
Marvel: Dimensional Dominance

Michael, who has spent an indefinite amount of time wandering in the Omniverse as a soul without any physical movement after he died, gains the power of Dimensional Authority. He only realizes this after his reincarnation in a parallel reality of Marvel where the cinematic characters possess immense strength nearly compared to their comic book versions. Driven by his desire for freedom and supremacy, Michael decides to acquire unprecedented strength, which requires him to navigate multiple timelines and different marvel earths merged together in this alternate universe. (Timelines are going to be blended and will be AU. Do not expect everything to be the same as movies/tv shows/comics!) Chapters are at least 1.3k words. 250 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter

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26 Chs


"Is there any possible way I can get a book about your teleportation spell. I've been meaning to create one of my own, I think reading such a book will speed the process." Michael looked at her with a slightly hopeful gaze. Teleportation has always been a headache for Michael to figure out, he knew he needed just a little push before he could achieve it.

Yao pondered for a bit and then rang the bell near her.

As soon as the bell rang, someone else came into the room.

"What can I do for you Supreme Master?"

It was a young lady with a robe, she bowed her head down as soon as she entered in.

"Bring Wong here, and also tell him to bring all of the advanced teleportation spell books with him."

"Right away."

She left the room.

Three minutes later, someone else came inside.

The newcomer is a middle-aged chubby asian man.

"You called me Master?" Wong greeted in a martial style, putting his fist near his palm.

Wong's gaze noticed Michael, making him ask, "Who is our little guest Master?"

Michael didn't react to being called a kid since he was already used to it.

"You got the books?" Yao asked.

"Yeah Yeah. Here." Wong took two books from his huge pouches on his robe and put them on the table where Michael and Yao were sitting.

"Thanks." Michael nodded at her and put the two books inside his storage.

"You're welcome."

Wong was surprised at how the books just disappeared when Michael touched them and wanted to say something about giving spell books to outsiders, but he chose not to question his master's decision.

"Wong. This is Michael, I want you to help him if he's ever in need. Afterall, I won't be here forever." Yao said.

"You're still young master." Wong chuckled.

Michael knew what she was talking about. The Supreme Sorcerer has always known that Stephen will show up on her door and always known she'll die.

"I'm Wong. You can come to Kamar-Taj whenever you need help."

Michael and Wong nodded at eachother.

"I should go back now. Thank you for the tea."

Michael got up.

Yao waved her hand and a portal appeared behind him, the other sight was right where she picked him up from.

Michael nodded at both of them and entered inside the portal. He knew that Yao wasn't the talkative type and didn't expect a goodbye.

The portal closed and only Wong and Yao were left inside the room.

"Who is that kid master?" Wong asked.

Yao sipped the last bit of her tea and then answered, "Either the greatest calamity or the greatest hope of this world."

"What do you mean? Did the future change." Wong asked, confused.

"The future might remain the same as I know it, yet it might not. Michael is someone who is destined for greatness, let's hope earth will rise with him."

Shield Property, High-level Security Building.


Energy Hummings!

"The Tesseract is acting funny.." Dr. Selvig poked the blue cube infront of him.

He looked behind him towards the metallic stairs and shouted, "I think you should call your boss. This thing is acting funny."

The one who was being shouted at was none other than Clinton, 'Hawkeye'.

Clint dialed Fury on the phone and explained the situation.

It didn't take more than thirty minutes for Fury to arrive.

Fury entered the private elevator with Maria Hill and pressed the lowest floor level.

Fury got inside the laboratory and said, "Talk to me Doctor."

"Director." Dr. Selvig noticed Fury come in and approached him.

"Is there anything we know for certain?" Fury asked.

"The Tesseract is misbehaving."

"Is that supposed to be funny?" Fury arched his brow.

"No. Not at all. The tesseract not only is it active.. She's behaving" Dr. Selvig responded and both he and Fury continued to walk to the tesseract.

"I assume you pulled the plug.."

"She's an energy source. We turn off the power she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level…"

Before Dr. Selvig could finish, Fury interrupted,

"We prepared for this doctor, harnessing the power of space."

Dr. Selvig looked over at the commands, "We still don't have the harnessing. My calculations are still far from complete. And she's throwing off interferences, radiation. Nothing harmful, low level gamma radiations."

"That can be harmful." Fury remembered a certain green giant.

