
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Komik
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120 Chs

Knull (chapter 8)

A/N ok, I might have been sleeping on the symbiote below as well, it was forged by Knulls himself, so hopefully the new one is up to the bar.


With the water dagger gracefully swirling around him.

[ Name: Koi Gold Ring ]

[ Grade: White ]

[ Description: A meticulously crafted gold ring in the shape of a koi fish. Its gleaming surface tells tales of skilled craftsmanship, and its significance is both aesthetic and martial. ]

[ Option: Aqua Strike (Rank: F) (Active) - Allows the wearer to summon a water-knife in combat, that the user controls with their mind dealing additional damage to enemies, this lasts for 3 minutes, and can be used once a day]

[ Durability: 75% ]

The symbiote, though not as formidable as Venom, still possessed a grotesque aura. It moved with a sinister elegance, its writhing tendrils resembling malevolent shadows. Its form was an amorphous mass, constantly shifting and undulating with an unsettling fluidity.

Oliver deftly wielded the water dagger, dancing around the symbiote's attacks. With each cut, the water blade slashed through tendrils, causing fragmented pieces to cascade down. The venom retaliated, its movements almost hypnotic, and Oliver continued to weave through its assaults. He strategically slashed the symbiote's abdomen, creating a deep wound that oozed malevolence.

However, the symbiote regenerated rapidly, its sinister form reforming before Oliver's eyes. A powerful punch landed in Oliver's gut, sending him sprawling backward into a dumpster. The metallic lid clattered to the ground, revealing discarded building materials. Seizing the opportunity, Oliver picked up pipes, smashing them together to create a deafening sound.

The symbiote convulsed, disintegrating in response to the piercing noise. Yet, a piece that had fallen on Oliver expanded, engulfing him. As the venom entered through his eyes, everything went dark. Suddenly, Oliver found himself standing in a void, an indescribable terror gripping him.

"DON'T YOU WANT TO BE BETTER?" The resonant voice echoed, and the surroundings were enveloped in an otherworldly darkness. A towering humanoid figure emerged—a nightmarish presence. Its form was shrouded in an unsettling blackness, and its eyes were voids of despair, akin to staring into the abyss. A malignant black sword hung at its side, and its white hair framed a face twisted in malice, accentuated by a mouth filled with menacing teeth, as oliver said, "wh-…who are you?" as the figure broke into a smile so large that it looked like a gate leading into the abyss.

"Child...I am Knull. Lord of the Abyss. God of the symbiotes. The darkness inside of you? That darkness bows to me. I am the Void" as oliver seemed tranced, almost captivated by the infinite expanse of the void, only to be brought back to reality by knulls voice, shaking the very soul of oliver.

"ANSWER ME, MORTAL. DON'T YOU WANT TO BE STRONG?" demanding answers, suddenly, knull looked up and identified a presence, exclaiming, " WHO DARES? WHO DARES TO INVADE KNULL'S DOMAIN?" A golden helmet appeared, and Oliver recognized it. "Goldie?" he muttered, only to hear a dismissive voice from the helmet, "PATHETIC." Knull disintegrated.

Back in the alleyway, Oliver found himself asking, "What is happening?" Goldie's voice reassured him, "Relax, kid. He won't come here anymore. This is the last time I'm saving your ass, you have a cheat, Use the options system and grow strong. Also, use the little thing on your hand, it shouldn't be under knull's ' influence now '' Before Oliver could respond, he was back in the alley, realising he had nearly met his demise.

"Fuck, I nearly died," Oliver muttered, feeling something on his hand – a piece of symbiote. He glanced at the status window, taking a moment to breathe.

[Name: Oliver]

[MP: 2.19/2.19 (1 MP lasts for 1 minute, 1 MP can be recovered every minute)]


Option: You can grant one item a single option, and depending on either the item's history, production method, use, or significance, it would receive a different option. But it can only receive 1 option, with a 70% chance of failure. Current grade: F, level: 1 (100/1,000) cooldown: 24 hours.]

-scene change-

Back in his home, Oliver disregarded handing over the stolen target. He lay on the mattress, contemplating the peril he narrowly escaped, the gravity of his near-death experience sinking in. A cold splash of water couldn't convey the shock he felt. His thoughts swirled with questions about the god of symbiotes targeting Hell's Kitchen.

In the dimly lit room, Oliver pondered Goldie's cryptic words. The realization that he had exhausted his last chance, akin to playing a trump card, left him disconcerted. A frustrated "Fuck" escaped him, his sigh resonating in the silent room. Gazing at the ceiling, he wallowed in the aftermath of his perilous encounter before summoning the resolve to sit up.

"Well, it's time to move on. I'm well aware of the various threats in this world, and I need to be prepared. I can't just sit here in shock; I need to be ready," Oliver declared, turning his attention to the symbiote piece. Holding it to his forehead, he implored, "Come on, give me a suit," his mind instantly conjuring images of the venomous creatures he recently faced.

After a few tense minutes, Oliver observed as black and yellow goo encased his body. Despite achieving his desired symbiotic suit, a nagging concern surfaced. "What if Knull controls the suit? No, goldie said that it shouldn't be under knull's influence" he wondered as the goo enveloped him, forming a sleek black symbiote suit with distinctive yellow lines across the chest. Sensing the suit's enhancement of his strength, speed, and durability, he couldn't shake the thought of Knull's influence.

[ Name: Symbiote ]

[ Grade: Purple ]

[ Description: A fragment of the primordial living abyss, this symbiote consciousness has been erased, rendering it a powerful, shape-shifting entity. It envelops the user in an otherworldly suit, enhancing strength, durability, and speed to superhuman levels. but the symbiote is vulnerable to fire and sound. ]

[ Option: Abyssal Surge - Unleashes a surge of dark energy, temporarily increases the user's strength, durability, and speed by 5 times for 1 hour once a day, while damaging any living within 10 feet radius of the user and ignoring the users weakness, (Rank: F) (Active) ]

[ Durability: 100% ]

A/N Suit here [------]

Surveying the outcome, he sighed, acknowledging his perceived weakness. "I really am too weak for this world," he mused. Determination flickered in his eyes. "Well, looks like I will need to change things up." Oliver redirected his attention to an item in his crossbody bag.

A sudden thought flashed in his mind. "Now, why the hell are you worth that amount of money, and why were you being guarded by that many?" Although tempted to unravel the mystery, he resisted, mindful of the ominous threat issued along with the mission. The small box intrigued him. "Maybe it's something like the super soldier serum or vibranium," he chuckled, exploring possibilities.

An idea struck him. "Vibranium, one of the best metals in the world, like Captain America's shield." Rising, Oliver organized his belongings, preparing for the next move. He contemplated the imminent transaction and planned to relocate afterward, cautious of potential repercussions. His contact, an elderly Asian lady, offered not only discretion but also assistance with a hidden compartment—a refuge in this unpredictable world.


A/N well, there Is it, a rude awakening for oliver, and honestly it wasn't his fault, it just that the system has too strict rule, BUT you will understand why the levelling up was so hard after he levels up, (hopefully you will understand the reason why i made levelling up very hard)