
Marvel: Adventures of Grim Mortimer

A kid who had nothing but bad luck all his life and had lost everything dies while protecting a girl named Valerie. Turns out she was the daughter of the infamous Reed Richards and Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four. Well, that didn't really matter as he lay dead while she hugged him and apologised to his corpse, not knowing death was what he wanted all his life... But unfortunately, this universe wasn't so normal, as the next year he wakes up only to find himself buried 12 feet under in a coffin. It took him a whole month before he realised he was alive and that he was now undead. Cracking his skull open till he bled to death, drowning himself, diving headfirst into a pool of acid, falling from a ten-story building...it didn't matter what he did he just couldn't die. A pity really... So when he suddenly turned up to the headquarters of the Fantastic Four, they were obviously shocked, especially Johnny who was taking a bath and who had accidentally thought him an enemy and burned him to cinders. Only for him to re-form a few seconds later and say in a lethargic tone of voice. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" Not bothered at all that he had just been burned alive...or would it be dead?

samadomkv · Komik
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52 Chs

Chapter 40: Mr Booze...

Jessica and Grim sat lazily on the couch, their focus temporarily shifted from the world of 'Avatar' to the real world as Jessica received a call.

On the other end was Paul, the eccentric basement dweller with a penchant for digging deep into mysteries.

"Hey, Paul. What do you have for us?" Jessica asked, her tone serious.

Paul's voice was tinged with excitement, as his mood crackled through the phone. "I've been through all the records and did some digging of my own. All the victims had alcohol problems and were part of the same AA meeting group. There's another session today at 1 o'clock."

Grim listened in, his mind already racing with ideas on how an AA group would be associated with a serial killer.

"More interestingly," Paul continued, "I hacked into one of the victim's chat logs. Found cryptic messages about this AA meeting. Something about resurrection and 'something new.' And guess what? The leader of these meetings, Dirk Bane, has ties to the botanical garden owner and purchases the same incense we've been looking into. Coincidence? I think not."

After thanking Paul and ending the call, Jessica turned to Grim. "What do you think?"

Grim pondered for a moment. "We should go. If you give me one of your bugs, I can sneak it in. It's safer if I go in, given my... condition."

Jessica agreed, and they quickly prepared. Before leaving, Jessica playfully ruffled Grim's hair and spritzed him with alcohol. "Now you're ready," she said with a grin.

Forty minutes later, they arrived at the building hosting the AA meeting. Grim pointed out a graffiti mark on the wall, similar to the ones found near the crime scenes.

"Looks like we're on the right track, I'll see if Paul can hack into Google Maps and see if he can find any more of those Graffiti marks.

"Ready?" Jessica asked, handing him a small, discreet bug.

Grim nodded, taking a swig from the alcohol bottle for effect. "Let's do this."

He staggered into the building, portraying a convincing drunk in need of help. The receptionist looked up, concern evident on her face. "Can I help you?"

"I, uh, heard this is where you get help for drinking," Grim slurred, struggling to remember the fake name he had planned to use.

The receptionist hesitated. "You need to be on the list, or..."

Grim feigned frustration, causing a scene that made the receptionist uneasy. But before she could react further, a door opened, and an older man, resembling a mad scientist in a suit, stepped out.

The instant he appeared, Skia, hidden in Grim's shadow, growled softly, audible only to Grim. 'Looks like we found our guy,' Grim thought.

The man approached Grim, his demeanour calm yet authoritative. "Is there a problem here?" he asked, his eyes scrutinizing Grim.

Grim played up his drunken act. "I just need help, man. Why's it so hard to get some help around here?"

The man, presumably Dirk Bane, regarded Grim with a mix of curiosity and caution. "We're here to help, but there are rules. What's your name?"

Grim hesitated, then blurted out, "John... John Doe." He winced inwardly at the cliché name but maintained his act.

Dirk studied Grim for a moment longer before nodding. "Come with me, John. Let's see if we can't find a way to help you."

As Grim followed Dirk into the heart of the meeting, he discreetly released the bug Jessica had given him, allowing it to scurry away unseen.

His senses were on high alert.


Grim followed Dirk into a spacious hall where about twenty people sat in a circle.

Their faces were a mixture of boredom and weariness, typical of an AA meeting. Dirk introduced Grim to the group, encouraging him to take a seat anywhere.

"Everyone, please welcome our new friend."

