

It's been two weeks since I borrowed The Tablet of Life & Time and some Eternal Flame, and admirably, the news of the theft from Odin's vault has never spread, it seems that Odin doesn't want others to think that Asgard's security is weak.

While I studied the eternal flame a little, I never used it for anything, first, because I don't want to waste it, secondly, because I might need it in the future, third, because I don't think it can reproduce forever.

I also want to use it for another purpose later.

As for the tablet of life & time, I realized that obtaining the biochemical serum formula would take a lot of time and effort, because the true tablet is written with divine energy in different and ancient languages, and coded several times in different layers, and there are many safety measures.

One mistake and the board will be completely destroyed, so I must be very careful in handling it.

I sat at the dining table next to my father while we were waiting for my mother to put the food on the table, the table was not empty, but my mother did not like not filling her stomach and our stomachs.

Frankly, while we can survive for a longer time than humans without food, we can still consume a much larger amount without becoming obese or having side effects due to our rapid metabolism.

I don't live with them, but I still come very often, even though there is a definite reason why I came today.

While we were waiting for her, I stared indifferently at my baby brother who was sleeping innocently in the rocking chair in the corner of the room.

This brother of mine, named Eric trigevson, who has black hair and eyes, was only born about a week ago, but was already screaming as if his lungs were made of metal.

While others think he is cute and innocent, I know he is just a wolf in sheep's clothing, when I tried to carry him in the past, he launched his urine in purpose.

I don't like him, of course not! he's just annoying, when he grows up he's going to fight me to show he's the dominant brother, but I'll kick his ass and make him realize he's still the little shit he always was, yeah, ha ha ha ha, that's what I'm going to do! But until then I will treat him well.

While I was thinking about this, I couldn't help but smile evilly.

"Stop making these expressions!" said my mom as she placed a plate of meat, venison soup, and some other side dishes in front of me. "You're going to make your brother wake up"

"I bet he's already awake and waiting for time to pounce on his prey," I said while noticing that my mother had already put all the plates on the table.

"Stop it and start eating!" Mom said while she put the spoon in my hand.

Upon seeing this I sighed when I noticed that my parents had not changed even a little for hundreds of years, and began to eat while I engaged in small conversations with them about work and the things we do like training and magic.

After some time I chewed the piece of meat in my mouth and swallowed it before I started talking about the topic I had in mind "Mom, dad, what do you think about Olympus?"

They looked at me confusedly for a moment before my father said, "Oh, I haven't seen it before, but it sounds like a great place if your words are true."

"Hmm, right, son, is this part of your job? Gather people's opinion on Olympus?" My mother said while she ate another spoonful of her plate.

"Oh, guys, I made a very important decision on your behalf," I said, continuing upon noticing their flustered looks, "I think we should move to Olympus!"

"Okay," said Dad, but mom's voice overshadowed him, "Impossible!"

My mom turned to my father and stood up and said while frowning, "You agree with him ?! Hey, did you know what he wanted?"

"Hey, mom…" I said trying to prevent her from deducing things that didn't happen, because my dad didn't really know what I wanted but she simply said to me, "This is between me and your father, stay away!"

When I heard her say, I couldn't help but eat another spoonful of the soup while I started watching them.

"Hey, Helga, just relax!" My father said as he placed his hands in front of him to calm his wife, but he began to speak immediately when Helga continued to stare at him, "I didn't know he was about to say this!"

"But you immediately agreed with him, how do you expect me to believe that you did not know beforehand? And how can you make such an important decision only after Eric is born ?!"

"In fact, I took it on my own!" I said while I raised my hand while trying not to smile.

"All I did was say OK, and I was intending to find out why he did this first!" My father defensively said as he tried to sit my mother on her chair, "Why don't you sit down and calm down a little ?!"

After my mom sat and started staring at me, she started to say, "First, listen to me until I'm done, don't interrupt me, okay?"

When they remained silent, I began to explain to them, "First, the reason for me doing this is for my little brother. In Olympus he will be taught by minor gods about all kinds of things and not by ordinary soldiers, and he will not be brainwashed. Do you remember that slogan that was Should we chant it in the military school? Death for the throne, death for Asgard? He will not have to repeat it! "

"then he would grow up to be a coward!" Mom said.

"What? What does cowardice had to do with this? Do you not realize that we were being brainwashed with this motto? Eric will be taught everything about courage, friendship, company, and the importance of dying in a worthy battle, even that he will receive a much better academic and magical education!"

"Oh, that sounds like a good point, but don't you think he should grow up with his own kind?" My father, who was as helpful and accommodating as ever, said.

"To be subjected to discrimination by Aesirs as it happened to you and me?" I said as I moved my hand to the side, "More than 85% of Asgard is made up of Aesirs. We the vanir are in the minority. The fact that I didn't complain about this as a kid doesn't mean it didn't happen."

"We will be subjected to discrimination in Olympus as well, we are not even the same species, and things here are not really bad. All father married a Vanir," my mother said, "And your point is also weak."

"People there have already transcended over concepts such as discrimination, titans, Olympians, nymphs, furies, centaurs, Gorgons, cathonic deities, they all live in harmony, I am one of the 13 major Olympians! This means that no one will dare to discriminate against you," I said. "That Odin married a Vanir doesn't mean anything, just think ... ''

"Before Aesir and Vanir merged, we possessed prestige in the Nine Realms, they used to call us the wise gods, and the great gods, we were the ones who protected the nine worlds, our castles in Vanaheim were stronger and higher than any other castles, we were strong!" I said while I stressed my words. "All this ended after the end of the War of the realms. War was declared on us by our cousins, we lost, and we came to Asgard, but our numbers were impressive. Where did all these Vanirs go ?!"

Upon seeing their flustered faces, I said because I had already secured this house "War of Angels!"

"The angels' war ..." my father said in a confused manner, apparently not recognizing this name.

Well, Odin did a good job of hiding all traces of the existence of the Tenth realm.

"After the Aesir-Vanir War there was a war between Asgard and the Angels! And an army consisting of only Vanirs without a single Aesir was sent in order to confront the army of angels," I told them as I laid the spoon on the table.

"It is impossible for us to lose, right?" My mother said with suspicion.

"Yes, our army has been annihilated and there are no survivors left. That is why there are so few Vanirs." I told them, "I just want you to realize that Asgard can abandon you at any moment!"

I kept staring at them and decided to resort to seduction. "Also, it is impossible for you here to get golden apples, but on Olympus there is something similar called Ambrosia which is available to everyone! Anyone can eat it and get some extra years. !

"I don't know, I have to think a little bit…" my mom said as it seemed that she was starting to realize reality.

"We also work here, and I don't think All father will agree to us leaving," my father said.

"Guys, there is nothing to think about, you can work at Olympus or do anything! I am also the diplomat and the foreign minister and all this, I am the one who has the power to make this decision." I told them while I tried to persuade them, "I am sure you will like the People there, you will quickly forget your friends, mom, you will love the company of Eirene, Dad, I'm sure you get along well with Hephaestus or Apollo! ''

I paused for several seconds before saying, "If you don't want to agree, my only option is to kidnap you!"

Discord: https://discord.gg/CVgEx4Qx3d

it seems the mc don't want his family in asgard anymore

The_High_Fathercreators' thoughts