
Marvel: Dimensional Dominance

Michael, who has spent an indefinite amount of time wandering in the Omniverse as a soul without any physical movement after he died, gains the power of Dimensional Authority. He only realizes this after his reincarnation in a parallel reality of Marvel where the cinematic characters possess immense strength nearly compared to their comic book versions. Driven by his desire for freedom and supremacy, Michael decides to acquire unprecedented strength, which requires him to navigate multiple timelines and different marvel earths merged together in this alternate universe. (Timelines are going to be blended and will be AU. Do not expect everything to be the same as movies/tv shows/comics!) Chapters are at least 1.3k words. 250 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter

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26 Chs


In the middle of a void-like place, stood a bright light.

Moons, Stars and celestial bodies surrounded the light. The light is the soul of a person named Michael.

The current situation was out of his expectations. One moment he was dying and the next he was here. In the middle of the vast universe. He had no body, and only his soul hovering without regard.

However, slowly he could see weird energy amassed around him and started to form a body.

Time passed, an amount that Michael couldn't even count. He was bored out of his wits. The only thing that that kept his mind occupied was those fanfics he used to read, and think about scenarios that could happen to him.

The most expected one was that an omnipotent god will appear before him and reincarnate him to his favorite world. But he knew it was just wishful thinking. Until..

???? Years Later.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaagh! Shiiiit!!"

In a hospital around the corners of Brooklyn, a woman was screaming her heart out. Her screams reached every wall inside the hospital, waking everyone up.

"Hold on ma'am, the child is coming, push on my signal."

"One, two, three.. Push. Again! Push."

Three nurses surrounded a woman who was grinding her teeth in pain as she grimaced.

"Aaaagh!" With one last push from the woman, child cries started to fill the sterile white room.

"What the hell is happening, why am I crying?"

Michael thought, completely oblivious to the situation.

"Her breathing levels are weakening, quick give her blood transfusion."

One of the nurses said in panic.


"We lost her.."

At this moment, Michael felt his eyes close off.

After a while, Michael regained his consciousness. He looked at his surroundings and noticed there are babies around him, all sleeping peacefully on their respective carriages.

He tried moving his body, only to fail miserably.

"Tsk! So I'm a baby huh?" He thought. The feeling of his little body gave it off.

His situation creeped him up. While he was in his soul state, he fantasized about reincarnating and all that stuff, but seeing it happen was another feeling. A feeling that made him excited.

"I'll live his life to the fullest!" He tried raising his fist in the air, only to embarrass himself.

A few minutes later he was bored out of his mind. So he decided to use a weapon.


He cried with all his might.

Step Step

Soon enough, he could hear quick steps nearing towards him.


A young nurse nurse picked Michael up and patted his buttocks. Michael looked at the nurse who picked him up with a wronged expression, which cause the nurse to chuckle and touch his nose.

His self-esteem started to crack under the hands of the nurse.

"My pride.."

5 Years later.

At an orphanage called 'Saint Jude'. In its very own gardens there was a boy, who had messy black hair and void black eyes that gave a calm feeling. Michael has been here for 5 years. Apparently from what he understood back then, was that his mother died when giving birth to him, as for his father? He had no idea.

The only good thing about his birth circumstance was that his name remained the same, Michael. As for his surname, he got it from his apparently alcoholic mother, Redrose.

Inside the five years he lived here, today was the day that he found out some truths.

He found out that the world he reincarnated is not the same as his old, but a better version of it. A place where aliens invade, where there are civil wars between great heroes, where you can achieve your dreams through power.

The Marvel Universe!

Today was the day where kids in the orphanage visit various places in Brooklyn. Despite his attempts of sneaking out, it was his first time going out. Along the journey of visits, he noticed that the ads in the big screens portrayed Captain America's figurines, then there was one time he saw an ad where solar panels sold were actually being sold by Stark Industries.

At first, Michael thought this was just memes and pranks, however a tv in a supermarket showed the news which made him realize. News where Tony Stark gave speeches he had never heard before in movies, Oscorp and their sustainable energy project.

He even asked the other passerby if it was true. And it indeed was.

Right now, he was procrastinating. If he lives an ordinary life, he has 50% chance of dying at 18 years old. Those were scary chances. A snap had more chances to kill him than cancer.

His eyes carried uncertainty as he thought about the situation.

Suddenly, his body was covered in a purplish energy, he started to levitate. But he didn't seem to know the situation he is in. He was in a daze in his thoughts until he fell.


"Agh." He massaged his head. "What the hell happened." He looked around and then noticed something with his hand.

Purple energy was covering his hand, reminding him of all of that time as a soul.

"What is this?" He mumbled.

He tried to control this energy and it worked. With a command from his will, the energy returned inside his body. He tried calling for the weird energy again and the purple energy appeared again.


His eyes widened and his head flung towards the sky. His black iris and pupil were no longer there and only purple could be seen inside his sockets.

At this moment, the purple energy uncontrollably fluctuated on the area around him, sweeping the fallen leaves out of they way.

New information entered his head, information about the power he received.

"Huff! Huff! Huff! What the hell?" Michael kept panting as he held his hand on his chest.

It turns out the power he gained is called Dimensional Authority.

It gives him authority over dimensional energy.

Create, shape and manipulate dimensions is one of the greatest powers you could have.

When he received this information, he also found out the reason he gained such a power. It was because the omniverse accepted him. His soul resided in between galaxies, gigantic celestial bodies for a long time, earning the trust of the void itself and its authority.

After he received this information, he felt the power inside him way more clear than before he got the information. Turns out this power remained dormant and required emotional shock to awaken.

Michael balled his fist in the air and steeled his resolved, "I'll definitely carve my way to greatness. To Supremacy!"

"Michael! Come inside, dinner is ready." A woman's voice entered Michael's ear, cutting him of from his moment.

He nodded and followed her inside.

He had plenty of times to test his newly found power, but his stomach couldn't wait.

After eating his fill, he and the other children went to bed. However since they all shared one room with bunk beds, he had to wait until all of the children fell asleep.

To achieve such a thing, he even sang a lullaby for them. His flat tone did its wonders and now he was alone.

He sat on the bunk bed with crossed legs and began to feel the dimensional energy inside him.

Because of the attribute of Dimensional Energy, he could see his body from a third perspective.

From what he understood about dimensions is that they are everywhere. Space, Time and Matter all have dimensions.

Not only could he feel the dimensional energy inside of him, but also everywhere around him, waiting to be absorbed by him.

However, there was one thing he noticed off in his body. It was because his body didn't feel as if it was made by physical matter, but by dimensional energy itself. He concluded that after he saw cracks on the dimensional energy inside his body.

As he tried to reach in those cracks, his whole body zapped. Michael furrowed his brows and continued his exploration.

After a few minutes, something happened. Somehow, his consciousness entered inside one of the cracks and brought him somewhere else.

In a void-like place where only darkness had presence.

The dimensional energy was off the charts here, as if it was infinite.

He thought about getting back, and the next moment his consciousness was back.

As he looked at the crack he just entered to, he felt disappointed. Disappointed because he couldn't use the energy inside it. He concluded that it was a dimension inside of his body that was filled with endless energy, and the only way to be able to access is through getting stronger.

It didn't matter though, because such cracks existed all over his body, he was definitely going to find something good inside them.

But what particularly attracted him was the crack that was on his head.

The previous crack or dimension of endless energy is located in his heart, however the one in the mind felt special, even though not as special as the one in the heart, he wanted to see what is it.

Michael replicated the same thing as earlier and his consciousness once again entered a crack.

"This is… empty."