
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 222: Zod who wants to go to other universes

The thunder and fierce combo has become Spider-Man's most difficult battle so far. There is no way to get close to the enemy, or even dare to face his sharp edge. He can only dodge by virtue of his dexterity, and the spider is sensitive to it. The vigilance made him roll out, just avoiding the lightning-like stab, but at the moment when the attack missed, the spear flipped and forcibly reversed from the stab to a sweep, shooting Spider-Man flying out, crashing two cars on the side of the road.

Spider Silk Gwen descended from the sky and plunged into the path of the warrior, crossing her hands to block. Although she didn't understand the current situation, at least she knew that she couldn't let this armored warrior go on, or the new one would take it. The Spider-Man who came out could not bear it.

The spear twisted slightly, and the soldier had no intention of communicating with it. The boots stomped down, and the whole person burst into flames when the ground burst, but after the blink of an eye, the soldier was still a few meters away from Spider Gwen. The long spear swept out, and the beam-like impact collided with the long spear, and the violent air wave hit the smoke and dust filled wildly.

Wearing the latest nano armor, Tony fell to the side of Spider-Man who had just gotten up from the ground, and his tone seemed a little helpless and a headache.

"I can see you being beaten when I buy a hamburger, dear pajamas baby, I think I should set up two sets of fighting skills for you."

The latest nano armor?

Zod watched this scene with interest, Lorisk Knight, Soul World VS Marvel World.

Moreover, it is the Marvel world that he has transformed, strengthened and upgraded, and I don't know if he can beat Luoqi.

At the same time, the three people on the court didn't think so.

Most of the flesh and blood was torn off just by being rubbed by the spear, and a few ribs were broken by kicking. The combat power that can fight against those neuroses seems a little worthless in front of this knight. Without a weapon, it would be fierce. Approaching rashly under the light of the gun is tantamount to looking for death.

clang! !

The splashing sparks and the miss of the energy pulse ushered in a stronger counterattack. The long spear swept across the steel suit, and the rusty blade of the gun was like shredded cloth. This set was almost used by Tony as a daily costume. The suit he was wearing was torn out a huge hole, and Tony, who was under the impact, also flew upside down.

"Damn, I have to get new armor when I go back this time!" The pain made him grin, but the huge wound was also covered by the nano armor. Tony watched the spider Gwen and Peter who attacked the Knights of Losric after him. .

"Remote suppression, you guys, you can't fight melee completely, don't just go up like this, pajama baby, you come back to me!"

Although I don't know what is going on with this knight, Jarvis's judgment is that he cannot be suppressed in melee combat. To defeat him head-on, he must have an unimaginable martial arts, but now Tony himself is relying on In the fighting program simulated by Jarvis, Peter relied on the spider to induce Xia Jiba to fight, and the spider silk Gwen was also confused, and not half of them had so-called tactics.

Can't beat singles, can't beat teams, play wool?

"...Jarvis, push me all the remaining energy to my chest!" Like a light bulb that will light up in the special drama Ultraman, the Ark reactor on Tony's chest shines brightly. Locked on to the Spider-Man Gwen and Spider-Man, the Knight of Losric is just playing around.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to get bigger!"

Like a laser beam, the dazzling energy column erupted out, but the Knights of Losric seemed to have been prepared for a long time. The tapped spear danced like a hurricane, and the webs fired by multiple spider silk jets were swept away by the howling gale. , A fist with his left hand blasted and struck the battle shield. Before the impacted spider silk Gwen even flew out, he was forcibly pulled in front of him by the knight of Losric hooking the battle shield with his feet.

"Fcuk, how could there be such a pig teammate!" When the jetted energy pillar was about to hit, the spider Gwen was inserted during the period, and Tony hurriedly deflected the attack through the shops on the side street. Can't help but curse.

But at this moment, the Losric Knight suddenly squatted down, swept the right leg to knock down Captain America, and the gun also swept Tony Stark away.

The Lothric knight threw away the battle shield and walked towards them slowly with his spear. The blade of the gun rubbed on the ground and sputtered sparks, and the heavy pressure spread in all directions.

Zod expressed his disappointment. He didn't expect the three of them to be abused in turn under Luo Qihou's crotch.

Obviously the intensity is not very high, did they rely on unimaginable martial arts to defeat them.

Fortunately, the Hulk arrived at this time. Although the Lothric Knight was powerful, it was impossible to block such a strong enemy. He was quickly defeated and degraded naturally.

Next time, I will get a demon prince, big demon, enchanted warrior, and the **** of fear to choose to play.

Zod stretched.

At home, Angel Yan is sitting on the window sill, and a pair of wings behind her makes her look very beautiful and dusty.

This pair of wings were the genes of an angelic mutant that Zod finally found.

There are two types of mutants, angel type and demon type, which are like angels and demons in appearance, just like Nightcrawlers, Red Devils, and Devil-shaped women. They are all demon type mutants.

Angel mutants are "angels".

Once there was a battle between the two mutant races. Long, long ago, ordinary people thought it was a battle between angels and demons. Then the legend spread.

Of course there are no mutants in this world, because these recessive X genes lack the possibility of awakening, and it is also ruled out that the universe where the Scarlet Witch speaks the law and makes the mutants disappear... If so, all superpowers will disappear, and the X gene will not exist.

But fortunately, the Deadpool in this world is still an ordinary mercenary until now. If he turns into a very coquettish red tight one day, Zod will probably choose to go to the ancient master, and then Join forces and send Deadpool to harm other universes.

He would definitely do it, after all, Deadpool was too uncontrollable.

It's a pity that each parallel universe has its own set of infinite gems. This also makes Zod's desire to use space gems to venture into other universes to be empty talk, because the infinite gems of his own universe will be invalidated in other universes. I can't come back.

There are no two sets of infinite gems that can be used in the same universe.

But if he can switch to the movie universe, Zod is afraid that he will wake up from a dream.

Angel Yan looked back and smiled after seeing Zod's return.