
Marvel: Dimensional Dominance

Michael, who has spent an indefinite amount of time wandering in the Omniverse as a soul without any physical movement after he died, gains the power of Dimensional Authority. He only realizes this after his reincarnation in a parallel reality of Marvel where the cinematic characters possess immense strength nearly compared to their comic book versions. Driven by his desire for freedom and supremacy, Michael decides to acquire unprecedented strength, which requires him to navigate multiple timelines and different marvel earths merged together in this alternate universe. (Timelines are going to be blended and will be AU. Do not expect everything to be the same as movies/tv shows/comics!) Chapters are at least 1.3k words. 250 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter

Lordroyal · Komik
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26 Chs


[A/N: I understand that people might not like MC because of his talk with Fury. Maybe in other fanfics you can see the MC keeping all of his information to himself and doing every little thing for word fill, but I don't intend on doing that, because any logical person would use this information to gain somethjng and it's definitely more realistic. And even then, it's not like MC told fury he comes from a different universe where his world is only fiction, but a lie where there was only a little slimmer of truth. Anyways enjoy the chap!]


Chapter 13:

"I want blueprints to the most advanced weapons and technology of Shield." Michael said his second condition to the executive director of shield itself.

"What? You want blueprints for your MD Corps.? Why would you sell weapons of destruction?" Nick was furious.

"You don't understand Director. For the world to advance in this galaxy, or even universe, groups of heroes aren't going to cut it. The whole civilization should strive towards that goal, I'll sell weapons of destruction to people who deserve it, not the common. And anyway, I'll probably tweak the weapons to be slightly stronger, so It'll be your job to keep peace under control. You should know that you can't advance without war, and why don't we have war among ourselves to prepare ourselves with our real enemies."

Nick calmed down, "I guess we can't agree on something, but as long as the buyers aren't too big in numbers, you got a deal. Is there anything else you want?"

"Why are you giving him so much, if he wants something in return for protecting this world, he's not worthy." Clinton bolted in.

Nick looked at him with a wide eye, "No goodie two shoes has won wars other than Captain America, but that was against humanity itself, not aliens."

Clinton just kept quiet after that.

"I can't think of anything right now, anyways, contact me when the team is formed." Michael offered a handshake.

The moment Nick shook his hand Michael pulled him closer,

"Don't trust shield's agents, nor it's owners." Michael said all of this while whispering, only loud enough to Nick.

Nick didn't say anything and looked at Michael and nodded.


The coffee shop's door was opened and it was Phil entering.

"Here's 5 kilos of Vibranium." Phil put the black case on the table and opened it with a passcode.

"Since when did you know the passcode?" Nick asked.

"Well, it's not like you're secretive about it when you enter it in." Phil responded.

"Yeah! That's because I didn't think that my fellow agents are bitches enough to look at me when I do it." Nick said while tilting his head.

"Ahem! 5 Kilos are not much, but It's fine I guess."

Michael closed the case again and took it.

"Anyways, we're leaving. Tell me when you need me." Michael stood up and left, with Doberman following behind.


"What the hell Phil, 5 kilos are too much." Nick slammed the table.

"Y-you didn't tell me how much sir, I just took some. I didn't think it's a big deal. Michael is one of our own now anyway." Phil fixed his collar as he said.

Nick sighed and then said, "Let's go, we have stuff to do. Agent Barton, you should go and look over Dr. Selvig and oversee the situation. Notify me if anything happens. "

"Yes sir." Clint nodded and then left with his motorcycle.

"No offense young master, but when were you going to tell me you're an old grandpa? Do your parents know?"

"Don't say anything to Frank and mother about that and— No, to be clear, only my memories and soul are that old, my body is only 11, even though I look like 15." Michael corrected him.

"Same thing.."

"Shut up Dober.."

Doberman coughed and then continued to speak, "There is word on the underworld that Kingpin is scared by the Goodman Family, Frank laughed his ass off when he heard such a thing. Did you by any means visit him Kingpin again?"

"No. Wilson is a criminal mastermind, he knows his boundaries, and also knows that I'll kill him if he tries to do anything. It's a tactical retreat, Probably waiting for reinforcements." Michael said as he stared through the window.


"His little sponsors, The Hand."

"Who're they?."

"You ask and talk too much to me Doberman, you always forget I'm your superior." Michael massaged his temple.

