," at first I can't believe he spoke and asked him again but he again repeated the same action, pointing his finger at me, giggling and calling me ' mama ', I even recorded it with a camera to remember that moment, I still have the video of it".

mom then said," his walk happened when I showed him some runners in Olympics while feeding him some baby food when he is sitting on my lap and I said, ' Raphael look at them, you also need to grow up and run like those in tv, you'll walk and run soon mama has great faith in you dear, now say ahh', I finished feeding him and placed him on sofa and goes to place the plates and others in kitchen but when I returned I saw him trying to get down from sofa, he succeeded but he fell on his butt, instead of crying he grabbed the sofa and solely stood while trembling and wobbling I'm shocked and grabbed the camera again, shooting everything, he fell down a few times but stood up and looked around, then he found me and called me, ' mama ', thene he tried walking towards me, although he fell down a few times he successfully walked his first steps towards me and hugged me, it's the moment I felt so magical and loving, when I see Raphael and hear him call me mom everytime I remember his first word".

I'm totally red now and lowered my head while pepper and Tony of this timeline said," so Raphael is exceptional since childhood compared to everyone", mom smiled and nodded while turning to me and said," sigh, I miss the time he used to call me 'mama' in a childish and innocent tone, he is now big and also got some girls, I don't even know if he'll add more".