
Marvel(Deadpool): Transmigrated into the research institute

Paul traveled to the Marvel world with a Danganronpa game panel! As long as he unlocked achievements, he could gain super high school-level talents! Tony Stark: "I can make steel armor!" Paul: "Coincidentally, I can build Gundam." Domino: "My super ability is luck!" Paul: "Luck? I have that too." Doctor Strange: "You can also do magic?" Paul: "In modern society, there's no magic; it's just a child's fantasy." After finishing, Paul threw down a pile of cards, disappearing as they fell. -------------------------------------------------------- This is just a translation

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Chapter 10: The devil

Paul Left Sister Margaret's Bar.

Walking in the alley, Paul played with the black card in his hand.

One thousand USD for killing Jeff Mond, a member of the Russian Ross gang.

This was the black card Paul saw at the beginning, considered relatively low-level among the pile of black cards.

It's not that Paul didn't want to accept a higher-level black card commission; the main reason was that before accepting the commission, he needed to pay a deposit of 10% of the commission fee.

Definitely, Paul didn't have the money, but fortunately, Weasel helped him cover it temporarily.

After accepting the commission, Weasel provided some information about the target, including several places where the target frequented.

However, these places were a little far away.

Moreover, Paul was not familiar with the area and didn't know which direction to go. In this case, taking a taxi would have been a good choice, but Paul didn't even have a penny in his pocket, so how could he afford a taxi?

"Hey, Asian guy!"

Before he walked out of the alley, two young black men suddenly blocked Paul's way. One of them grinned wide, revealing two golden front teeth: "Hand over your money and phone..."

Before he finished speaking, Paul suddenly raised his foot and kicked him between the legs.

The big gold-toothed man stared wide-eyed, his eyeballs almost popping out of their sockets. He knelt on the ground, his expression dull, letting out an unconscious whine.

The other young man with dreadlocks was stunned. They had seen resistance before, but never anything this straightforward.

Sensing danger, the man with dreadlocks quickly tried to protect himself, but Paul's punch knocked him to the ground.

Paul reached for the young man in pain and found a pistol at his waist.

"As expected of America, look at this equipment drop rate. It's on a different level from other countries," Paul sighed, pointing the gun at the man with dreadlocks.

Facing the black muzzle, the man with dreadlocks raised his hands and lay down flat, expressing complete submission.

His movements were so smooth that Paul wondered if he had rehearsed this.

The man with dreadlocks, sensing trouble, tried to explain, "Man, this is a misunderstanding. We were just joking."

"It's okay, I like jokes too." Paul opened the safety of the pistol, put the muzzle on the man's forehead, and asked with a bright smile, "Now, tell me how bad you are, and I'll consider letting you go."

The man with dreadlocks was confused. What was this?

Paul urged impatiently, "Say it quickly!"

Under threat, the man with dreadlocks confessed, "I've robbed a few people of money and phones."

Paul checked the game panel, and there was an extra line of text next to the unlocking conditions.

[Target does not meet the conditions]

Paul shook his head. "Not bad enough."

The man with dreadlocks was disappointed. His criminal record was being dismissed so easily.

He continued, "I don't pay the 'girls' for their 'services'!"

"Still not bad enough."

"I peeked at my neighbor taking a shower!"

"Crazy enough, but not bad enough."


The man with dreadlocks kept listing his crimes. This was something the NYPD couldn't do, but Paul achieved it easily.

However, Paul was not happy.

Seeing that the panel still didn't match, Paul said in disgust, "Is that all? With such a record, you call yourself a bad guy? You're embarrassing all the bad guys!"

The man with dreadlocks remained silent. Paul had a gun, so he won the argument.

"Forget it. I knew achievements weren't that easy to unlock."

Paul shook his head in disappointment and took out another pistol from the man with dreadlocks, then addressed both of them.

"Take out everything valuable. Don't play tricks. Your companion might need some help, so assist him."

The two men knew they were beat. They took out all their cash and phones, and even helped each other empty their pockets.

Paul was dissatisfied. "Didn't you hear me? I meant everything valuable, including the gold teeth in his mouth. By the way, are your AJs genuine?" (A/N: AJ= Air Jordan)

He understood now.

Compared to the devil in front of him, his bad deeds were really nothing.