Grim leaned over to Dirk, feigning confusion. "I'm sorry, I'm a bit new to this. How did you all find your way here?"

Dirk's eyes flickered with interest. "Oh, many ways. Some find us online, others through word of mouth. The important thing is they find a path to healing."

As the meeting progressed, it appeared to be a standard support group session.

However, Grim's keen observation skills picked up something unusual in the pattern of the attendees' speech.

Every fourth or seventh word was slightly emphasized, creating a covert message within the seemingly innocent conversation. 'They're communicating in code,' Grim realized, 'but why?'

Deciding to take a risk, Grim mimicked their pattern as he spoke about his own 'history of drinking.'

He subtly embedded the message "All will be rewarded by who is High..." into his speech. Watching their reactions closely, Grim noticed their expressions soften, looks like his gamble paid off.

The meeting eventually came to an end, and as the attendees dispersed, Dirk approached Grim. "What you did today was brave. It's the first step towards a better future," Dirk said with an encouraging smile.

He then extended an invitation to Grim for a special meet-up on Friday, hinting that it was an exclusive event for select members. Grim accepted, his mind racing with questions about what this group was truly about.

As Grim left the building, Dirk retreated to his office, a barely contained grin on his face. "What a great specimen. The Lord will be pleased with what I have brought him. His life force... it's extraordinary," he muttered to himself, his excitement barely hidden.

Meanwhile, Grim walked through the streets, deep in thought about the meeting.

A taxi pulled up beside him, and he slid into the backseat, where Jessica was waiting.

"Find anything?" Jessica asked.

Grim considered his words carefully. "He's clean on the surface. But I believe Dirk Bane is our key suspect. There's something off about those meetings. They were communicating in code, and I think I cracked it."

Jessica's eyes widened in surprise. "Code? What kind of code?"

Grim explained the pattern he had observed and his decision to participate in it. "It's like they were testing me, or maybe they were trying to indoctrinate me into something."

Jessica processed the information, her detective instincts kicking in.

"That's big. And your invitation to Friday's meeting...that could be our chance to find out what they're really up to."

Grim nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the passing cityscape... well it was before Jessica spoke up.

"So...have you or the cat fucked yet?"



"Why are you looking at me like that...I'm a surprisingly light sleeper, so don't think I didn't hear you getting it on in my shower."



Hey guys hope you're doing well, just wanted to say that I've got a new fanfiction out and if you wanna check it out you can if not that's fine too.

It's a Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Fanfiction.

Synopsis: Tucker, a nine-tailed Hellfox with a troubled past, finds himself navigating the chaotic landscape of Hell.

After centuries of wandering the infernal wilderness and honing his abilities, Tucker's journey takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the ambitious project of Charlie, the Princess of Hell...and her Happy Hotel.


[Team-building exercise #21: A game of infernal dodgeball.]

Alastor, the Radio Demon, decided to commentate, adding a humorous and dramatic flair to the event.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first annual Hazbin Hotel Dodgeball Showdown!" Alastor announces with his usual theatrical enthusiasm and unnerving toothy smile."In the left corner, we have Team Daddyissues, and in the right, Team Suckalot!"

Tucker, on Team Suckalot, was up against Team Daddyissues, which included Angel Dust and Vaggie.

The game was not your typical dodgeball match; the balls were enchanted to zoom and zigzag unpredictably...

Oh, did I forget to mention they were also prone to spontaneous combustion... courtesy of Alastor of course.


Tucker was too agile...add on to his ninja skills, and he easily dodged ball after ball, his tail whipping behind him."Is this really the best Hell has to offer?" he taunts playfully.

Angel Dust, aiming a ball at Tucker, retorts, "You're just a fluffy target, Foxy! Wait till I get my hands on you!"

Vaggie, fiercely competitive, throws a curveball that Tucker narrowly avoids. "You're going down, Handyman!" she shouts.

Alastor's voice booms over the game "Oh, what a magnificent display of agility from our resident Gaurd Dog!!

"HEY!!!" Tucker was starting to really hate that nickname.

"It's like watching a ballet but with more violence and less tights!"

In a surprising twist, Nifty, became the MVP, dodging balls with ease and taking out opponents with surprising arm strength.

She giggled madly, burn marks all over her body...yet it seemed like she quite enjoyed the pain.

'Seriously what is wrong with that Girl.'

Sorry for the late realeas, I've had some exams and I've been working on my new fanfiction.

samadomkvcreators' thoughts