
Marvel/Dc: Rebirth Of The Honoured one , Dominate The Universe

Traveling across the American Comics universe, Su Ke finds himself the first of the eight evils in "Jackie Chan's Adventures"! Devil of the Moon: Curse Blue! It's the devil who wants to hit the earth with the moon at every turn... Forget it, the earth should not be destroyed for the time being, let's find a place to settle down first! As a demon, Gotham City is very good! As the saying goes, Gotham City is simple and honest, and Arkham is full of talents!

writer_in_disguise · Komik
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95 Chs

Chapter 81 I Found Out A Long Time Ago That You Are Not Human!

"But just when Tony was about to activate the spell armor, someone knocked on his head suddenly."


Tony was in pain for a moment, so he couldn't help but yell.

Then he looked back and found that it was none other than his uncle Chen who hit him.

"Uncle Chen, why did you hit me?" Tony asked with a depressed face.

"Why hit you?" Uncle Chen said angrily. "Didn't I tell you before? The spell armor can only be used to deal with demons. Other than that, it cannot be used casually."

Tony covered his head and said very exasperatedly, "I know, but don't you have to try it after successfully researching the armor? You can only know if there is any problem with it after you try. Otherwise, what should you do if something goes wrong when it's time to fight the devil? It's too late to regret it then!"

As a scientist, Uncle Chen has always placed great importance on experiments. When he heard Tony's words, he started to hesitate because he felt that Tony made a valid point.

Just then, Su Ke suddenly approached, and Uncle Chen finally noticed him. When Su Ke came in earlier, Uncle Chen was busy with other things and didn't see him. It was only now that he realized Su Ke was there.

However, when Uncle Chen laid eyes on Su Ke, he couldn't help but regard him with suspicion. He had noticed a trace of demon presence in Su Ke's body when he was still with S.H.I.E.L.D. But being occupied with other matters at the time, Uncle Chen didn't pay much attention to it. Yet now, seeing Su Ke again, that feeling became stronger.

Combined with the fact that the balance between righteousness and dark aura seemed to have subtly changed recently, Uncle Chen even suspected that Su Ke had some connection to the devil. Perhaps Su Ke was actually a demon disguised as a human.

However, Uncle Chen understood that this was merely his suspicion, and it was unlikely that anyone would believe it.

Because if

Su Ke is truly a demon, and his disguise is impeccably perfect to the extreme!

Unless there is a way to make him reveal his true nature to everyone...

As this thought crossed Uncle Chen's mind, he suddenly realized something and looked at the spell armor beside him!

A brilliant idea sparked in Uncle Chen's mind.

He immediately burst into laughter and said to Tony, "Tony, let me introduce this spell armor to you again!"

"This spell armor not only contains three spells, but the entire armor itself is imbued with powerful magic by me."

"If there are any demons in close proximity to the armor, it will instantly detect them. Even if the demons try to disguise themselves as humans, it will be futile!"

"And when activated, the armor will automatically launch an attack against nearby demons!"

Tony and Nick were taken aback, not expecting the spell armor to possess such incredible power.

However, Su Ke, who was standing nearby, remained unfazed and even had a hint of amusement on his face.

Because at that moment, Su Ke had already deciphered the old man's words.

Clearly, Uncle Chen was doubting his true identity!

Su Ke couldn't help but appreciate the old man's perceptiveness. Even though he had crafted a flawless disguise, Uncle Chen could still sense the residual aura of darkness on his body.

However, despite the suspicion, Su Ke wasn't worried in the least about his true identity being exposed. After all, he had obtained the ability of immunity long ago.

This not only meant that he could never be sealed away, but also that he was immune to all forms of righteous magic!

So what is there for Su Ke to worry about?

Thinking in this manner, Su Ke walked over to the side of the spell armor, pretending to be very interested in examining it closely.

The old man grew somewhat perplexed upon witnessing this scene.

According to his estimation, if a demon were to appear near the spell armor, the armor should have reacted. But now, the spell armor didn't respond at all.

Could it be that he made a mistake? Is Su Ke not a demon after all?

How could that be possible? If he isn't a demon, why does he possess the aura of darkness?

The old man didn't give up and continued, "Uncle Chen infused the power of these three spells into the armor. When you wear the spell armor to fight, these three spells will become your own power!"

"You can try to feel it now, for example, touch those three charms silently."

Tony felt puzzled upon hearing this because his uncle had already said these words more than once before. Why would he repeat them again?

Little did Tony know that his uncle was actually addressing Su Ke with those words.

The reason for saying this was to entice Su Ke to touch the charms on the spell armor.

This was because the three charms had been imbued with powerful magic by the old man, capable of burning demons upon contact.

Initially, the purpose was to prevent the Lord of Darkness from obtaining the charms. However, now it seemed that Uncle Chen wanted to test Su Ke's true identity.

If Su Ke touches the charms and gets burned, it would be sufficient to prove that he is a demon.

Su Ke instantly sensed Uncle Chen's intention, but to be honest, it played right into his hands.

Only moments ago, Su Ke had been contemplating how to approach the talismans and acquire their power. Unexpectedly, the opportunity was now handed to him on a silver platter.

In that case, why should he hesitate?

Without a moment's delay, Su Ke placed his hands directly on the three protective charms.

Almost instantaneously, Su Ke could feel the righteous magic emanating from the talismans.

Unfortunately, this kind of magic couldn't cause any harm to him at all.

Su Ke chuckled inwardly and silently said to himself, "System, I want to copy the absorption ability of these spells!"

In the next second, the power of the three spells instantly manifested within Su Ke's body.

Sensing the power of the spells within him, Su Ke felt quite satisfied at the moment.

Tony exclaimed excitedly, "How is it? The spell armor is amazing, isn't it?"

"It's truly incredible!" Nick nodded, relieved. "With this armor, we can face the Lord."

Su Ke also laughed and said, "It's certainly interesting."

Observing the three individuals in front of him chatting and laughing, Uncle Chen couldn't help but question the meaning of life.

He genuinely couldn't understand why Su Ke hadn't been harmed by the righteous magic on the talismans when he touched them.

Damn it! Was I truly mistaken?

Could Su Ke be a human rather than a demon?

It seemed that this should be the case. After all, how could there be demons in this world who remain unaffected by righteous magic?

The old man shook his head, feeling as though he had been overthinking things.

Shortly after, he no longer dwelled on the matter and turned to Tony, saying, "If you want to try it, go ahead, but don't mess things up."

"Okay!" Tony replied eagerly.

Upon hearing this, Tony wasted no time and activated the spell armor with excitement.

Once Tony donned the spell armor, a surge of powerful righteous magic washed over him in an instant.