
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

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115 Chs

getting hired and meeting moon knight(chapter 43)

Chapter 43

Within a well-lit warehouse, the atmosphere was tense yet strangely calm. Yulan, the leader of the vampires in Manhattan's Chinatown, sat elegantly on a red sofa. The warehouse, usually bustling with the nocturnal activities of vampires, now seemed almost serene. Yulan, an Asian woman with striking features—short white hair, pale skin, and eyes that glinted black and red—was clad in a pristine white suit that contrasted sharply with the dimly lit surroundings. She sat across from Reese, a black vampire woman, and a white vampire man. But the most distinctive figure among them was a man in a custom white suit, his face obscured by a mask with a half-moon crescent on the forehead. This was Mister Moon Knight, leader of the Midnight Mission, as they called themselves.

"I like your outfit," Yulan remarked to the Midnight Mission, her voice cutting through the silence of the warehouse. "Where I come from, back in my day, people wore white to funerals," she continued, her tone carrying a hint of amusement. She paused, as if reminiscing about times long past, before continuing, "I have worn it since. Do you have a habit of going to funerals?" Her question, though casual, carried an edge of curiosity.

Moon Knight, unfazed by Yulan's presence and her questions, replied with a hint of dark humor, "No, but I have a habit of causing them. In fact, I am in the middle of organizing one for the Tutor and his organization, the Structure." Yulan raised an eyebrow, familiar with Moon Knight's reputation for ruthless efficiency in dealing with his enemies, often leaving a trail of bodies in his wake.

Suddenly, one of Yulan's attendants whispered something into her ear, causing her expression to shift into a sly smile. Her sharp, elongated canine teeth glinted in the dim light as she said, "Looks like we will be joined by a guest who might be able to help with your goal, as long as you can convince him." As Oliver was escorted into the warehouse, the tension among the vampires became palpable, except for Moon Knight, who remained composed and indifferent. Oliver's presence seemed to unsettle the vampires, but Moon Knight paid him little heed, his attention focused elsewhere.

"Welcome, Dreadshade," Yulan greeted Oliver, her voice carrying a mix of respect and intrigue. She gestured for him to take a seat, which he did, resting his formidable blade on his lap. His vibrant red hair cascaded over his shoulders, a stark contrast to the dim, warehouse surroundings. Moon Knight's gaze briefly flickered to his associates, particularly Reese, who seemed to recognize Oliver. Oliver, with his rugged voice, finally spoke, his tone carrying a hint of skepticism, "Am I correct in assuming that you came up with that name?" He referred to the moniker "Dreadshade," a title that had been thrust upon him by others.

Yulan chuckled lightly at his question, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, god no, that would be the work of the Tutor," she replied, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement and disdain. "Which brings me to why I invited you, the vampire butcher, to my humble abode," she continued, her eyes briefly flashing red, a hint of her true nature peeking through.

Oliver regarded Yulan for a moment, a fleeting image of the immortal Eldritch goddess flashing through his mind. It was a reminder of the horrors he had faced and the battles he had fought. Yulan then picked up a small teacup, her movements graceful yet deliberate. "You see, Kenneth, or the Tutor, likes hierarchies. He likes cultish thoughts, pyramids, control, and power," she explained, her voice carrying a weight of experience. "He enjoys the respect he gains by bending people to his will. Usually, I would have dealt with such a person myself. But he knows my location, and he would inform my old master, Yi Yang." A shadow passed over her features as she mentioned Yi Yang, a name that carried weight even among vampires. "She would burn Chinatown and New York to the ground to get to me," Yulan concluded, her voice somber yet determined.

"He saw vampirism as an extension of that," but Moon Knight interrupted her with a question, "So you turned him?" Yulan shook her head, her features a mix of disdain and regret as she explained, "No, he took one of my brides, turned himself. He fled the country before I could destroy him. Years later, he returned with an ultimatum—either I leave him be, or he tells Yi Yang and her band of assassins." A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she continued, "And now, you both stand in his way. You, especially, seek to destroy his structure." Yulan's gaze lingered on Moon Knight, who seemed deep in thought, considering her words carefully. Then, her attention turned to Oliver as she said, "You, on the other hand, present a general threat. Not specifically aimed at him, but you don't discriminate. You hunt supernatural creatures, even going against Adana." The mention of Adana brought a palpable tension to the room.

Oliver simply replied, "I am here, and she isn't," his words carrying weight and finality. Though his statement was concise, it spoke volumes. Yulan chuckled, a hint of fear beneath the amusement, "Wow, I am tempted to hire you to kill my old enemy. Tempted indeed." Oliver, ever practical, cut to the chase, "So you want me to kill this Tutor. What are you going to pay me?" His demeanor was businesslike, focused on the task at hand.

"Price? I thought you wanted to kill all supernatural creatures to cleanse the world," Yulan replied, the word 'cleanse' uttered with a hint of mockery. Oliver remained stoic, unfazed by her remarks. "Guess there really are many weird rumors floating around," he remarked dryly. Yulan chuckled at his response, "Well, can you blame us? Every creature you killed had their fangs and claws removed. We just assumed you were a bounty hunter or a hero." Oliver raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her observation. Yulan continued, "Nonetheless, I was careful. After all, I am dealing with Dreadshade himself." She snapped her fingers, and a vampire appeared with a suitcase containing a bar of adamantium—a metal Oliver had been inquiring about.

"I have heard that you were asking about this particular metal, which is very, very hard to get and quite expensive," Yulan explained, handing Oliver the metal along with a note containing information. "So, I hope that I am getting my money's worth, Mr. Dreadshade," she concluded with a sly smile. Oliver examined the metal thoughtfully before picking it up. "Hmm," was all he said before getting up and walking away, leaving Yulan with no further intention of conversation. As he left, one of the black vampires from the Midnight Mission spoke up, "You sure are trusting of that supposed butcher of vampires." Yulan chuckled, her amusement evident as she replied, "Please, it's not my first time dealing with vampire hunters. As long as you don't get on their bad side, especially the ones who can fight and come back alive against Adana, then you might live a day or two." Meanwhile, Oliver muttered to himself, "Time to gear myself to kill a bunch of vampires," his thoughts already focused on the task ahead.

[7 days later]

Inside his shell home, Oliver stood before five new objects laid out before him. The dim light of the room reflected off the specialized weapons—a stake, a flask, a crossbow, a strange silver flashlight, and a white pistol. Each item emitted a faint green aura, with the cross and the stake shining more intensely than the others. The wood of the crossbow and stake seemed almost alive, pulsing with an otherworldly energy. "Is this an overkill?" Oliver asked himself, his voice echoing in the quiet room. He carefully examined each item, their purpose clear to him. "Well, apparently this Tutor guy is supposed to be smart. It doesn't hurt to be careful," he reasoned aloud.

"Even if that Tutor guy turns out to be prepared for me, I can just go all out," Oliver pondered, though he wasn't planning for a full-scale assault. The recent slaughter he had been through was still fresh in his mind, and he intended to approach this mission with caution. "After all, I wasn't fighting an evil Eldritch goddess," he reminded himself. He then turned his attention to the letter Yulan had given him, its contents detailing information on the Tutor. "Apparently, he is holding a conclave in Manhattan, filled with the most dangerous vampires in the world," Oliver muttered to himself, a sly smile playing on his lips. However, his gaze soon drifted to a different section of his shell home, where another suit of armor stood—a metallic suit, but not made of ordinary materials.


A/N well, a longer chapter, hope you like it, luck you.