"Yeah I know, I always call you young master." Doberman looked at the mirror and stared at Michael with a confused look.

"Not the point." Michael sighed and dropped it.

In a way, he liked that he had someone to talk. A mindless subordinate is no fun. Michael already spent a lot of time bored.

Three days later.

School Cafeteria.

"Hey Michael, I got a cool idea to make fake lightsabers, you're the smartest in the class I thought you could help me."

A brown haired kid with brown eyes approached Michael.

"I can't today Peter, I'll visit my aunty outside the city, maybe another time." Responded Michael.

Michael made friends with Peter, not close enough to be called best friends, but they talked to eachother. Michael sometimes protected Peter from bullies and sometimes let them go.

A hero needs to suffer sometimes..

If it was another time, Michael would have helped Peter, but he got news yesterday that Hand was making a move. It was as if predicted. Kingpin has used his connection, Madam Gao to take care of Michael. And let's say that they used snipers to deal with Michael.

The bullets that these snipers used were advanced bullets that could manage to penetrate through the bulletproof glass.

If it wasn't for Michael already noticing it and enforcing the glass with dimensional energy, he might have died.

Dimensional Infusion!

Empower and energise anything touched by Michael by using his dimensional energy.

This was what he used to make Mjölnir submit, but also the one that saved his life yesterday.

But today, he planned on getting his revenge. He made sure to sent Doberman to track The Hand down, and he got a result out of that. Tonight his plan will begin.

Midnight, Hell's Kitchen. Unknown warehouse.

Multiple men could be seen carrying crates filled with bags of heroin.

"That damned Wilson, I told him he has gotten soft because of that Vanessa, now he has the guts to pay so much money to deal with a child. Tsk Tsk."

An elderly woman with black hair and brown eyes, who seemed to be of asian heritage walked with a cane and a young man on his twenties followed right behind her.

"But he paid a lot, so isn't that good for us ?" The young man asked. His name is Max.

"This time it is." The elderly woman replied.

It's Madame Gao, one of the leaders of the Hand. A woman who has lived in many different generations.


The large door of the warehouse blew up and scattered across.

"You shouldn't have messed with me."

It was Michael who entered in, alongside Doberman behind him.

"Yeah we found you." Doberman commented, who had a cast on him.

Madame Gao looked at all of this casually.

"Maybe I'm the one who led you here." Gao spoke casually.

"That's why I say you should talk less Idiot." sighed Michael and then took a step forward.

"The people you had on the surroundings, waiting to ambush us here are all dead."

Gao chuckled, "So you knew? Wilson said to not underestimate you even if you are a kid, maybe that's true."

"Well, Wilson has a big mouth for a proclaimed smart man." said Michael while removing his leather jacket.

He raised his hand and a katana appeared on it.

"Since I'll be fighting a martial artist, I'll be using a weapon, I hope you don't mind." Michael said will a cold tone and unsheathed the katana.

Gao chuckled once again before wearing a serious expression, "I'm not Wilson boy. He might be strong, but he's nowhere near my level. Let's see what you can do."

Michael threw his sheathe to Doberman and with fast steps reached Madame Gao.

"You have to go through me first kid."

It was Max, standing in Michael's way.

Max also carried a katana with him, already unsheathed.

Michael stopped midway and looked at Ga.

"Are you going to let your subordinate try his luck?"

Gao shrugged and said, "if you can't get past my subordinate, you don't deserve to die by my hand."

Michael sighed at her words, "Stereotypes about asian are truly never wrong."


Max jumped from the ground and swung a wide vertical slash, right at Michael's head.

Michael held his sword horizontally and defended.



Michael had one hand behind his back, while his other one one the handle of the sword.

Max tried to stab Michael with the katana, but Michael was already ready for it and used his own katana to deflect Max's with great force and form, forcing Max's weapon drop on the ground. Michael didn't waste a single second and made his first attack with a diagonal slash to Max's chest


The sound of two swords colliding resounded the warehouse.

Michael hoped backwards and said nonchalantly while he supported his katana on his shoulder, "Here I thought you were heartless.."

"He does my paperwork." responded Gao, who had the sword hidden in her cane unsheathed.

"Yeah, they're a pain." Michael nodded, agreeing with her.

[Drop some stoneZzZ]