"Where's agent Barton?" asked Fury.

"Up on his nest." Dr. Selvig pointed at him.

Next Fury talked with Barton about his suspicions about Dr. Selvig and anyone involved on the operation.

"Doctor, it's spiking again." A blonde assistant spoke as she looked at Dr. Selvig, gaining his attention, while Nick Fury and Clint were speaking about what could do this.

"Maybe it's from the other end." Barton spoke.

"What do you mean?" Fury asked.

Interrupting their conversation was energy waves. The energy inside the tesseract started to swirl and shot towards a direction, making a portal.

Armed guards had their guns ready to shoot. From the portal, it was Loki that appeared, grinning from eye to eye.

"Ah… shit." Thought Fury.


Five hours later.

3 AM

Michael was sitting on his terrace, by the pool while watching a show.

He spotted a car coming towards the gate.

He gave the okay signal to the guard and the SUV came inside, and parked right in front of the mansion.

A beautiful black haired woman got out of the car with some files on her hand, she made her way to Michael.

"I'm Maria Hill, Deputy Director of Shield."

Michael had already gotten up and stretched his hand, "I'm Michael."

She nodded as he shook his hand and then said, "You truly don't look your.. Physical age."

"Haha, I get that a lot. Anyway, why are you here on this late hour, Agent Hill?"

"This.." She handed the file to Michael.

Michael opened the file, and saw why.

Avengers initiative, Tesseract, information about members of the initiative, Loki, their mission.

Michael read through them all with slow pace. He had an inkling feeling this day would come.

"When do I head off." Michael closed the file and asked.

"Do you need to prepare?" Maria asked him.

"Not something a text message can't fix."

Michael opened his phone and sent a text to Marylin, 'I'll be away for a bit. Don't worry 'bout me."

"You can come with me then." Maria said.

Michael and Maria got in the car and drove off until they arrived at an airport, where they again set off with an airplane like aircraft, the sun had already come up.

After an hour they arrived above a huge airport structure and landed.

Two others also landed.

Michael and Maria landed slightly farther than the other two.

Michael dropped down on the ground.

"Come, I'll introduce you to your teammates." Maria said.

Michael nodded and looked farther ahead, where he saw Steve Rogers, Dr. Banner and Natasha.

He and Maria approached them, but before they arrived near them, Michael didn't forget to ask as he leaned towards Maria, "Hey, what information did you add on the files of others."

Maria laughed at this, "It mentioned your powers, business and that you might be older than you look."

Michael's smile froze, but still continued to walk towards them.

Bruce and Steve had already shook hands and noticed Maria and Michael coming.

Bruce looked excited as he looked at Michael and said, "I'm Bruce, I read your information and I was brain-blown." He stretched his hand and Michael shook it.

"Hi, I'm Natasha." Natasha said and shook his hand.

Steve looked at this and thought 'Why didn't she shake my hand too?'

"I'm Michael, but I suppose you already know." Michael flashed a smile and then looked at the blonde.

"I'm Steve Rogers, I hope you're as the file said." Steve also shook hands with Michael.

"And what did it say?" Michael asked. His imaginary brow, twitching.

"That you're strong." Steve said.

Michael smirked, "That I am."

Steve nodded.

"Gentleman, you might want to step inside in a minute. It's going to get a little hard to breathe." said Natasha with a smile.

The ground underneath them shook slightly. Banner and Steve looked at the water that was getting turbulent under them.

"Is this a submarine?"

"Really, they wanted me in a submerged, pressurized, metal container?" Bruce spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Then they felt themselves rise up.

Turns out it's a huge airplane.

Natasha led the the three inside the Central Commands Room.

Michael had his hands on his pockets and looked around just like Banner and Steve did.

Even caught unnoticed, Michael is always fashionable. Black pants with a red belt and a black sweatshirt. While sunglasses stood at his neck, using his sweatshirt as a place to hold.

"All engines Check! Shield Protocol 123.98 is in effect!"

The aircraft had already risen in the air.

"Activate reflective panels." Michael looked at Nick, who was at the center of the room.

Nick approached them, "Thanks for coming Dr. Banner."

"Thanks for asking nicely."

"I though you wouldn't come Michael." Nick looked at Michael.

"Why wouldn't I?"

[A/N: I kept some conversations the same since I liked them. Trust me, that's harder than writing something my own

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